Computer Graphics - Coursework
Important note: The Computer Graphics coursework MUST be submitted electronically via CATE. For the deadline of the coursework see CATE.


Before reading further please read the description of the environment and data formats below!

The goal of the coursework is to produce a realistic looking 3D rendering of a face. You need to solve ALL THREE of the following tasks:

  1. Produce and submit three different renderings which show the face rendered using Gouraud shading. You should use different view points and lighting conditions for all three renderings. One of the renderings should have a view point and lighting which is as similar as possible to the renderings shown below.
  2. Produce and submit one rendering with a texture mapping (see below for details about the texture map and texture coordinates in the data files)
  3. Produce and submit two animations: In the first animation you should rotate the camera 360 degrees around the face. In the second animation zoom in and out of the face. Both animations should contain at least 20 frames and should be saved as animated gifs (you can use various tools to create animated gifs, for example ImageMagick or gifmerge).
You also need to submit your source code (a tar/zip file) which you wrote to produce the renderings.


The coursework for the graphics course are practical programming exercises which should be done using OpenGL. The task is to generate different visualizations of a surface model of a face using the data shown below:


The programming environment for the exercises is OpenGL on the Linux/X11 machines of the department. OpenGL should be installed on all Linux/X11 machines. You can also use the Windows machines in the lab but I recommend to use the Linux environment. You can program either in C or C++. You can download a skeleton OpenGL program (for Linux) from here: Create a new directory in your home directory and download all three files into this directory. To compile the program, go to the new directory and type make. This should compile the sample program for you. To run the sample program, type ./cgRender. The skeleton OpenGL program should create an empty window for you. Take a good look at the skeleton program. It contains a number of hints on how to use OpenGL to start solving the coursework. If you have questions about the coursework come to the tutorials!


You can download the data file for an exisiting surface model of a face from here. This surface model consists of vertex coordinates, polygon data and texture coordinates. You can assume that the surface model contains only simple and planar polygons. In addition, you can assume that the surface model is consistent, i.e. the ordering of vertices of the polygons is always the same. The surface model is stored in a file which has the following four parts:
# vtk DataFile Version 3.0
Somebody's face
You can download the data file for a 512 x 512 texture map of a face from here. The texture maps are represented as PPM files with a short ascii header followed by the R (red), G (green) and B (blue) components for each pixel as a separate unsigned byte. To find out how the typical header of a PPM file looks like try man ppm.
Daniel Rueckert