Chapter 3. Kenya Built In Functions

Tristan Allwood

Table 3.1. Kenya Built In Numerical Functions

int abs(int param);
double abs(double param);
Returns the absolute value of a number, e.g. -1 becomes 1
void main(){
  int i = -1;
  // prints out 1;
  println( abs( i ) ); 

  double d = 0.3;
  // prints out 0.3;
  println( abs( d ) ); 
int ceil(double param); Returns the ceiling of a number (i.e. rounds it up)
void main(){
  // prints out 3;
  println( ceil( 2.4 ) ); 
  // prints out -2;
  println( ceil( -2.4) ); 
double exp(double param); Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of a double value
void main(){  
  // prints out e 
  // to-the-power-of 3	
  println( exp( 3 ) ); 
int floor(double param); Returns the floor of a number (i.e. rounds it down)
void main(){
  // prints out 2;
  println( floor( 2.4 ) ); 
  // prints out -3;
  println( floor( -2.4) ); 
double log(double param); Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of a double value
void main(){
  //prints out log base e of 3
  println( log( 3 ) );
double pow(double a,
           double b);
Returns the first argument raised to the power of the second argument
void main(){
  //prints out 8.0
  println( pow( 2, 3) );
double random(); Returns a double value with a positive sign, greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0. Returned values are chosen pseudorandomly with (approximately) uniform distribution from that range.
void main(){
  //prints out 10 random numbers
  //between 0 and 10
  for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
    println( random() * 10 );
int round(double param); Returns the closes int value to the argument
void main(){
  //prints out 2
  println( round( 2.1 ) );

  //prints out 3
  println( round( 2.5 ) );
char toChar(int param); Allows a casting of an int argument to char type (i.e. lets you convert an int to a char).
void main(){

	//prints out 'A'
	char c = toChar(65);
	println( c );
double sqrt(double param); Returns the correctly rounded positive square root of a double value.
void main(){
  //prints out 10.0
  println( sqrt( 100 ) );

Table 3.2. Kenya Built In Trigonometric Functions

double sin(double angle); Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle (given in radians).
const double PI = 3.141592653589793;

void main(){
  //computes roughly 0.5;
  double angleInRadians = 30 * PI / 180;
  println( sin( angleInRadians ) );
double cos(double angle); Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle (given in radians).
const double PI = 3.141592653589793;

void main(){
  //computes roughly 0.5;
  double angleInRadians = 60 * PI / 180;
  println( cos( angleInRadians ) );
double tan(double angle); Returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle (given in radians).
const double PI = 3.141592653589793;
const double ANGLE = 30.96375653;
void main(){

  //computes roughly 0.6;
  double angleInRadians = ANGLE * PI / 180;
  println( tan( angleInRadians ) );
double asin(double a); Returns the arc sine of the parameter a (given in radians).
const double PI = 3.141592653589793;

void main(){
	//computes roughtly 30
	double angleInRadians = asin( 0.5 );
	println( angleInRadians * 180 / PI );
double acos(double a); Returns the arc cosine of the parameter a ( given in radians).
const double PI = 3.141592653589793;

void main(){
	//computes roughtly 60
	double angleInRadians = acos( 0.5 );
	println( angleInRadians * 180 / PI );
double atan(double a); Returns the arc tangent of the parameter a (given in radians).
const double PI = 3.141592653589793;

void main(){
	//computes roughtly 30.96375653; 
	double angleInRadians = atan( 0.6 );
	println( angleInRadians * 180 / PI );

Table 3.3. Kenya Built In Input-Output Functions

void print(boolean a);
void print(char c);
void print(int i);
void print(double d);
void print(<CLASS_TYPE> act);
Prints out a (usually) sensible String representation of the provided argument to the standard output stream.
void main(){

  //prints out 
  // "the trueth hurts!"
  String s = "the";

  char c = '\n';

  boolean b = true;

  print(' ');
  print("th hurts!");
void println();
void println(boolean a);
void println(char c);
void println(int i);
void println(double d);
void println(<CLASS_TYPE> act);

Prints out a (usually) sensible string represntation of the provided object to the standard output stream, followed by a newline symbol.

The no-argument form of this method simply prints out a newline character.

void main(){

  /* prints out:

th hurts!
  String s = "the";
  char c = '\n';

  boolean b = true;

  println("th hurts!");
char read(); Returns the next non-whitespace (i.e. non space,tab, or newline) char on the input stream.
void main(){

//prints a non-whitespace
// char in a box
  println("Enter a character");
  char c = read();
  println("#" + c + "#");
char readChar(); Returns the next char on the input stream.
void main(){

//prints a char in a box.

  println("Enter a character");
  char c = readChar();
  println("#" + c + "#");
int readInt(); Skipping any whitespace on the input stream, attempts to parse the next characters as an integer, and returns that value.
void main(){

//asks for two numbers
//and prints them out
//in descending order.

  println("Enter 2 integers");
  int a = readInt();
  int b = readInt();
  if(a > b){
    print(a + "," + b);
    print(b + "," + a);

double readDouble(); Skipping any whitespace on the input stream, attempts to parse the next characters as a double, and returns that value.
void main(){

//asks for two numbers
//and prints them out
//in descending order.

  println("Enter 2 numbers");
  double a = readDouble();
  double b = readDouble();
  if(a > b){
    print(a + "," + b);
    print(b + "," + a);

String readString(); Skipping whitespace (and using whitespace as a delimeter), reads the next String from standard input.
void main(){
	println("Please enter your name");
	String s = readString();
	println("Hello " + s );
boolean isEOF(); Returns true iff the end of file has been reached on standard input.
void main(){
	println("Please enter your" +
			" full name" +
			", then press EOF");
	String s = "";
		s = s + " " + readString();
	println("Hello" + s);

To help illustrate the I/O Functions better, here is a larger example involving several of them together:

Example 3.1. Input-Output Built In Functions

void main(){
    println("Please enter your name: ");
    String name = readString();
    println("Hello " + name);
    println("Would you like to play a game? [y/n]");
    char c = read();
    if( c == 'y' || c == 'Y' ){

	println("I'm now going to say what you say " +
			"until you stop saying what you say.");

void playGame(){
         int val = round( random() * 10);
        println("Guess the number between 0 and 10 ");
        int guess = readInt();
        if( guess == val ){
            println("Wrong, the answer was " + val );