Department of Computing Imperial College

This page needs updating - mail us if you have any queries.

On the webserver

The version of PHP installed on the webserver (correct 2003/02/01) is 4.3.0.


The benefit of using the CGI version of PHP is that the permissions on the file can be more strict. Either as a personal user or as a group member (with group webspace), you can hide data like passwords from malicious users.

The following example shows files, permissions and a test script for a user called 'help'.

CGI setup for user help
$ pwd

$ ld -lad /homes/help/public_html
drwxr-xr-x   20 help    csg          8192 Feb  1 14:10 ./

$ ls -la test.cgi
-rwx------    1 help    csg            44 Feb  1 13:45 test.cgi

$ cat test.cgi
echo "hello world";

Notice that the file suffix is .cgi, but .php will be understood as CGI as well. At the top of the file we have added the directive #!/usr/bin/php. Finally the permissions mean that only the user may read, write and execute this file. How does the webserver serve this page? For a definitive answer see the Apache suEXEC pages.

Files must be in Unix format, not Windows. The Programmer's File Editor (Start -> Programs -> Editors -> PFE) on Windows workstations has an option under "File/Save As" to use Unix format, or from the Linux command line dos2unix can be used to convert Windows files.

Pay particular attention to the permissions on the containing directory. The group must match your primary group and under no circumstances must group or other have write permissions. The same is true of the CGI file itself.

Finally, help goes to to view the results.

Errors can be checked in the suexec log which for home directory accesses is now in /vol/wwwhomeslogs/suexec_log

Group project areas

A few things to note about permissions if you are running scripts from a group project areas (ie. somewhere in /vol/project/...).

PEAR Libraries

PEAR is short for "PHP Extension and Application Repository". PEAR libraries are available both on the webserver and on user workstations. While we establish a reliable mechanism for maintaining the DoC PEAR install, there may be differences between packages installed on the webserver and elsewhere.

Webserver installed PEAR packages
Installed packages:
| Package              | Version | State  |
| Archive_Tar          | 1.0     | stable |
| Auth                 | 1.2.0   | stable |
| Auth_HTTP            | 1.0.1   | stable |
| Auth_SASL            | 1.0.0   | stable |
| Cache                | 1.5.2   | stable |
| Cache_Lite           | 1.0.1   | stable |
| Config               | 1.1     | beta   |
| Console_Getopt       | 1.0     | stable |
| Console_Table        | 1.0     | stable |
| DB                   | 1.3     | stable |
| DBA                  | 1.0     | stable |
| DB_DataObject        | 0.14    | stable |
| DB_QueryTool         | 0.9.2   | stable |
| Date                 | 1.3     | stable |
| File                 | 1.0.3   | stable |
| File_Find            | 0.2.0   | stable |
| File_HtAccess        | 1.0.0   | stable |
| File_SearchReplace   | 1.0.1   | stable |
| HTML_Common          | 1.0     | stable |
| HTML_Crypt           | 1.1     | stable |
| HTML_Form            | 1.0     | stable |
| HTML_Javascript      | 1.0.0   | stable |
| HTML_QuickForm       | 2.7     | stable |
| HTML_Select_Common   | 1.1     | stable |
| HTML_Table           | 1.3     | stable |
| HTML_Template_IT     | 1.1.1   | stable |
| HTML_Template_Xipe   | 1.7.2   | stable |
| HTML_TreeMenu        | 1.1.2   | stable |
| HTTP                 | 1.2     | stable |
| HTTP_Request         | 1.1.1   | stable |
| HTTP_Upload          | 0.8.1   | stable |
| Image_Color          | 0.4     | stable |
| Image_GIS            | 1.0.0   | stable |
| Image_GraphViz       | 1.0.1   | stable |
| Log                  | 1.6.0   | stable |
| Mail                 | 1.0.2   | stable |
| Mail_Mime            | 1.2.1   | stable |
| Mail_Queue           | 1.0     | stable |
| Math_Basex           | 0.2     | stable |
| Math_Integer         | 0.8     | stable |
| Math_TrigOp          | 1.0     | stable |
| Net_CheckIP          | 1.1     | stable |
| Net_DNS              | 0.03    | stable |
| Net_Dict             | 1.0.3   | stable |
| Net_Dig              | 0.1     | stable |
| Net_Finger           | 1.0.0   | stable |
| Net_NNTP             | 0.1     | stable |
| Net_POP3             | 1.2     | stable |
| Net_Ping             | 1.0.1   | stable |
| Net_Portscan         | 1.0.1   | stable |
| Net_SMTP             | 1.1.2   | stable |
| Net_Socket           | 1.0.1   | stable |
| Net_URL              | 1.0.7   | stable |
| Net_UserAgent_Detect | 1.0     | stable |
| PEAR                 | 1.0.1   | stable |
| PEAR_Frontend_Web    | 0.2.2   | beta   |
| Pager                | 1.0.7   | stable |
| Pager_Sliding        | 1.3     | stable |
| Payment_Clieop       | 0.1.1   | stable |
| Science_Chemistry    | 1.0.3   | stable |
| Stream_SHM           | 1.0.0   | stable |
| System_Command       | 1.0     | stable |
| TCLink               | 3.3.1   | stable |
| Translation          | 1.2.3   | stable |
| Var_Dump             | 0.2     | stable |
| XML_CSSML            | 1.1     | stable |
| XML_Parser           | 1.0     | stable |
| XML_RPC              | 1.0.4   | stable |
| XML_RSS              | 0.9.1   | stable |
| XML_Transformer      | 0.8     | stable |
| XML_Tree             | 1.1     | stable |
| XML_fo2pdf           | 0.97    | stable |
| XML_image2svg        | 0.1     | stable |
CSG / 2003