1 module Cross(cross,overlap) where
    2 import Numbers
    3 import Vectors
    4 import EdgePlate
    5 import Solve
    6 import Preds
    7 import List(nub)--1.3
    8 -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    9 -- section 6: Crossing edges (MR was: lines)
   11 -- cross yields the list of crosspoints of two edges (0 or 1 cross)
   12 -- s(l)+lambda* h(l) = s(k)+mu*h(k) => s(l)-s(k) = lambda*(-h(l))+mu*h(k)
   14 cross :: Edge -> Edge -> [(Vector,Vector)]
   15 cross l k = [(s(l) + lambda`mulv`h(l), s(k) + mu`mulv`h(k))
   16             |(lambda,mu) <- solve (-h l) (h k) (s l - s k)
   17             ,0 <= lambda && lambda <= 1 && 0 <= mu && mu <= 1]
   19 -- overlap computes the important points on the border of plate ls
   20 -- that are inside ks (and of course also inside ls)
   21 overlap :: Plate -> Plate -> [Vector]
   22 overlap (Plt _ ls) p2@(Plt _ ks)= nub ([s(l)| l<-ls, s(l)`into` p2] ++
   23                                        [p| l<-ls, k<-ks , (p,q)<-cross l k] )