A novel whose principal subject is the moral, psychological, and intellectual development of a usually youthful main character. From German, bildung, formation, education + roman, novel.

work experience


Internet services developer

2017 - 2020

My work at Netcraft tackled many fields of internet security. I have started with content filtering, then moved on to phishing site detection on the web or social platforms, automated security examination of networks, and automated countermeasures against internet fraud. Sometimes I would follow up where the automated systems were limited, doing detective work to track down institutions or people all over the internet in order to let them know their website has been compromised.

I have also been one of the runners of the Netcraft Web Server Survey, which collects statistics about all websites on the internet.

King’s Clinical Trials Unit

Junior Clinical Software Analyst


Responsible with full-stack development of a complex network of systems for running clinical trials and automatically randomising treatment assigned to patients to maximise statistical power of the trial. Here I have received an accreditation for .NET Development and learned iOS development in Swift. Some of the most intriguing technical tasks I tackled were reverse engineering and low-level operating system management in Windows.

I have also completed Good Clinical Practice training, joined some trial management meetings and worked on validation of data and trial design. My work in clinical trials, especially focusing on mental health, have stimulated my interest in neuroscience and psychiatric research. During this time I have become acquainted with the Maudsley Psychedelic Society and have attended most of their talks.

Imperial College London

Undergraduate Researcher


With Dr. Philippa Gardner’s research group we have investigated methods of reasoning about concurrent data structures with an innovative new program logic for Time and Data Abstraction (TaDA) and attempted to prove that Red-Black Trees are a sound data structure in the context of concurrent reads and writes. For the purpose of this project we have created a technical specification of Red-Black Trees which guarantees correct concurrent behaviour as well as implemented a prototype of such a concurrent data structure in Haskell.


Chief Technical Officer

2015 - 2017

Pureeros is an e-commerce dedicated to the empowering of women and the expression of their sexuality. As Pureeros was starting out, I acted as the chief technical officer, coordinating the technical side and sometmes joining the co-founders in meetings with investors and partners. I have lead the development of the e-commerce platform and the blog using Magento and Wordpress.

King’s Clinical Trials Unit

Support Programmer

2014 - 2016

During the second and third year of university I have worked part-time for the KCTU as a support programmer in a small team with only two developers. I have started by building and designing the KCTU website, then progressed to test, debug, and help develop applications for the back end of clinical trials systems with the .NET MVC5 framework.


Software Engineering Intern


During the summer I spent at Google Munchen we have worked in pairs to implement a set of dynamic web pages to change and update settings in the cloud, using the Guice dependency injection framework in Java for the backend and Soy templates and Clojure JS for the front-end.


Imperial College, London, UK

Master’s of Engineering

2013 - 2017

I’ve graduated a four-year degree with a first class and honours. During my time at Imperial I had built many things, alone or in teams, of which the most notable:

  • An assembler and emulator for ARM architecture in a team project. Fully implemented in C, the system was meant for interacting with a Raspberry Pi. Generated the assembly necessary to encode a sequence of characters into a sequence of blinks on a set of LEDs using the Dotsies alphabet [GitHub]
  • Completed PintOS in a series of group courseworks, a version of the Standford operating systems exercise in C. Contributed with system calls, memory management, thread synchronisation and interruptions
  • An Enigma machine simulation in C++ [GitHub]
  • A Javascript application with real-time collaborative digital painting features. Doodlr.js displays a gigantic board or wall of drawings where users can pick a specific canvas and join in collaborative drawing github
  • An information extraction tool using statistical natural language processing [GitHub]
  • A static analysis tool written in Scala which parses a piece of code and transforms it into a logic statement, verifying against a set of pre and post-conditions whether the code is correct [GitHub]
  • A compiler in Haskell in a team project for a simplified C-like language known as “WACC” [GitHub]
  • For my masters, supervised by Prof. William Knottenbelt, I have written a thesis on privacy, internet architecture and geolocation and built a network monitoring tool with geographical data visualisation for Windows. The project was presented at the Imperial College Department of Computing distinguished projects day, at the London Met Cyber Unit and was a finalist of HutZero 2018. Read more or read my thesis.

Theodor Burada Arts and Crafts School, Constanta, Romania

Professional Diploma in Photography

2010 - 2012
  • Wrote a dissertation on “The Symbolic and Psychological Use of Colour in Photography” and exhibited my dissertation photographs in Constanta Expo (June 2012)

Ovidius High School, Constanta, Romania

Baccalaureate 9.61/10 GPA (Maths, Computing, Language & Literature)

2009 - 2013
  • Participated in local and national competitions:
    • County Informatics Olympiad 2011 (OJI) - First Prize
    • National Applied Informatics Contest 2011 (CIA) - Ranked #6
    • County Mathematics Olympiad 2010 (OJM) - Second prize
    • National Physics Olympiad 2009 (ONF) - Ranked #12