Norms, Actions, Games:

London, April 1-2, 2014

Martin van Hees

I will present a methodological reconstruction of Kant's `Formula of Universal Law' (FUL) version of the Categorical Imperative. A formal structure consisting of possible worlds and games -- a `game frame' -- is used to implement Kant's concept of a maxim and to define the two tests FUL comprises: the `contradiction in conception' and `contradiction in the will' tests. Firstly, the model provides a formal account of the variables that are built into FUL: agents, maxims, intentions, actions, and outcomes. This establishes a clear benchmark for understanding how the mechanics of FUL actually work. Secondly, the analysis of the resulting framework sheds new light on discussions about the obligations following from FUL. I conclude with a discussion of some methodological implications of the analysis.