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What about unrolling?

Should have two benefits: better instruction scheduling, and should reduce the amount of loop management overhead per iteration. E.g.

   ldd [%o0],%f2   ! load B[k,j] for 1st itern
   fmuld %f6,%f2,%f2 ! f6 is r, ie A[i,k]
   ldd [%o1],%f4     ! load C[i,j]
   faddd %f2,%f4,%f2 ! compute C[i,j]+r*B[k,j]
   ldd [%o0+8],%f8 ! from itern below
   std %f2,[%o1]     ! store C[i,j]
   fmuld %f6,%f8,%f8
   ldd [%o1+8],%f4 
   add %o1,16,%o1
   faddd %f8,%f4,%f8  
   ldd [%o0+16],%f2 ! move fwd from next itern
   add %o0,16,%o0
   cmp %o0,%o2
   blu L513
   std %f8,[%o1-8]

Paul H J Kelly Thu Dec 4 18:15:31 GMT 1997