Report on: Efficient systems of dynamic interaction

EPSRC reserach grants GR/L82441, GR/L85961, GR/L85978

 Jointly held with King's and University Colleges London.
Modern systems involve dynamic interaction between various components, resulting in emergent properties not found in the individual parts. This is often even more true of logical systems used to model them, where excessive interaction can  lead to unnecessarily poor computational behaviour. The dynamic paradigm advocates limiting the expressivity of a logical system to what is really essential for the application being modelled. The aim of our project was to develop the application of this paradigm to  logics modelling interactive systems. Using the machinery of modal and algebraic logic, we intended to understand and then to control the negative aspects of interaction. This would lead to the construction of `dynamic' logical systems with good computational behaviour, more exactly suited to modern applications.

The detailed objectives of the research were

The project involved three workpackages; we detail the progress made on each.

E1: combining logics

The aim of this workpackage was to find deeper reasons for the infamous negative results in algebraic logic, in terms of interaction between different dimensions in a combined system. This would give a better understanding of which kind of interactions are dangerous, and make the powerful AL-machinery available as a unified theory for the designer  of combined logics.  We aimed to apply  these insights and machinery to models of distributed and multi-agent systems, to  design tractable combinations of temporal, epistemic and deontic logics.

We examined the two-dimensional classical combination of the most fundamental modal system, K, and showed how to construct finite models from mosaic-representations of the components, so establishing the `finite model property' for this combination of logics by a new and simple method. We determined the complexity of the satisfiability problem for formulas of modal depth two, thus making a significant step towards finding the complexity of this two-dimensional combination which is an important open problem in the area.

We solved the fundamental problem of the decidability of most important systems of dimension at least 3, as well as providing results on finite axiomatisability and the product finite model property.

Classical n-variable first-order logic is in effect a n-dimensional combined system.  Here, we showed that each extra dimension above 4 introduces infinitely more complexity.  This confirmed a conjecture about neat embeddings of cylindric algebras made in 1969 by J. D. Monk, confirmed a later conjecture by Maddux about relation algebras obtained from cylindric algebras,  and solved a problem raised by Tarski and Givant (1987).

We also proved that locally cubic relativizations of products of modal logics are decidable, plus further strong results on complexity of relativised products of modal logics, and implementations were undertaken in workpackage E4 (see below).

In joint work with Wolter and Zakharyaschev, we combined classical and temporal systems while syntactically limiting their interaction in a new way. We defined a new kind of fragment of first-order temporal logic, the monodic fragment, where formulas beginning with a temporal operator are allowed at most one free variable.   We showed that given an oracle for satisfiability of first-order logic, we can decide satisfiability of formulas in the fragment. Our arguments cover most of the major flows of time and both the arbitrary- and finite-domain cases. The oracle can be eliminated by working in any of the commonly-used decidable fragments of first-order logic. We can talk about objects in the intended domain using the full power of the selected fragment; however, temporal operators may be used to describe the development in time of only one object.  Our results seem to be near-optimal, since we can prove that only very small manipulations of the fragments result in undecidable (and not even recursively enumerable) logics.
The decision problem for first-order temporal logic was effectively dead --- over thirty years, only negative results were known. Our paper identifies the first interesting decidable fragment of first-order temporal logic.
 It opens up a new direction of research, namely the classification of fragments of first-order temporal logic by their decidability.  There are potential applications in temporal databases and knowledge bases.

E2: dynamic algebras of relations

Algebraic logic's traditional approach needs to be further extended to the  more computationally-appropriate `dynamic' paradigm where operators (logical connectives) are given new, typically relativised, meanings.   Our second workpackage aimed to  contribute to this programme.  We aimed to study dynamic algebras of various logical systems, focusing on such issues as decidability, finite axiomatisability, and the finite model property.

One aspect of this work was to vary the choice of operators. It was hoped to discover which operators  were safe for good computational behaviour, and which were dangerous.  We had already shown that any subreduct of the class of representable relation algebras whose similarity type includes intersection, relation composition and converse is a non-finitely axiomatizable quasivariety and that its equational theory is not finitely based.  We extended this work to subreducts of representable cylindric algebras of dimension at least three whose similarity types include intersection and cylindrifications. A similar result was proved for subreducts of representable sequential algebras. In related work,  we showed that the `network satisfaction problem', to determine consistency of a interlocking system of binary constraints, is in general undecidable.

We considered arrow logic augmented  with various kinds of infinite counting modalities,  such as `much more', `of good quantity', `many times'.  It was shown that the addition of these modal operators to weakly associative arrow logic results in finitely axiomatisable and decidable logics --- the first such extensions of weakly  associative arrow logic that do not have the finite model property.

Arrow logic with projections was long known to be extremely  expressive.  Still, it is quite surprising that adding projections can even spoil the robust decidability of weakly associative arrow logic: we proved that some of these systems are even not recursively enumerable, using a reduction of unsolvable Diophantine equations. This negative property was shown to be an artifact of the underlying set theory --- certain  non-well-founded set theories interpret the meaning of projections so as to allow finite axiomatisability even of full arrow logic with projections. Variants of the algebraic analogues of these systems --- fork algebras --- were in part invented and widely  investigated by the specification-verification community, and our results are notable contributions to this field.

We announced new kinds of dynamic relativised representations for relation algebras, preserving many classical features, such as commutativity of quantifiers up to a given complexity, yet with much better behaviour than their classical counterparts. The finite model property for many such systems follows from another of our results (see below).

We also developed the general methodology of algebraic logic in the dynamic paradigm. A general method of finding natural axioms for  a wide range of dynamic systems was developed in joint work with Venema.  The approach uses games. A still more general approach  will appear in a forthcoming book, where even simpler axioms in an expanded signature related to Jonsson's Q-operators are given.

Further positive results were obtained in dynamic logic itself, on one of the most powerful dynamic-style logics, the loosely guarded fragment of first-order logic. The LGF was devised by van Benthem as a first-order version of modal logic.  We showed using a  Herwig-style construction that the LGF has the finite model property. This has already proved useful in extending other work.  It fills a gap in knowledge of the LGF and contributes to the growing status of `guarded' quantification in dynamic logic.

E4: non-standard inference systems

In this workpackage we aimed to develop non-Hilbert style inference systems for the logics investigated earlier. In joint work with Marx and Schlobach, we improved the prototype  many-dimensional reasoner developed during an earlier project.  We worked out how to use it for the `guarded fragment' of first-order logic (a restricted version of the LGF mentioned above) and for other modal logics and description logics. In collaboration with Marx and Reynolds, we developed the mosaic method for linear temporal logic providing completeness (Hilbert-style and tableau) and complexity results. We also showed that the mosaic method can be used in practical applications by implementing the decision procedure as an automated theorem-prover that decides if a given formula is a theorem. Furthermore, the flexibility of the method provides us with a basis  for developing further reasoners that serve as practical devices  for reasoning about a larger class of logics.


On the basis of the work just outlined, we believe we succeeded in meeting our objectives. As the most clinching evidence of this, we cite Additionally, we demonstrated the application of our techniques and results in practical computer science: in  addition to those already cited,  we showed how approximation techniques based on games can be used to improve performance in solving the constraint satisfaction problem.

Dr I. Hodkinson,
Department of Computing,
Imperial College,
180 Queen's Gate,
London SW7 2BZ, UK.

Dr R Hirsch,
Department of Computer Science
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1