332 Advanced Computer Architecture

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Exercise 1: Matrix Multiply Exploration


This exercise concerns a familiar computational kernel: matrix-matrix multiplication. Here's a simple C implementation:

 * Matrix-matrix multiplication for studying cache performance:
 * C = AB, where all the matrices are of dimensions N x N
 * (The matrices can actually be submatrices of larger
 * matrices of dimensions M x M, where M > N, e.g. N=576,
 * M=1024, to study effects of associativity conflicts.)
void mm(double A[M][M], B[M][M], C[M][M])
  int i, j, k;

  for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < N; j++) {
      C[i][j] = 0;
      for (k = 0; k < N; k++) {
        C[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j];

Systematic investigation

Your job is to characterise the behaviour of various variants of the matrix multiply program: the straightforward version, as shown in the code shown above, an interchanged ``ikj'' variant, and a more sophisticated, ``tiled'' version. You can find source code at


Getting started

The files provided

Using one of the DoC CSG Linux systems (level 2, Huxley), make your own copy of the ACA14/MM directory tree by executing the following Linux commands:
prompt> mkdir ACA14
prompt> cd ACA14
prompt> cp -r ~phjk/ToyPrograms/ACA14/MM ./
(The ./ above is the destination of the copy - your current working directory). You should now have a copy of the MM directory. Now list the contents:
prompt> cd MM
prompt> make
prompt> ls
Makefile  MM1.ss   MM2.c   MM2.x86  MM3.ss   MM4.c   MM4.x86
MM1.c  MM1.x86  MM2.ss  MM3.c    MM3.x86  MM4.ss  scripts

Running them on Linux

Now run the programs as follows:

prompt> ./MM1.x86
prompt> ./MM2.x86
prompt> ./MM3.x86
prompt> ./MM4.x86

The goal of this exercise is for you to figure out why the four versions run at different speeds.

Setting a different problem size

The default problem size is 1056 (=1024+32). You can set a different problem size, e.g. type:

prompt> make clean
prompt> make MYFLAGS=-DSZ=2048 x86
(the make clean deletes the old binaries).

Using the cachegrind simulator

Cachegrind is a cache simulator that works on x86 binaries.

Set a smaller problem size,1 e.g.

prompt> make clean
prompt> make MYFLAGS=-DSZ=256 x86


prompt> valgrind --tool=cachegrind ./MM1.x86

This produces a summary of the total memory accesses, and the cache miss rates for instructions and data: ca. 154M instructions fetched, 34M data reads, 17M writes, L1D read miss rate 6%, L1D write miss rate 0.1%.

Note that the cache requirements of the application are quite different with a smaller problem size. With the default problem size, for MM1, the results are quite different:

==6187== I   refs:      1,544,592,375
==6187== I1  misses:              817
==6187== L2i misses:              814
==6187== I1  miss rate:          0.00%
==6187== L2i miss rate:          0.00%
==6187== D   refs:        577,037,006  (383,256,512 rd   + 193,780,494 wr)
==6187== D1  misses:      194,591,990  (194,467,353 rd   +     124,637 wr)
==6187== L2d misses:          237,436  (    112,812 rd   +     124,624 wr)
==6187== D1  miss rate:          33.7% (       50.7%     +         0.0%  )
==6187== L2d miss rate:           0.0% (        0.0%     +         0.0%  )
==6187== L2 refs:         194,592,807  (194,468,170 rd   +     124,637 wr)
==6187== L2 misses:           238,250  (    113,626 rd   +     124,624 wr)
==6187== L2 miss rate:            0.0% (        0.0%     +         0.0%  )
==6187== Branches:        192,122,440  (192,122,252 cond +         188 ind)
==6187== Mispredicts:         337,203  (    337,165 cond +          38 ind)
==6187== Mispred rate:            0.1% (        0.1%     +        20.2%   )

kcachegrind: a GUI tool

When you run cachegrind, it produces a log file in your current directory, called something like cachegrind.out.6187 (the number is the process id, and appears in the output above as well). kcachegrind is a user interface for exploring a program's profile data. Try:

prompt> kcachegrind cachegrind.out.6187
(you will have to adjust this: use the pid from your valgrind run instead of ``6187'').

Modelling different cache configurations

You can give cachegrind parameters to control the cache being simulated - by default it chooses parameters simular to the machine you are using. For further details see http://valgrind.org/docs/manual/cg-manual.html

For example:

valgrind --tool=cachegrind --branch-sim=yes --D1=1024,1,64 ./MM1.x86

Using SimpleScalar

Compiling the programs

Now, rebuild for problem size 128:

prompt> make clean
prompt> make MYFLAGS=-DSZ=128
And try using the SimpleScalar simulator:
prompt> /homes/phjk/simplesim/sim-outorder  ./MM1.ss
The first thing this does is lists the parameters of the architecture being simulated - all of these details can be changed using command-line arguments. Then it runs the application, and outputs details of how the processor microarchitecture and memory hierarchy were used2.

Using a script to run a sequence of simulations

A script ``varycachesize'' has been provided for running a sequence of experiments over a range of cache sizes of direct-mapped cache. For example:

prompt> ./scripts/varycachesize ./MM1.ss 256 8192
(it is worth finding a fast, unshared machine for this). The output format has been designed to be easy to use with ``gnuplot''; the miss rate is column 4:
prompt> ./scripts/varycachesize ./MM1.ss 256 8192 > varycachesize_MM1_256_8192.dat
prompt> gnuplot
gnuplot> plot "varycachesize_MM1_256_8192.dat" using 4 with linespoints
Edit the script to study the effect of other cache parameters. Edit it to use sim-outorder, so you can study other microarchitecture features.

What to do

Plot a graph that shows how the L1 data cache miss rate (as measured with SimpleScalar) for MM 1,2 and 3 varies with cache size and explain the result. The range of 64-8192 is interesting.


You can plot several datasets at once as follows:
plot "varycachesize_MM1_256_8192.dat" using 4 with lp,\
     "varycachesize_MM2_256_8192.dat" using 4 with lp

Paul H.J. Kelly, Anton Lokhmotov, Carlo Bertolli and Graham Markall, Imperial College, 2012


... size,1
Using cachegrind with a problem size of 576 took more than 200 seconds when I tried it, ca. 1 MFLOPS on a 2GHz P4.
... used2
For problem size 128 this took my 1.6GHz Core2Duo almost 30 seconds