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A longer sequence offers more scope:

  a := b + c
  d := e - f
Now we can do somewhat better.
LW      Rb, B         LW      Rb, b
LW      Rc, c         LW      Rc, c
ADD     Ra, Rb, Rc    LW      Re, e
SW      a   Ra        ADD     Ra, Rb, Rc
LW      Re, e         LW      Rf, f
LW      Rf, f         SW      a, Ra
SUB     Rd, Re, Rf    SUB     Rd, Re, Rf
SW      d, Rd         SW      d, Rd

two stalls            no stalls

tex2html_wrap_inline504 Notice that for this to work we need to have plenty of registers (how many extra?)

Paul H J Kelly Mon Nov 17 01:29:59 GMT 1997