Networks & Distributed Systems (335)
Assessed Coursework

Use the following links to download the version of the assessed coursework that is appropriate to you.

Depending on your browser, you may have to right-click and 'Save target as .. ' to download the ZIP file successfully.
After extracting the files from the archive provided, you should run install.csh (or install.bat on Windows) to obtain the appropriate build and execution scripts which are described below.

On linux you may have to use tcsh  i.e. type 'tcsh install.csh'  as sometimes the csh does not seem to work correctly

The downloaded archive will include:

You are not obliged to use these, however they should simplify the process of achieving working solutions. A few notes on the layout and support files follow:

The class MessageInfo (in the common folder) provides a container for the data to be sent and also has a constructor that extracts the data from a string representation. Outline code for each of the client/server pairs can be found in the rmi and udp folders.

The file "policy" is a simple configuration file required for the RMI code. More constrained policies are possible, but this should provide the lowest barrier to testing.

The Makefile allows Linux users to use make to compile the various parts of the exercise. It can also be used to help configure your preferred development environment with the correct commands, flags and parameters.

Windows users can use the build.bat script to compile the exercise in the same way. The other shell scripts (rmiclient (.bat or .csh) etc) allow users to execute the various parts of the exercise.

Please e-mail with any problems / issues to  Anandha Gopalan <>