
Operators are things that are used to build expressions between variables, literals and functioncalls, below is the reference for all the operators in Kenya and what the types they operate upon are.

Table 1.1. Kenya Boolean Operators

&&conditional andboolean and, but only evaluates the second operand if the first one is true
void main(){
	boolean b = false;
	if( func1() && b ){
		/*definatly does not run*/
||conditional orboolean or, but only evaluates the second operand if the first one is false
void main(){
	boolean a = true;
	if( a || func2() ){
		/*definatly runs*/
^binary xorthe result is binary xor (exclusive-or) of its two boolean arguments
void main(){
	boolean a = true;
	boolean b = true;
	if( a ^ b ){
		/* definatly does not run */
!binary negationThe result is the bianary negation of its argument
void main(){
	boolean a = true;
	if( !a ){
		/* definatly does not run */

Table 1.2. Kenya Numerical Operators

+PlusAdds two numbers, and returns the result
void main(){
	//Prints out 5.
	int x = 3 + 2;
	println( x );
-SubtractSubtracts two numbers, and returns the result
void main(){
	//Prints out 3
	int x = 5 - 2;
	println( x );
*MultiplyMultiplies two numbers, and returns the result
void main(){
	//Prints out 6
	int x = 3 * 2;
	println( x );
/DivideDivides two numbers. If both numbers are int's, this does an integer division (i.e. rounds the result), if either is a double, it does a double-precision division
void main(){
	//Prints out 1
	int x = 3 / 2;
	//Prints out 1.5
	double d = 3.0 / 2.0;
%ModuloReturns the remainder from dividing two numbers
void main(){
	//Prints out 1
	int x = 3 % 2;
	println( x );

Table 1.3. Kenya Relational Operators

<less thancompares two numeric arguments (char, int, double) and returns binary true if the left-hand argument is less than the right hand argument, or binary false otherwise
void main(){
	int a = 3;
	double d = 1.0;
	if( d < a ){
		/* this definatly runs */
<=less than or equalscompares two numeric arguments (char, int, double) and returns binary true if the left-hand argument is less than or equal to the right hand argument, or binary false otherwise
void main(){
	int a = 3;
	double d = 1.0;
	if( d <= a ){
		/* this definatly runs */
>greater thancompares two numeric arguments (char, int, double) and returns binary true if the left-hand argument is greater than the right hand argument, or binary false otherwise
void main(){
	int a = 3;
	double d = 1.0;
	if( d > a ){
		/* this definatly does not run */
>=greater than or equalscompares two numeric arguments (char, int, double) and returns binary true if the left-hand argument is greater than or equal to the right hand argument, or binary false otherwise
void main(){
	int a = 3;
	double d = 1.0;
	if( d >= a ){
		/* this definatly does not run */


In previous versions of Kenya there where friendly versions of '&&', '||' and '!' ( being called 'and', 'or' and 'not' ). These have now been dropped as they are not in java.

All the operators above have the same function in java (except for String equality as noted), however there are a few extra things you can do in java that you can't do in Kenya:

  • '&' and '|' are not in kenya ( binary operators that definatly evaluate both the left and right hand side of the expression ).

  • The bitwise operators/versions of '&', '|', '~', '^' are not in Kenya.

  • The instanceof operator is not in Kenya.

  • The integer-bitwise shift operators <<, >> and >>> are not in Kenya.