Here you can download the Kenya software. For instructions on how to run it, please see the included readme file, or the user guide.
New - Kenya 4.6
Latest stable version - last updated November 16, 2009
- Kenya requires that you have Java installed.
- Ensure that you have at least JDK 1.5 installed.
- The Kenya installer is written in Java, so install Java before downloading
- Download the kenya installer appropriate for your system:
- Linux 32
bit(4.5MB download)
- Linux 64
bit(5.8MB download)
- MacOS X 32
bit (Cocoa)(5.6MB download)
- MacOS X 64
bit(5.4MB download)
- Windows(5.1MB download)
- Windows 64(6.4MB download)
- Under Windows you should be able to just double-click on the jar file to launch the installer.
- Under Linux, run the command
java -jar kenya-4.6-linuxXX.jar
(where XX is 32 or 64 as appropriate)
- Under Linux, some users may find that buttons are unclickable. This is a symptom of the problem described here. The solution is to export GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=true in a terminal before running the script.
- Under MacOSX, run the installer. MacOSX 10.3 (Panther) or higher is required and Java 1.5 is required (which may mean 10.4 is required).
- Mac users may wish to read the Mac Faq to work out the right version of Kenya for them.
Source code
Kenya is open source, you can download the source here: