II    Caveats

Eclipse version discrepancies

The KenyaEclipse version for Eclipse 3.0 uses inofficial API from debug.ui. The class org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.stringsubstitution.StringVariableSelectionDialog is directly referenced by kenya.eclipse.debug.ui.launchconfig.ArgumentsTab. The class has been promoted to official API in the 3.1 release and as thus its package has changed. If developing for Eclipse 3.1 and above you must make sure that the import reads org.eclipse.debug.ui.StringVariableSelectionDialog.

The Eclipse milestone build 3.1M5 has introduced an 'insert EOF' feature for the Console View. It is activated by a platform specific keyboard command (ctrl-d or ctrl-z). For Eclipse 3.1, the insertEOF action could thus be removed and the manual updated accordingly.