1 -- 
    2 --      Patricia Fasel
    3 --      Los Alamos National Laboratory
    4 --      1990 August
    5 --
    6 module ElecField (elecField) where
    8 import  PicType
    9 import  Consts
   10 import Array--1.3
   12 -- Phase III: Calculate electric fields
   13 -- the x and y components of the electric field are approximated
   14 -- by the first partial difference in each dimension
   16 elecField :: Phi -> Electric
   17 elecField phi =
   18         (array ((0,0), (n,n))
   19         ([((i,j) , (phi!(i-1,j) - phi!(i,j)))
   20                         | i <- [1..n], j <- [0..n]]++
   21          [((0,j) , (phi!(n,j) - phi!(0,j)))
   22                         | j <- [0..n]]),
   24         array ((0,0), (n,n))
   25         ([((i,j) , (phi!(i,j+1) - phi!(i,j)))
   26                         | i <- [0..n], j <- [0..(n-1)]]++
   27          [((i,n) , (phi!(i,0) - phi!(i,n)) )
   28                         | i <- [0..n]]))
   29         where
   30             n = nCell-1