Advanced Kenya Features Examples

This is a program which acts as a reverse polish notation calculator, there are two versions, one using Linked Lists, the other uses Arrays.

Example 4.2. Advanced Kenya Features Example - With Linked Lists.

* Tristan Allwood (toa02 AT
* Reverse Polish Notation calculator example in Kenya
* Demonstrating enumerated types, generics, autoboxing
* This version uses Linked-List based stacks.
* Input on std input an RPN calculation (e.g.
* 1 2 + 3 * means 1 + 2 * 3
* 4 2 / means 4 / 2
* and on std out printed is the result ( e.g. 9 and 2 above ).
* Error cases are not handled gracefully here, esp no input = crash.
* Operators are +, -, *, /, % everything else that is not a number [0-9] is
* interpreted as ignorable whitespace.

* Program entry point, prints a welcome and then calls necessary methods
* to run the program
void main(){
    //Print a welcome
    println("Welcome to the calculator!");
    println("Please enter a calculation to be performed in reverse polish notation");
    //Build the stacks of numbers and operators
    Pair<Stack<int>,Stack<Operator>> stacks = buildStacks();
    //Calculate the result from these
    int result = mainLoop(stacks.b,stacks.a);
    //Print out the result
    println( "The answer is: " + result );

* An enumeration of the Operators / Elements of the processed input stack.
* Number means that that element is a number ( found in the numbers stack )
enum Operator{
    Plus, Minus, Times, Divide, Modulo, Number;

* Processes a stack of operators and a stack of numbers and uses them
* to calculate the result of the calculation.
int mainLoop( Stack<Operator> operators, Stack<int> numbers ){
    Stack<int> tmpNums;
    while( hasNext(operators) ){
        Operator op = pop(operators);
        if ( op == Operator.Number ) {
            push( tmpNums, pop(numbers) );
        } else {
            int snd = pop(tmpNums);
            int fst = pop(tmpNums);
            switch( op ) {
                case Plus:{
                    push(tmpNums, fst + snd);
                case Minus:{
                    push(tmpNums, fst - snd);
                case Times:{
                    push( tmpNums, fst * snd);
                case Divide:{
                    push( tmpNums, fst / snd);
                case Modulo:{
                    push( tmpNums, fst % snd );
    return pop(tmpNums);

* Builds the safer Stacks of operators and ints by parsing standard input.
Pair< Stack<int>, Stack<Operator> > buildStacks(){
    Stack<int> numStack;
    Stack<Operator> wholeStack;
    Stack<char> inputStack = getInputStack();
    for( char c = pop(inputStack) ; hasNext( inputStack ) ; c = pop(inputStack) ){
        if( '0' <= c & c <= '9' ){
            push( inputStack, c );
            int value = readNumber( inputStack );
            push(numStack, value );
            push(wholeStack, Operator.Number );
        } else {
            switch( c ){
                case '+':{
                    push( wholeStack, Operator.Plus );
                case '-':{
                    push( wholeStack, Operator.Minus );
                case '/':{
                    push( wholeStack, Operator.Divide );
                case '*':{
                    push( wholeStack, Operator.Times );
                case '%':{
                    push( wholeStack, Operator.Modulo );
                    /* any other letter is just ignored */
        } //else    
    Pair< Stack<int>, Stack<Operator> > retVal;
    retVal.a = numStack;
    retVal.b = wholeStack;
    return retVal;

* Converts a number representation on the stack (e.g. [1,2,3] )
* into its real value ( 123 )
int readNumber( Stack<char> source ){
    int number = 0;
    char c = pop(source);
    while( '0' <= c & c <= '9' ){
        number = number * 10 + ( c - '0' );
        c = pop(source);
    push( source , c );
    return number;

* Turns standard input into a stack of characters.
Stack<char> getInputStack(){
    Stack<char> theStack;
    for( char c = read() ; c != toChar(-1) ; c = read() ){
        push(theStack, c);
    return theStack;

/* -------------------------- */
/* *** Pair utility class *** */
/* -------------------------- */
class Pair<T,Q> {
    T a;
    Q b;

/* ----------------------------------------- */
/* *** General Stack Library Stuff Below *** */
/* ----------------------------------------- */

* Reverses the given stack.
<T> void reverseStack( Stack<T> stack){
    Stack<T> out;
    while( hasNext(stack) ){
        push( out, pop(stack) );
    stack.head = out.head;

* Prints out the given stack.
<T> void printStack(Stack<T> stack){
    LinkedList<T> top = stack.head;
    print("[ " );
    while( top != null ) {
        print( top.node + " ");
        top =;

* Returns true iff the given stack has a "next" element
<T> boolean hasNext( Stack<T> stack ){
    return stack.head != null;

* pushes a value onto the top of the given stack
<T> void push( Stack<T> stack, T value ){
    LinkedList<T> top;
    top.node = value; = stack.head;
    stack.head = top;

* pops a value off the top of a given stack
<T> T pop( Stack<T> stack ){
    T value = stack.head.node;
    stack.head =;
    return value;

* A Stack class ( holds a pointer to a LinkedList )
class Stack<T>{
    LinkedList<T> head;

* A LinkedList class ( used to back a Stack )
class LinkedList<T>{
    LinkedList<T> next;
    T node;

Example 4.3. Advanced Kenya Features - With Arrays

* Tristan Allwood (toa02 AT
* Reverse Polish Notation calculator example in Kenya
* Demonstrating enumerated types, generics, autoboxing
* This version uses Array based stacks.
* Input on std input an RPN calculation (e.g.
* 1 2 + 3 * means 1 + 2 * 3
* 4 2 / means 4 / 2
* and on std out printed is the result ( e.g. 9 and 2 above ).
* Error cases are not handled gracefully here, esp no input = crash.
* Operators are +, -, *, /, % everything else that is not a number [0-9] is
* interpreted as ignorable whitespace.

const int BUFFER_SIZE = 30; // how big a buffer to use for the arrays.

* Program entry point, prints a welcome and then calls necessary methods
* to run the program
void main(){
    //Print a welcome
    println("Welcome to the calculator!");
    println("Please enter a calculation to be performed in reverse polish notation");
    //Build the stacks of numbers and operators
    Pair<Stack<int>,Stack<Operator>> stacks = buildStacks();
    //Calculate the result from these
    int result = mainLoop(stacks.b,stacks.a);
    //Print out the result
    println( "The answer is: " + result );

* An enumeration of the Operators / Elements of the processed input stack.
* Number means that that element is a number ( found in the numbers stack )
enum Operator{
    Plus, Minus, Times, Divide, Modulo, Number;

* Processes a stack of operators and a stack of numbers and uses them
* to calculate the result of the calculation.
int mainLoop( Stack<Operator> operators, Stack<int> numbers ){
    Stack<int> tmpNums = newStack( new Integer[BUFFER_SIZE]);
    while( hasNext(operators) ){
        Operator op = pop(operators);
        if ( op == Operator.Number ) {
            push( tmpNums, pop(numbers) );
        } else {
            int snd = pop(tmpNums);
            int fst = pop(tmpNums);
            switch( op ) {
                case Plus:{
                    push(tmpNums, fst + snd);
                case Minus:{
                    push(tmpNums, fst - snd);
                case Times:{
                    push( tmpNums, fst * snd);
                case Divide:{
                    push( tmpNums, fst / snd);
                case Modulo:{
                    push( tmpNums, fst % snd );
    return pop(tmpNums);

* Builds the safer Stacks of operators and ints by parsing standard input.
Pair< Stack<int>, Stack<Operator> > buildStacks(){
    Stack<int> numStack = newStack( new Integer[ BUFFER_SIZE] );
    Stack<Operator> wholeStack = newStack( new Operator[BUFFER_SIZE] );
    Stack<char> inputStack = getInputStack();
    for( char c = pop(inputStack) ; hasNext( inputStack ) ; c = pop(inputStack) ){
        if( '0' <= c & c <= '9' ){
            push( inputStack, c );
            int value = readNumber( inputStack );
            push(numStack, value );
            push(wholeStack, Operator.Number );
        } else {
            switch( c ){
                case '+':{
                    push( wholeStack, Operator.Plus );
                case '-':{
                    push( wholeStack, Operator.Minus );
                case '/':{
                    push( wholeStack, Operator.Divide );
                case '*':{
                    push( wholeStack, Operator.Times );
                case '%':{
                    push( wholeStack, Operator.Modulo );
                    /* any other letter is just ignored */
        } //else    
    Pair< Stack<int>, Stack<Operator> > retVal;
    retVal.a = numStack;
    retVal.b = wholeStack;
    return retVal;

* Converts a number representation on the stack (e.g. [1,2,3] )
* into its real value ( 123 )
int readNumber( Stack<char> source ){
    int number = 0;
    char c = pop(source);

    while( '0' <= c & c <= '9' ){
        number = number * 10 + ( c - '0' );
        c = pop(source);
    push( source , c );
    return number;

* Turns standard input into a stack of characters.
Stack<char> getInputStack(){
    Stack<char> theStack = newStack( new Character[BUFFER_SIZE] );
    for( char c = read() ; c != toChar(-1) ; c = read() ){
        push(theStack, c);
    return theStack;

/* -------------------------- */
/* *** Pair utility class *** */
/* -------------------------- */
class Pair<T,Q> {
    T a;
    Q b;

/* ----------------------------------------- */
/* *** General Stack Library Stuff Below *** */
/* ----------------------------------------- */

* Since in generics you can't create an array of
* Template type at runtime, you have to provide
* the backing buffer when you create a new Stack.
* This is a method that emulates the constructor.
<T> Stack<T> newStack( T[] backBuffer ){
    Stack<T> newStack; = backBuffer;
    return newStack;

* Reverses the given stack.
<T> void reverseStack( Stack<T> stack){
    T[] array =;
    int max = stack.cPos - 1;
    for( int i = 0 ; i < max ; i++ ){
        T tmp = array[i];
        array[i] = array[max];
        array[max] = tmp;

* Prints out the given stack.
<T> void printStack(Stack<T> stack){
    print("[ ");
    for( int i = 0 ; i < stack.cPos ; i++ ){
        print([i] + " " );

* Returns true iff the given stack has a "next" element
<T> boolean hasNext( Stack<T> stack ){
    return stack.cPos > 0;

* pushes a value onto the top of the given stack
<T> void push( Stack<T> stack, T value ){[stack.cPos] = value;

* pops a value off the top of a given stack
<T> T pop( Stack<T> stack ){
    T value =[stack.cPos];[stack.cPos] = null; // just for safety
    return value;

* A Stack class
class Stack<T>{
    T[] store;
    int cPos;