    2 -- ==========================================================--
    3 -- === Find frontiers using Hunt's algorithm.             ===--
    4 -- ===                                 FrontierSearch5.hs ===--
    5 -- ==========================================================--
    7 module FrontierGENERIC2 where
    8 import BaseDefs
    9 import Utils
   10 import MyUtils
   11 import AbstractVals2
   12 import SuccsAndPreds2
   13 import AbstractEval2
   14 import AbsConc3
   15 import FrontierMisc2
   16 import FrontierDATAFN2
   17 import AbstractMisc
   18 import Apply
   21 -- ==========================================================--
   22 --
   23 fsMakeFrontierRep :: ACMode ->      -- safe or live
   24                      Bool ->        -- True == naive initialisation
   25                      HExpr Naam ->  -- the tree
   26                      Domain ->      -- domain of function to be found (abstraction)
   27                      [Domain] ->    -- arg domains at full size
   28                      Route ->       -- upper bound
   29                      Route ->       -- lower bound
   30                      (Route, Int)   -- abstraction of function
   33 fsMakeFrontierRep s_or_l naive hexpr func_domain big_arg_ds 
   34                   lower_boundR upper_boundR 
   35    = let
   36          (is_caf, small_arg_ds) 
   37             = case func_domain of
   38                  Func [] dt        -> (True, panic "fsMakeFrontierRep(1)")
   39                  Func dss dt       -> (False, dss)
   40                  non_func_domain   -> (True, panic "fsMakeFrontierRep(2)")
   41          getRep (Rep rep)
   42             = rep
   43          upper_bound
   44             = getRep upper_boundR
   45          lower_bound
   46             = getRep lower_boundR
   47          bound_rep
   48             = fsZULB upper_bound lower_bound
   49          init_memo
   50             = []
   51          caf_result
   52             = aeEvalConst hexpr
   53          non_data_fn_result
   54             = fsFind s_or_l hexpr func_domain 
   55                      small_arg_ds big_arg_ds bound_rep 0 [] naive
   56          (data_fn_result, final_memo)
   57             = fdFind s_or_l hexpr func_domain
   58                      small_arg_ds big_arg_ds bound_rep fdIdent naive 
   59                      (panic "no inherited min1") init_memo
   60          data_fn_evals
   61             = length final_memo
   62          caf_result_norm
   63             = case caf_result of {Rep rep -> apPapConst rep; other -> other}
   64          is_data_fn
   65             = amIsDataFn func_domain
   66        in
   67          if     is_caf
   68          then   (caf_result_norm, 0)
   69          else
   70          if     is_data_fn
   71          then   (Rep data_fn_result, data_fn_evals)
   72          else   (Rep non_data_fn_result, (-1))
   76 -- ==========================================================--
   77 --
   78 fsFind :: ACMode ->
   79           HExpr Naam ->       -- tree
   80           Domain ->           -- domain (abstraction) of fn to be found
   81           [Domain] ->         -- small arg domains
   82           [Domain] ->         -- big arg domains
   83           Rep ->              -- bounding rep
   84           Int ->              -- something to do with the AppInfo
   85           [AppInfo] ->        -- the AppInfo (surprise!)
   86           Bool ->             -- naive start
   87           Rep
   89 fsFind 
   90      s_or_l 
   91      hexpr 
   92      (Func dss Two) 
   93      small_argds 
   94      big_argds 
   95      (RepTwo bounds) n as naive
   96    = 
   97      RepTwo (fsFs2 s_or_l 
   98                    hexpr 
   99                    small_argds 
  100                    big_argds 
  101                    bounds
  102                    (as++[A2])
  103                    naive )
  106 fsFind
  107      s_or_l
  108      hexpr
  109      (Func dss (Lift1 dts))
  110      small_argds
  111      big_argds
  112      (Rep1 bounds_lf bounds_hfs) n as naive
  113    =
  114      let
  115          lofact 
  116             = fsFs2 s_or_l
  117                     hexpr
  118                     small_argds
  119                     big_argds
  120                     bounds_lf
  121                     (as++[ALo1])
  122                     naive
  123          hifact_ds
  124             = map (avUncurry dss) dts
  125          lofact_arity
  126             = length dss
  127          hifacts
  128             = myZipWith4 doOne 
  129                          hifact_ds 
  130                          dts 
  131                          bounds_hfs 
  132                          (0 `myIntsFromTo` (length dts - 1))
  133          doOne hifact_d hifact_targ_domain bounds nn
  134             = fsFind s_or_l
  135                      hexpr
  136                      hifact_d
  137                      small_argds
  138                      big_argds
  139                      bounds
  140                      lofact_arity
  141                      (as++[AHi1 lofact_arity nn hifact_targ_domain])
  142                      naive
  143      in
  144          Rep1 lofact hifacts
  147 fsFind
  148      s_or_l
  149      hexpr
  150      (Func dss (Lift2 dts))
  151      small_argds
  152      big_argds
  153      (Rep2 bounds_lf bounds_mf bounds_hfs) n as naive
  154    =
  155      let
  156          lofact 
  157             = fsFs2 s_or_l
  158                     hexpr
  159                     small_argds
  160                     big_argds
  161                     bounds_lf
  162                     (as++[ALo2])
  163                     naive
  164          midfact
  165             = fsFs2 s_or_l
  166                     hexpr
  167                     small_argds
  168                     big_argds
  169                     bounds_mf
  170                     (as++[AMid2])
  171                     naive
  172          hifact_ds
  173             = map (avUncurry dss) dts
  174          lofact_arity
  175             = length dss
  176          hifacts
  177             = myZipWith4 doOne 
  178                          hifact_ds 
  179                          dts 
  180                          bounds_hfs 
  181                          (0 `myIntsFromTo` (length dts - 1))
  182          doOne hifact_d hifact_targ_domain bounds nn
  183             = fsFind s_or_l
  184                      hexpr
  185                      hifact_d
  186                      small_argds
  187                      big_argds
  188                      bounds
  189                      lofact_arity
  190                      (as++[AHi2 lofact_arity nn hifact_targ_domain])
  191                      naive
  192      in
  193          Rep2 lofact midfact hifacts
  196 -- ==========================================================--
  197 --
  198 fsApp :: [AppInfo] ->
  199          [HExpr Naam] ->
  200          HExpr Naam ->
  201          Route
  203 fsApp [A2] xs h 
  204    = fsEvalConst h xs
  206 fsApp [ALo1] xs h
  207    = case fsEvalConst h xs of
  208         Stop1  -> Zero
  209         Up1 _  -> One
  211 fsApp ((AHi1 n x d):as) xs h
  212    = let app_res       = fsEvalConst h (take n xs)
  213          nth_upp_obj   = case app_res of
  214                             Stop1   -> avBottomR d
  215                             Up1 rs  -> rs ## x
  216      in
  217          fsApp as (drop n xs) (HPoint nth_upp_obj)
  219 fsApp [ALo2] xs h
  220    = case fsEvalConst h xs of
  221         Stop2    -> Zero
  222         Up2      -> One
  223         UpUp2 _  -> One
  225 fsApp [AMid2] xs h
  226    = case fsEvalConst h xs of
  227         Stop2    -> Zero
  228         Up2      -> Zero
  229         UpUp2 _  -> One
  231 fsApp ((AHi2 n x d):as) xs h
  232    = let app_res       = fsEvalConst h (take n xs)
  233          nth_upp_obj   = case app_res of
  234                             Stop2     -> avBottomR d
  235                             Up2       -> avBottomR d
  236                             UpUp2 rs  -> rs ## x
  237      in
  238          fsApp as (drop n xs) (HPoint nth_upp_obj)
  241 -- ==========================================================--
  242 --
  243 fsEvalConst :: HExpr Naam ->
  244                [HExpr Naam] ->
  245                Route
  247 fsEvalConst h@(HLam _ _) xs = aeEvalExact h xs
  248 fsEvalConst h@(HPoint p) [] = p
  249 fsEvalConst h@(HPoint _) xs = aeEvalConst (HVAp h xs)
  252 -- ==========================================================--
  253 --
  254 fsFs2 :: ACMode ->
  255          HExpr Naam ->
  256          [Domain] ->        -- small arg domains
  257          [Domain] ->        -- big arg domains
  258          Frontier ->        -- bounds
  259          [AppInfo] ->
  260          Bool ->            -- True == naive startup
  261          Frontier
  263 fsFs2
  264      s_or_l
  265      hexpr
  266      small_argds
  267      big_argds
  268      (Min1Max0 ar1 min1_init max0_init)
  269      as
  270      naive
  271    =
  272      let arity
  273             = length small_argds
  274          initial_yy
  275             = if     naive
  276               then   [MkFrel (map avTopR small_argds)]   
  277               else   max0_init
  278          initial_xx
  279             = if     naive
  280               then   [MkFrel (map avBottomR small_argds)]
  281               else   min1_init
  282          (final_yy, final_xx)
  283             = fsFs_aux s_or_l
  284                        hexpr
  285                        small_argds
  286                        big_argds
  287                        initial_yy
  288                        initial_xx
  289                        as
  290                        True
  291                        (utRandomInts 1 2)
  292      in
  293          Min1Max0 arity final_xx final_yy
  297 -- ==========================================================--
  298 --
  299 fsFs_aux :: ACMode ->
  300             HExpr Naam ->
  301             [Domain] ->          -- small arg domains
  302             [Domain] ->          -- real arg domains
  303             [FrontierElem] ->    -- yy_frontier
  304             [FrontierElem] ->    -- xx_frontier
  305             [AppInfo] ->         -- application info
  306             Bool ->              -- True == take from top
  307             [Int] ->             -- random numbers
  308             ([FrontierElem], [FrontierElem])
  310 fsFs_aux 
  311      s_or_l
  312      hexpr
  313      small_argds
  314      big_argds
  315      trial_max_yy
  316      trial_min_xx
  317      app_info
  318      fromTop
  319      rands
  320    =
  321      let
  322          edges
  323             = fmSelect (head rands) trial_min_xx trial_max_yy fromTop
  324          Just (MkFrel args)
  325             = edges
  326          args_at_proper_sizes
  327             = makeBigger args small_argds big_argds
  328          evald_app
  329             = fsApp app_info (map HPoint args_at_proper_sizes) hexpr
  330          revised_max_yy 
  331             = fmReviseMaxYY small_argds trial_max_yy (MkFrel args)
  332          revised_min_xx 
  333             = fmReviseMinXX small_argds trial_min_xx (MkFrel args)
  334          makeBigger rs     []     []      
  335             = rs
  336          makeBigger (r:rs) (s:ss) (b:bs)
  337             = acConc s_or_l b s r : makeBigger rs ss bs
  338      in
  339          if      fmIsNothing edges 
  340          then    (sort trial_max_yy, sort trial_min_xx)
  341          else 
  342          if      evald_app == One
  343          then    fsFs_aux s_or_l
  344                           hexpr
  345                           small_argds
  346                           big_argds
  347                           revised_max_yy
  348                           trial_min_xx
  349                           app_info
  350                           False
  351                           (tail rands)
  352          else
  353          if      evald_app == Zero
  354          then    fsFs_aux s_or_l
  355                           hexpr
  356                           small_argds
  357                           big_argds
  358                           trial_max_yy
  359                           revised_min_xx
  360                           app_info
  361                           True
  362                           (tail rands)
  363          else    
  364                  panic "fsFs_aux"
  368 -- ==========================================================--
  369 -- === end                             FrontierSearch5.hs ===--
  370 -- ==========================================================--