I am an academic in the Department of Computing at Imperial College London. I lead the Quality of Service Research Lab (QORE), which focuses on quality assurance, fault-tolerance, and resource management in distributed software systems and services.

Contact: Giuliano Casale (he/him/his), Dept. of Computing, Imperial College London, South Kensington campus. Office: Huxley 432 [Getting here].

Email: g.casale (at) imperial.ac.uk

Prospective PhD/post-doc applicants: I look for students interested in modelling (AI/ML, maths, applied probability) and their applications to computer systems, please see our group’s PhD page for more details and application guidelines. Please also check the departmental PhD admissions deadlines.

Teaching: I teach two courses at undergraduate and Master’s levels: 50008 Probability and Statistics and  70068 Scheduling and Resource Allocation. DoC students interested in continuing working on these subjects as PhD students are welcome to contact me.

PhD admissions: for general inquiries related to my role as PhD admissions tutor, please contact in first instance the PhD programme administrator, Dr Amani El-Kholy.

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