=============================================== README.TXT -- SOURCE CODE ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENT =============================================== Paper title: Model-driven Application Refactoring to Minimize Deployment Costs in Preemptible Cloud Resources Authors: Daniel J. Dubois1, Catia Trubiani, Giuliano Casale Contents of this directory: 1. amazon-ec2-price-traces.zip Text files containing Amazon EC2 price traces between November 2009 and January 2011. 2. line-0.7.1-code.zip MATLAB code for LINE version 0.7.1 queueing network solver. 3. modified-optimal-deployment-code.zip Heuristic to calculate a set of optimal cloud resources for a QN modeling a Cloud application, associated to the given Amazon EC2 price traces, and fulfilling the given Service Level Objectives. This is a modified version that supports application design constraints. 4. software-refactoring-code.zip This file contains all the code developed for the paper (in addition to the modifications to the optimal deployment heuristic). How to run the experiments: STEP 1: open MATLAB version r2015b STEP 2: put into your MATLAB path the contents of all the files above STEP 3: edit and run EXPRUNNER STEP 4: results will be created as MATLAB data files in the "results" directory STEP 5: edit and run PLOTDRAWER STEP 6: plots will be created as PDF files in the "plots" directory Additional documentation on the implemented code is provided in the headers and comments of each individual file. -- Last update: February 22, 2016