Omar Todd

My name is Omar Todd and I am a first year computing student at Imperial College London!


Throughout the last few years I have gained skills in the following programming languages:


It was only after starting at imperial when I had my first experience with functional programming. The functional language that we used to learn the programming paradigm was haskell. The different approach toward thinking about programming problems using this language was extremely interesting and I really enjoyed using some of the features of the language such as its pattern matching that you do not get with other languages. I plan to use haskell to make the compiler for the second year project.


Learning java this year has been my first proper experience using object oriented programming. Having moved onto java after finishing learning haskell one of the things that I found annoying was that something I would need to express in java would take a lot more time to write than in haskell. Having said that however the whole concept of modelling things as objects and coding all the relationships between them has been quite fun, especially with the time saving capability if use the IntelliJ IDE. Using some of the skills learned on the Java I managed to implement a console based version of the game MineSweeper which was quite enjoyable to make.


During my A level computing course I gained some experience with programming and the language used was VB.Net. Using this language was where I was exposed to the basic constructs of programming such as loops and variables. During the first year I built up skills in thinking about how to solve problems from a programming perspective through working through many small tasks. In the second of year of study I was required to build a project for some end user and I chose to use VB.Net along with the Visual Studio IDE to build a maths revision tool for A level pupils.

Favourite areas of computing

Originally when applying to study computing at Imperial, I selected the software engineering branch for the MEng, however I have become really interested in the field of Artificial Intelligence with all of the recent exciting projects taking place such as the self-driving car and Google's AlphaGo. Another area of computing that I find interesting is that of quantum computing. The field is still very premature in terms of real world application, however the potential power that quantum computers are capabale of could completely change the field of computer science.


Hover over the images below to see my music,sport and video game interests.

  • Ed Sheeran

  • Eminem

  • Linkin Park
  • Rugby

  • Basketball

  • Snooker
  • Skyrim

  • The Last Of Us

  • Red Dead Redemption
