Department of Computing PhD timeframe

Note the first year is different from subsequent years in that all milestones and deadline are the same regardless you being full or part-time


UoL or DoC

Due in date

(April starters in brackets)




Part-time and RAs



Begin Log book




Immediate - 0 months:  English Language proficiency test for non-native English speakers

Immediate - 0 months:  English Language proficiency test for non-native English speakers

If not applicable, exemption may be requested by Supervisor and Postgraduate Tutor.



IC/B form has to be completed within one month of registering




January 10th (June 10th)

Year 1 –Periodic Progress Report for all

IC/UoL and DoC

PhD week –June


Year 1 – Milestone 1:

First Year Report (about 20 pages) and Presentation (25-30 minutes) and examination of Log Book

(same as full-time). Part-time students will have time taken into account.

Progress is assessed by reviewers; if unsatisfactory, students may be asked to re-submit. If not successful, student may be asked to withdraw. Part-time students will have time taken into account


End of first year

Outcome of courses attended (if required)

Outcome of courses attended (if required)

Progress is assessed by coursework (and exam in some cases). If not successful, student may be asked to withdraw

Possible outcomes: 1) continue MPhil/PhD, 2) asked to withdraw

Re- register for New Academic Year


January 10th

(June 10th)

Year 2 - Periodic Feedback Form

Periodic Feedback Form

Students and Supervisors are asked to fill feedback on progression and supervision. Confidential and required.


IC/UoL and DoC


Year 2, Month 12-15 - MPhil to PhD transfer

Seminar and extensive written report, together with the outline of thesis, and plans for completion.


Examination of Log Book

Year 4, Months 24 - 36: MPhil to PhD transfer

 Seminar and extensive written report, together with the outline of thesis, and plans for completion.

Transfer from MPhil to PhD registration is approximately halfway through the second year and can only happen if all GSEPS modules have been completed.


Hilfred Chau Memorial Prize awarded for best MPhil/PhD Transfer Report

Possible outcomes: 1) continue to PhD, 2) continue for MPhil, 3) asked to withdraw

Re- register for New Academic Year



Year 2 – 24 months – minimum completion of full-time study for MPhil, PhD and DIC




January 30th

Year 3 Month 28 – Plan for Finalization

and examination of Log Book

Month 40 – Plan for Finalization

Student and Supervisor draw up a plan for finalization of the research and write up of thesis within the end of third year.



Year 3 – 27 months – latest submission date for MPhil dissertation &DIC




Fiesta Day (PhD week) June

Year Three- Research Presentation (30 min seminar)


Periodic progress report must indicate if student is going to be taking more than three years. If EPSRC student then permission must be granted by PGTut to allow this!



Year 3 – 40 months Latest date for submission of PhD Examination Entry Forms





Year 3 – 36 months – Latest Date for submission of normal full-time PhD dissertation





Year 3 – 36 months Vacate Desk (See space allocation sec. To get reassigned space)

Year 3 – review of desk situation (See space allocation sec)

Outcomes: Desk reallocated, Hot-desk and rota allocated, no facilities given.

Re- register for EACH New Academic Year



Year 4 – from 40 months to 60 – Bi-Monthly Progress Report and examination of Log Book

Year 4-8: 6 bi-monthly Progress Reports

Every two months students fill in a progress report until the end