    2 -- ==========================================================--
    3 -- === The Lambda-lifter                                  ===--
    4 -- ===                                     LambdaLift5.hs ===--
    5 -- ==========================================================--
    7 module LambdaLift5 where
    8 import BaseDefs
    9 import Utils
   10 import MyUtils
   11 import Dependancy
   13 import List(nub) -- 1.3
   15 -- ==========================================================--
   16 -- First, put "split" lambda abstractions back together.
   17 -- Largely decorative, but it seems like a sensible thing to do.
   18 --
   19 llMergeLams :: CExprP Naam -> 
   20                CExprP Naam
   22 llMergeLams (EVar v)     = EVar v
   23 llMergeLams (ENum n)     = ENum n
   24 llMergeLams (EConstr c)  = EConstr c
   25 llMergeLams (EAp e1 e2)  = EAp (llMergeLams e1) (llMergeLams e2)
   26 llMergeLams (ECase sw alts) 
   27    = ECase (llMergeLams sw) 
   28            [(n, (ps, llMergeLams rhs)) | (n, (ps, rhs)) <- alts]
   29 llMergeLams (ELam vs1 (ELam vs2 e)) 
   30    = llMergeLams (ELam (vs1++vs2) e)
   31 llMergeLams (ELam vs e) 
   32    = ELam vs (llMergeLams e)
   33 llMergeLams (ELet rf defs e)
   34    = ELet rf (map2nd llMergeLams defs) (llMergeLams e)
   37 -- ==========================================================--
   38 -- Now give a name to all anonymous lambda abstractions.
   39 -- As it happens, they all get the same name, but that's not
   40 -- a problem: they get different names later on.
   41 -- This pass has the effect of attaching all lambda terms
   42 -- to a let binding, if they are not already so attached.
   43 --
   44 llName :: CExprP Naam -> 
   45           CExprP Naam
   47 llName (EVar v)     = EVar v
   48 llName (ENum n)     = ENum n
   49 llName (EConstr c)  = EConstr c
   50 llName (EAp e1 e2)  = EAp (llName e1) (llName e2)
   51 llName (ELam vs e)  = ELet False [("_sc", ELam vs (llName e))] (EVar "_sc")
   52 llName (ECase sw alts) 
   53    = ECase (llName sw) [(n, (ps, llName rhs)) | (n, (ps, rhs)) <- alts]
   54 llName (ELet rf defs e)
   55    = ELet rf (map fix defs) (llName e)
   56      where
   57         fix (n, ELam vs e) = (n, ELam vs (llName e))
   58         fix (n, non_lam_e) = (n, llName non_lam_e)
   61 -- ==========================================================--
   62 -- Next, travel over the tree and attach a number to each
   63 -- name, making them all unique.  This implicitly defines the
   64 -- scope bindings used.
   65 --
   66 llUnique :: NameSupply ->
   67             AList Naam Naam -> 
   68             CExprP Naam ->
   69             (NameSupply, CExprP Naam)
   71 llUnique ns dict (ENum n)     = (ns, ENum n)
   72 llUnique ns dict (EConstr c)  = (ns, EConstr c)
   73 llUnique ns dict (EAp e1 e2)
   74    = let (ns_new1, e1_new) = llUnique ns      dict e1
   75          (ns_new2, e2_new) = llUnique ns_new1 dict e2
   76      in (ns_new2, EAp e1_new e2_new)
   78 llUnique ns dict (ECase sw alts)
   79    = let (ns_new1, sw_new) = llUnique ns dict sw
   80          (ns_new2, alts_new) = mapAccuml fixAlt ns_new1 alts
   81          fixAlt ns (n, (ps, rhs)) 
   82             = let (new_ns, new_params) = utGetNames ns (llCheckUnique ps)
   83                   new_dict = zip ps new_params ++ dict
   84                   (final_ns, final_rhs) = llUnique new_ns new_dict rhs
   85               in (final_ns, (n, (new_params, final_rhs)))
   86      in (ns_new2, ECase sw_new alts_new)
   88 llUnique ns dict (EVar v)
   89    = case utLookup dict v of
   90         Just v2 -> (ns, EVar v2)
   91         Nothing -> myFail ("No such variable \"" ++ v ++ "\"")
   93 llUnique ns dict (ELam vs e)
   94    = let (new_ns, new_params) = utGetNames ns (llCheckUnique vs)
   95          new_dict = zip vs new_params ++ dict
   96          (final_ns, final_e) = llUnique new_ns new_dict e
   97      in (final_ns, ELam new_params final_e)
   99 llUnique ns dict (ELet rf defs e)
  100    = let (new_ns2, new_defs) = mapAccuml fixDef new_ns1 defs
  101          (final_ns, new_e) = llUnique new_ns2 dictAug e
  102          hereNames = llCheckUnique (map first defs)
  103          (new_ns1, hereBinds) = utGetNames ns (llCheckUnique hereNames)
  104          dictAug = zip hereNames (map ('_':) hereBinds) ++ dict
  105          dictForDefs = if rf then dictAug else dict
  106          fixDef ns_loc (n, rhs)
  107             = let (ns_loc_final, rhs_final) = llUnique ns_loc dictForDefs rhs
  108               in (ns_loc_final, (utSureLookup dictAug "llUnique" n, rhs_final))
  109      in (final_ns, ELet rf new_defs new_e)
  112 -- ==========================================================--
  113 -- Makes sure a set of names is unique.
  114 --
  115 llCheckUnique :: [Naam] -> 
  116                  [Naam]
  118 llCheckUnique names
  119    = let getdups [] = []
  120          getdups [x] = []
  121          getdups (x:y:xys)
  122             | x == y  = x:getdups (dropWhile (==x) xys)
  123             | otherwise = getdups (y:xys)
  124          dups = getdups (sort names)
  125      in if null dups then names 
  126            else myFail ("Duplicate identifiers in the same scope:\n\t" ++ show dups)
  129 -- ==========================================================--
  130 -- By now each variable is uniquely named, let bound vars have
  131 -- been given a leading underscore, and, importantly, each lambda term
  132 -- has an associated let-binding.  Now do a free variables pass.
  133 --
  134 llFreeVars :: CExprP Naam -> 
  135               AnnExpr Naam (Set Naam)
  137 llFreeVars (ENum k) = (utSetEmpty, ANum k)
  139 llFreeVars (EVar v) = (utSetSingleton v, AVar v)
  141 llFreeVars (EConstr c) = (utSetEmpty, AConstr c)
  143 llFreeVars (EAp e1 e2)
  144    = let a_e1@(f_e1, _) = llFreeVars e1
  145          a_e2@(f_e2, _) = llFreeVars e2
  146      in  (utSetUnion f_e1 f_e2, AAp a_e1 a_e2)
  148 llFreeVars (ELam args body)
  149    = let body_a@(body_f, _) = llFreeVars body
  150      in  (utSetSubtraction body_f (utSetFromList args),
  151           ALam args body_a)
  153 llFreeVars (ELet isRec defns body)
  154    = let (binders, values)  = unzip2 defns
  155          binderSet          = utSetFromList binders
  156          values'            = map llFreeVars values
  157          defns'             = zip binders values'
  158          freeInValues       = utSetUnionList [free | (free,_) <- values']
  159          defnsFree 
  160             | isRec       = utSetSubtraction freeInValues binderSet
  161             | otherwise   = freeInValues
  162          body' = llFreeVars body
  163          bodyFree = utSetSubtraction (first body') binderSet
  164      in  (utSetUnion defnsFree bodyFree, ALet isRec defns' body')
  166 llFreeVars (ECase e alts)
  167    = let (eFree,_) = e'
  168          e' = llFreeVars e
  169          alts' = [(con,(args,llFreeVars e)) | (con,(args,e)) <- alts]
  170          free = utSetUnionList (map f alts')
  171          f (con,(args,(free,exp))) =
  172             utSetSubtraction free (utSetFromList args)
  173      in (utSetUnion eFree free, ACase e' alts')
  176 -- ==========================================================--
  177 -- Extract the set equations.
  178 --
  179 llEqns :: AnnExpr Naam (Set Naam) ->
  180           [Eqn]
  182 llEqns (_, AVar _)         = []
  183 llEqns (_, ANum _)         = []
  184 llEqns (_, AConstr _)      = []
  185 llEqns (_, AAp a1 a2)      = llEqns a1 ++ llEqns a2
  186 llEqns (_, ALam _ e)       = llEqns e
  188 llEqns (_, ACase sw alts)  
  189    = llEqns sw ++ concat (map (llEqns.second.second) alts)
  191 llEqns (_, ALet rf defs body)
  192    = let binders  = [n | (n, rhs) <- defs]
  193          eqnsHere = [case llSplitSet fv of (facc, vacc) -> EqnNVC n vacc facc
  194                      | (n, (fv, rhsa)) <- defs]
  195          innerEqns = concat [llEqns rhs | (n, rhs@(fv, rhsa)) <- defs]
  196          nextEqns = llEqns body
  197      in  eqnsHere ++ innerEqns ++ nextEqns
  200 -- ==========================================================--
  201 -- Now we use the information from the previous pass to
  202 -- fix up usages of functions.
  203 --
  204 llAddParams :: AList Naam (Set Naam) ->
  205                AnnExpr Naam (Set Naam) ->
  206                CExprP Naam
  208 llAddParams env (_, ANum n) = ENum n
  210 llAddParams env (_, AConstr c) = EConstr c
  212 llAddParams env (_, AVar v)
  213    = mkApChain vParams
  214      where
  215         vParams = utLookup env v
  216         mkApChain (Just vs) = foldl EAp (EVar v) (map EVar (utSetToList vs))
  217         mkApChain Nothing = EVar v
  219 llAddParams env (_, AAp e1 e2)
  220    = EAp (llAddParams env e1) (llAddParams env e2)
  222 llAddParams env (_, ALam args body)
  223    = ELam args (llAddParams env body)
  225 llAddParams env (_, ACase sw alts)
  226    = ECase (llAddParams env sw) (map f alts)
  227      where
  228         f (naam, (params, body)) = (naam, (params, llAddParams env body))
  230 llAddParams env (_, ALet rFlag defs body)
  231    = ELet rFlag (map fixDef defs) fixedBody
  232      where
  233         fixedBody = llAddParams env body
  234         fixDef (n, (df, (ALam vs rhs)))
  235            = let new_params = utSetToList (utSureLookup env "llAddParams1" n)
  236              in (n, ELam (new_params++vs) (llAddParams env rhs))
  237         fixDef (n, (df, non_lambda_rhs))
  238            = let new_params = utSetToList (utSureLookup env "llAddParams2" n)
  239              in (n, ELam new_params (llAddParams env (df, non_lambda_rhs)))
  242 -- ==========================================================--
  243 -- The only thing that remains to be done is to flatten
  244 -- out the program, by lifting out all the let (and hence lambda)
  245 -- bindings to the top level.
  246 --
  247 llFlatten :: CExprP Naam ->
  248              (AList Naam (CExprP Naam), CExprP Naam)
  250 llFlatten (EVar v) = ([], EVar v)
  252 llFlatten (ENum n) = ([], ENum n)
  254 llFlatten (EConstr c) = ([], EConstr c)
  256 llFlatten (EAp e1 e2) 
  257    = (e1b ++ e2b, EAp e1f e2f)
  258      where
  259         (e1b, e1f) = llFlatten e1
  260         (e2b, e2f) = llFlatten e2
  262 llFlatten (ELam ps e1)
  263    = (e1b, ELam ps e1f)
  264      where
  265         (e1b, e1f) = llFlatten e1
  267 llFlatten (ECase sw alts)
  268    = (swb ++ concat altsb, ECase swf altsf)
  269      where
  270         (swb, swf) = llFlatten sw
  272         altsFixed = map fixAlt alts
  273         fixAlt (name, (pars, rhs)) = (name, (pars, llFlatten rhs))
  275         altsf = map getAltsf altsFixed
  276         getAltsf (name, (pars, (rhsb, rhsf))) = (name, (pars, rhsf))
  278         altsb = map getAltsb altsFixed
  279         getAltsb (name, (pars, (rhsb, rhsf))) = rhsb
  281 llFlatten (ELet rf dl rhs)
  282    = (dlFlattened ++ rhsb, rhsf)
  283      where
  284         (rhsb, rhsf) = llFlatten rhs
  286         dlFixed = map fixDef dl
  287         fixDef (name, rhs) = (name, llFlatten rhs)
  289         dlFlattened = dsHere ++ concat dsInside
  290         dsHere = map here dlFixed
  291         here (name, (inDs, frhs)) = (name, frhs)
  292         dsInside = map inside dlFixed
  293         inside (name, (inDs, frhs)) = inDs
  296 -- ==========================================================--
  297 -- The transformed program is now correct, but hard to read
  298 -- because all variables have a number on.  This function
  299 -- detects non-contentious variable names and deletes 
  300 -- the number, wherever possible.  Also fixes up the
  301 -- free-variable list appropriately.
  302 --
  303 llPretty :: (AList Naam (CExprP Naam), AList Naam [Naam]) -> 
  304             (AList Naam (CExprP Naam), AList Naam [Naam])
  306 llPretty (scDefs, scFrees)
  307    = let -------------------------------------------------
  308          -- scTable tells how to rename supercombinator --
  309          -- names only.  Use to fix all SC names.       --
  310          -------------------------------------------------
  311          scDefNames   = map first scDefs
  312          scTable      = getContentious scDefNames
  313          (scDefs1, scFrees1)
  314              = (  [(prettyScName scTable n, 
  315                     llMapCoreTree (prettyScName scTable) cexp)
  316                     | (n, cexp) <- scDefs],
  317                   map1st (prettyScName scTable) scFrees)
  319          ----------------------------------------------
  320          -- Now for each supercombinator, fix up its --
  321          -- lambda-bound variables individually      --
  322          ----------------------------------------------
  323          lamTableTable = map makeLamTable scDefs1
  324          makeLamTable (n, ELam vs _) = getContentious vs
  325          makeLamTable (n, non_lam_s) = []
  326          scFrees2 = myZipWith2 fixParams scFrees1 lamTableTable
  327          fixParams (n, ps) contentious 
  328             = (n, map (prettyVarName contentious) ps)
  329          scDefs2 = myZipWith2 fixDef scDefs1 lamTableTable
  330          fixDef (n, cexp) contentious 
  331             = (n, llMapCoreTree (prettyVarName contentious) cexp)
  334          getContentious names
  335             = let sortedNames = sort names
  336                   gc [] = []
  337                   gc [x] = []
  338                   gc (x:y:xys)
  339                      | rootName x == rootName y  = x:y:gc (y:xys)
  340                      | otherwise = gc (y:xys)
  341                   contentions = nub (gc sortedNames)
  342               in  contentions
  344          prettyScName contentions n
  345             | head n == '_' && n `notElem` contentions  = rootName n
  346             | otherwise                                 = n
  348          prettyVarName contentions n
  349             | head n /= '_' && n `notElem` contentions  = rootName n
  350             | otherwise                                 = n
  352          rootName = takeWhile (/= ')')
  354      in
  355         (scDefs2, scFrees2)
  358 -- ==========================================================--
  359 --
  360 llSplitSet :: Set Naam -> (Set Naam, Set Naam)
  362 llSplitSet list
  363    = let split (facc, vacc) n 
  364             = if head n == '_' then (n:facc, vacc) else (facc, n:vacc)
  365      in case foldl split ([],[]) (utSetToList list) of
  366             (fs, vs) -> (utSetFromList fs, utSetFromList vs)
  369 -- ==========================================================--
  370 --
  371 llZapBuiltins :: [Naam] -> Eqn -> Eqn
  373 llZapBuiltins builtins (EqnNVC n v c) 
  374    = EqnNVC n v (utSetFromList (filter (`notElem` builtins) (utSetToList c)))
  377 -- ==========================================================--
  378 --
  379 llSolveIteratively :: [Eqn] -> AList Naam (Set Naam)
  381 llSolveIteratively eqns
  382    = loop eqns initSets
  383      where
  384         initSets = [(n, utSetEmpty) | EqnNVC n v c <- eqns]
  385         loop eqns aSet 
  386            = let newSet = map (sub_eqn aSet) eqns
  387              in if newSet == aSet then newSet else loop eqns newSet
  388         sub_eqn subst (EqnNVC n v c)
  389            = let allVars = utSetToList v ++ utSetToList c
  390                  allSub  = utSetUnionList (map sub allVars)
  391                  sub var = utLookupDef subst var (utSetSingleton var)
  392              in  case llSplitSet allSub of (facc, vacc) -> (n, vacc)
  395 -- ==========================================================--
  396 -- Map a function over a core tree.
  397 -- *** Haskell-B 9972 insists on restricted signature, why? ***
  398 --
  399 llMapCoreTree :: (Naam -> Naam) ->
  400                  CExprP Naam ->
  401                  CExprP Naam
  403 llMapCoreTree f (EVar v) = EVar (f v)
  404 llMapCoreTree f (ENum n) = ENum n
  405 llMapCoreTree f (EConstr c) = EConstr c
  406 llMapCoreTree f (ELam vs e) = ELam (map f vs) (llMapCoreTree f e)
  407 llMapCoreTree f (EAp e1 e2) = EAp (llMapCoreTree f e1) (llMapCoreTree f e2)
  408 llMapCoreTree f (ELet rf dl e)
  409    = ELet rf [(f n, llMapCoreTree f rhs) | (n, rhs) <- dl] (llMapCoreTree f e)
  410 llMapCoreTree f (ECase sw alts)
  411    = ECase (llMapCoreTree f sw) 
  412         [(cn, (map f ps, llMapCoreTree f rhs)) | (cn, (ps, rhs)) <- alts]
  415 -- ==========================================================--
  416 --
  417 llMain :: [Naam] ->
  418           CExprP Naam ->
  419           Bool ->
  420           (CExprP Naam, AList Naam [Naam])
  422 llMain builtInNames expr doPretty = 
  423    let fvAnnoTree 
  424           = (llFreeVars                  . 
  425              second                      .
  426              llUnique 0 initialRenamer   .
  427              llName                      . 
  428              llMergeLams                 .
  429              deDependancy) expr
  431        builtInFns = filter ((=='_').head) builtInNames
  432        initFreeEnv = [(n, utSetEmpty) | n <- builtInNames]
  433        initialRenamer = map (\n -> (tail n, n)) builtInFns
  434        eqns = llEqns fvAnnoTree
  435        eqns_with_builtins_zapped = map (llZapBuiltins builtInFns) eqns
  436        eqns_solved = llSolveIteratively eqns_with_builtins_zapped
  438        (scDefs, mainE) = llFlatten (llAddParams eqns_solved fvAnnoTree)
  439        (prettyScDefs, prettyNewParams) 
  440           = if doPretty then llPretty (scDefs, scParams) else (scDefs, scParams)
  441        scParams = map2nd utSetToList eqns_solved
  442        exprReconstituted = ELet True prettyScDefs mainE
  443        exprDepended = deDependancy exprReconstituted
  444    in  (exprDepended, prettyNewParams)
  447 -- ==========================================================--
  448 -- === end                                 LambdaLift5.hs ===--
  449 -- ==========================================================--