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tex2html_wrap_inline1174 The interchanged loop traverses the iteration space top-to-bottom, left-to-right.

 for k tex2html_wrap_inline886  := ? to ? do

  for k tex2html_wrap_inline884 := ? to ? do

S: A[k tex2html_wrap_inline884 ,k tex2html_wrap_inline886 -k tex2html_wrap_inline884 ] := A[k tex2html_wrap_inline884 -1,k tex2html_wrap_inline886 -k tex2html_wrap_inline884 ]+A[k tex2html_wrap_inline884 ,k tex2html_wrap_inline886 -k tex2html_wrap_inline884 -1]

tex2html_wrap_inline1174 The inner loop is now vectorisable.

tex2html_wrap_inline1174 The skewed iteration space has N rows and 2N-1 columns, but still only tex2html_wrap_inline1208 actual statement instances.

tex2html_wrap_inline1174 What are the appropriate loop bounds?

Paul H J Kelly Thu Feb 6 22:09:21 GMT 1997