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e-AR Lite Sensor Interface - Installation Instructions for Application Programming

Installing onto a Windows machine

Click here to download the driver, and extract the files onto a directory (i.e. c:\temp).

Note: You may have to install the driver manually:

Java LibUSB

In addition to the driver, you will also need to install the Java Lib USB, to enable the Java interface with the sensor via USB

Java and Java Plugin

Installing onto a Mac machine

Installing onto a Linux machine

To make the library on a Mac machine

Note you need to have administrative right to install the necessary software onto a Mac Machine

Compiling a Java Applet with JSObject on Mac

To compile a Java Applet which uses the JSObject to create an interface with a Java script using a Mac machine, you will have to do the following:

To make the library on a Linux machine

Note: in linux the LibusbJava function call usb_interrupt_read/write does not work, so you have to use usb_bulk_read/write instead)
Note: To run the java program, you need to use sudo (ie >sudo java eARLiteInterface)