1 module Lookup where
    3 import Vtslib
    5 import Core_datatype
    7 {-
    8 (******************************************************************************)
    9 (*  memoised lookup table of signatures.                                      *)
   10 (******************************************************************************)
   11 -}
   13 {-
   14 (******************************************************************************)
   15 (*   A lookup table is an list of association lists.                          *)
   16 (*   Each element of an association list consists of                          *)
   17 (*         string                  - The name of a symbol  (or constructor)   *)
   18 (*         int * bool              - The j index of a symbol, or              *)
   19 (*         int * int * int list    - The j,k indexes for of a constructor     *)
   20 (*         (int * opr) option      - The precedence and type of operator      *)
   21 (*   The boolean in the symbol part indicates wheather the symbol is          *)
   22 (*   accessabe by a rec expression.                                           *)
   23 (*   in                                                                       *)
   24 (******************************************************************************)
   25 -}
   27 type Index = Sum (Int , Bool) ( Int , Int , [(Int , Int)] )
   29 type Entry = [(String , Option (Index , (Int , String) ))] 
   31 type Lookup_table = [Entry]
   33 {-
   35     local
   37 (******************************************************************************)
   38 (*   Turn a name into a lookup table                                          *)
   39 (******************************************************************************)
   41     fun  get_nms jf (Name s) =
   42             [(s, (jf, NONE))]
   43       | get_nms jf (Operator (s,p,opr)) =
   44             [(s,(jf,SOME (p,opr)))]
   46 (******************************************************************************)
   47 (*   Turn a list of names and a list of list of terms (taken from a           *)
   48 (*   datatype declaration) and turn them into a lookup table                  *)
   49 (******************************************************************************)
   51     and get_nmsL jf k [] [] =
   52             []
   53       | get_nmsL jf k (nm :: nmL) (tmL :: tmLL) =
   54             get_nms (inr (jf,k,(length tmL, rec_pars 0 tmL))) nm @ 
   55             get_nmsL jf (k+1) nmL tmLL
   56       | get_nmsL jf k _ _ =
   57             []
   59     and rec_pars _ [] = []
   60       | rec_pars i (tm :: tmL) = 
   61             (if is_00_sm tm then [i] else []) @ rec_pars (i+1) tmL
   63     and is_00_sm (Sym (0,0,_,_)) = true 
   64       | is_00_sm _ = false
   67 (******************************************************************************)
   68 (*   Return the lookup table for a declaration                                *)
   69 (******************************************************************************)
   71     fun get_dec_nms rec_flag j (Symbol_dec (_,attL)) =
   72             (case get_att Name_Style attL
   73                of SOME (Symbol_Name nm) => (get_nms (inl (j,rec_flag)) nm, j)
   74                 | _ => ([], j))
   75       | get_dec_nms rec_flag j (Axiom_dec (_,attL)) =
   76             (case get_att Name_Style attL
   77                of SOME (Symbol_Name nm) => (get_nms (inl (j,rec_flag)) nm, j)
   78                 | _ => ([], j))
   79       | get_dec_nms rec_flag j (Def (_,_,attL)) =
   80             (case get_att Name_Style attL
   81                of SOME (Symbol_Name nm) => (get_nms (inl (j,rec_flag)) nm, j)
   82                 | _ => ([], j))
   83       | get_dec_nms rec_flag j (Data (_,tmLL,attL)) =
   84             (case get_att Name_Style attL
   85                of SOME (Datatype_Name (nm::nmL)) => 
   86                      (get_nms (inr (j,0,(0,[]))) nm @
   87                             get_nmsL j 1 nmL tmLL, j)
   88                 | _ => ([], j))
   89       | get_dec_nms rec_flag j (Decpair (dc1,dc2,_)) =
   90             let val (nms1,j1) = get_dec_nms rec_flag (j+1) dc1
   91                val (nms2,j2) = get_dec_nms rec_flag (j1+1) dc2
   92             in (nms1@nms2, j2) end
   94 (******************************************************************************)
   95 (*   Return the lookup table for a pass1 decaration                           *)
   96 (******************************************************************************)
   98     fun get_pdec_nms rec_flag j (P1_Dec (nmL, _)) = get_p1_nmsL rec_flag j nmL
   99       | get_pdec_nms rec_flag j (P1_Def (P1_Lhs (_,nm,_),_)) =
  100             get_p1_nmsL rec_flag j [nm]
  101       | get_pdec_nms rec_flag j (P1_Define (nm,_,_)) =
  102             get_p1_nmsL rec_flag j [nm]
  103       | get_pdec_nms rec_flag j (P1_Data (P1_Lhs (_,nm,_), conL,_)) =
  104             (get_nms (inr (j,0,(0,[]))) nm @ get_con_nms j 1 conL, j)
  105       | get_pdec_nms rec_flag j (P1_Decp (dc1,dc2)) =
  106             let val (nms1,j1) = get_pdec_nms rec_flag (j+1) dc1
  107                val (nms2,j2) = get_pdec_nms rec_flag (j1+1) dc2
  108             in (nms1@nms2, j2) end
  109       | get_pdec_nms rec_flag j (P1_BDec dc) =
  110             get_p1bdc rec_flag j dc
  111       | get_pdec_nms rec_flag j (P1_Database_dec dc) =
  112             let val (dc1, _) = internal_Dec dc
  113             in  get_dec_nms rec_flag j dc1 end
  115 (******************************************************************************)
  116 (*   Return the lookup table for a pass1 binding declaration                  *)
  117 (******************************************************************************)
  119     and get_p1bdc rec_flag j (P1_Bdec (nmL, _)) =
  120             get_p1_nmsL rec_flag j nmL
  121       | get_p1bdc rec_flag j (P1_Bdecp (dc1,dc2)) =
  122             let val (nms1, j1) = get_p1bdc rec_flag (j+1) dc1
  123                 val (nms2, j2) = get_p1bdc rec_flag (j1+1) dc2
  124             in (nms1@nms2, j2) end
  126 (******************************************************************************)
  127 (*   Return the llokup table for a list of names, that representing           *)
  128 (*   sequence of paired declarations                                          *)
  129 (******************************************************************************)
  131     and get_p1_nmsL rec_flag j [nm] = (get_nms (inl (j,rec_flag)) nm, j)
  132       | get_p1_nmsL rec_flag j (nm :: nmL) =
  133             let val nms1 = get_nms (inl (j+1,rec_flag)) nm
  134                 val (nms2,j1) = get_p1_nmsL rec_flag (j+2) nmL
  135             in (nms1@nms2, j1) end
  136       | get_p1_nmsL rec_flag j [] = ([], j)
  138 (******************************************************************************)
  139 (*   Return the lookup table for the constuctors of a pass1 datatype          *)
  140 (*   declaration                                                              *)
  141 (******************************************************************************)
  143     and get_con_nms j k [] = []
  144       | get_con_nms j k (P1_Rhs (nm,tmL) :: nmL) =
  145             get_nms (inr (j,k,(length tmL,get_pvars 0 tmL))) nm @
  146             get_con_nms j (k+1) nmL
  148     and get_pvars _ [] = []
  149       | get_pvars i (tm :: tmL) = 
  150             (if is_00_psm tm then [i] else []) @ get_pvars (i+1) tmL
  152     and is_00_psm (P1_Sym (0,0,_)) = true
  153       | is_00_psm _ = false
  155     in (* local *)
  157 (******************************************************************************)
  158 (*   Take a signature and return its lookup table                             *)
  159 (******************************************************************************)
  161     fun create_lookup_table (sg : sgn) : lookup_table =
  162             case sg
  163               of Empty _ =>
  164                      []
  165                | Extend (dc,sg,_) =>
  166                     extend_lookup_table true dc (create_lookup_table sg)
  167                | Combine (sg1,sg2,_,_,_) => 
  168                     let val tbl1 = create_lookup_table sg2
  169                       and tbl2 = create_lookup_table sg1
  170                     in [] :: tbl1 @ tbl2 end
  171                | Share (sg,_,_,_,_,_) =>
  172                     [] :: create_lookup_table sg
  174 (******************************************************************************)
  175 (*   Extend a lookup table with a new declaration                             *)
  176 (******************************************************************************)
  178     and extend_lookup_table rec_flag dc tbl : lookup_table =
  179             let val (nms, _) = get_dec_nms rec_flag 0 dc
  180             in nms :: tbl end
  182     fun combine_lookup_table tbl1 tbl2 : lookup_table =
  183             tbl2 @ [[]] @ tbl1
  185     fun share_lookup_table tbl (i : int) (j : int)  : lookup_table =
  186             [] :: tbl
  188     fun create_tbl (sg : pass1_sgn) : lookup_table =
  189             case sg
  190               of P1_Empty =>
  191                      []
  192                | P1_Signature (dc) =>
  193                     extend_tbl true dc []
  194                | P1_Extend (dc,sg) =>
  195                     extend_tbl true dc (create_tbl sg)
  196                | P1_Combine (sg1,sg2) => 
  197                     let val tbl1 = create_tbl sg2
  198                       and tbl2 = create_tbl sg1
  199                     in [] :: tbl1 @ tbl2 end
  200                | P1_Sharing (sg,_) =>
  201                     [] :: create_tbl sg
  202                | P1_Database_sgn sg =>
  203                     create_lookup_table (internal_Sgn sg)
  204                | P1_Named_sgn (_,sg) =>
  205                    create_tbl sg
  206                | P1_plus_plus (sg1,sg2) =>
  207                     let val tbl1 = create_tbl sg2
  208                       and tbl2 = create_tbl sg1
  209                     in [] :: tbl1 @ tbl2 end
  211     and extend_tbl rec_flag pdc tbl  : lookup_table =
  212             let val (nms,_) = get_pdec_nms rec_flag 0 pdc
  213             in nms :: tbl end
  215 (******************************************************************************)
  216 (*   Lookup a string in the lookup table and return the pass1 symbol (or      *)
  217 (*   constructor) and its optional operator status                            *)
  218 (******************************************************************************)
  220     fun lookup_name (tbl : lookup_table) (str : string) =
  221             let fun lookup i [] = 
  222                      NONE
  223                  | lookup i (entry :: tbl) =
  224                      case assoc str entry
  225                        of SOME (inl (j,true),opr_op) => 
  226                           SOME (P1_Sym (i,j,true), opr_op)
  227                         | SOME (inr (j,k,_),opr_op) => 
  228                           SOME (P1_Const (i,j,k,true), opr_op)
  229                         | _ => lookup (i+1) tbl
  230             in lookup 0 tbl end
  232     fun lookup_rec_name (tbl : lookup_table) (str : string) =
  233             let fun lookup i [] = 
  234                      NONE
  235                  | lookup i (entry :: tbl) =
  236                      case assoc str entry
  237                        of SOME (inl (j, false),opr_op) => 
  238                           SOME (P1_Sym (i,j,true), opr_op)
  239                         | _ => lookup (i+1) tbl
  240             in lookup 0 tbl end
  242     exception BadIndex
  244     fun lookup_sm_index (tbl : lookup_table) (i,j) =
  245             let val entry = tbl !! i
  246                fun is_sm (_,(inl (j',_),_)) = j = j'
  247                  | is_sm _ = false
  248             in case filter is_sm entry
  249                 of ((s,(inl (_,f),NONE)) :: _) => SOME (s, f, NONE) 
  250                  | ( (s,(inl (_,f),SOME (i, opr))) :: _) => 
  251                      SOME (s, f, SOME (i,opr))
  252                  | _ => NONE
  253             end
  255     fun lookup_cn_index (tbl : lookup_table) (i,j,k) =
  256             let val entry = tbl !! i
  257                fun is_sm (_,(inr (j',k',_),_)) = (j',k') = (j,k)
  258                  | is_sm _ = false
  259             in case filter is_sm entry
  260                 of ( (s,(inr (_,_,_),SOME (i, opr))) :: _) => 
  261                      SOME (s, SOME (i,opr))
  262                  | ((s,(inr (_,_,_),_)) :: _) => SOME (s, NONE)
  263                  | _ => NONE
  264             end
  265     end (* of local *)
  267     fun rec_parameters (tbl : lookup_table) (i,j,k) =
  268             let val entry = tbl !! i
  269                fun is_sm (_,(inr (j',k',_),_)) = (j',k') = (j,k)
  270                  | is_sm _ = false
  271             in case filter is_sm entry
  272                 of ((_,(inr (_,_,iL),_)) :: _) => iL
  273                  | _ => raise BadIndex
  274             end
  276     fun operators ([] : lookup_table) = []
  277       | operators (ent :: tbl) =
  278             foldr (curry op@) (operators tbl) (map get_ops ent)
  280     and get_ops (id, (inr _, SOME (i, opr))) =
  281             [(id, Operator (id,i,opr))]
  282       | get_ops (id, (inr _, NONE)) =
  283             [(id, Name id)]
  284       | get_ops _ =
  285             []
  286 end
  287 -}