Machine Intelligence Volume 2

Here is the contents page for volume 2 of the Machine Intelligence series. You can also go up to the Machine Intelligence page, view the bibliographic details of this volume, or go to other volumes: 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 11 12 13 14.


 PREFACE by David Kendall                                             v

 INTRODUCTION                                                        ix

 ABSTRACT FOUNDATIONS                                                 1

     1.  Semantics of assignment: R.M. BURSTALL                       3
     2.  Some transformations and standard forms of graphs, with
         applications to computer programs: D.C. COOPER              21
     3.  Data representation-the key to conceptualisation:
         D.B. VIGOR                                                  33


     4.  An approach to analytic integration using ordered algebraic
         expressions: L.I. HODGSON
     5.  Some theorem-proving strategies based on the resolution
         principle: J.L. DARLINGTON                                  57


     6.  Automatic description and recognition of board patterns in
         Go-Moku: A.M. MURRAY and E.W. ELCOCK                        75
     7.  A five-year plan for automatic chess: I.J. GOOD             89
     8.  New developments of the Graph Traverser: J. DORAN          119
     9.  BOXES: an experiment in adaptive control:
         D. MICHIE and R.A. CHAMBERS                                137
     10. A regression analysis program incorporating heuristic term
         selection: J.S. COLLINS                                    153

 COGNITIVE PROCESSES: METHODS AND MODELS                            171

     11. A limited dictionary for syntactic analysis:
         P. BRATLEY and D.J. DAKIN                                  173

 PROBLEM-ORIENTED LANGUAGES                                         183

     12. POP-1: an on-line language: R.J. POPPLESTONE               185
     13. Self-improvement in query languages: J.M. FOSTER           195
     14. POP-2 reference manual: R.M. BURSTALL and R.J. POPPLESTONE 205


Bibliographic details

Machine Intelligence 2
Editors: Publisher: Oliver and Boyd 1968

Proceedings of the Second Annual Machine Intelligence Workshop, University of Edinburgh, September 1966.

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