1 {-
    2         This is a substitute for module PreludeArray oriented
    3         to sparse arrays.  Arrays are constructed using binary
    4         radix tries.  Signatures of functions are kept as close as
    5         possible to their standard counterparts (index type is
    6         restricted to Int).
    8         This module also includes some extra functions
    9         specifically for sparse array operations.
   11         XZ, 19/2/92
   12 -}
   14 module S_Array (
   15                S_array,                   -- counterpart of Array
   16                s_array,                   -- counterparts of array
   17                s_def_array,               -- new
   18                s_listArray,               -- counterparts of listArray
   19                s_def_listArray,           -- new
   20                (!^),                      -- counterpart of (!)
   21                s_bounds,                  -- counterpart of bounds
   22                s_indices,                 -- counterpart of indices
   23                s_elems,                   -- counterpart of elems
   24                s_assocs,                  -- counterpart of assocs
   25                s_accumArray,              -- counterpart of accumArray
   26                (//^),                     -- counterpart of (//)
   27                s_accum,                   -- counterpart of accum
   28                s_amap,                    -- counterpart of amap
   29                s_ixmap,                   -- counterpart of ixmap
   30                sparse_assocs {-,             -- new
   31                Norm.. partain: NOT YET ************** -}
   32         )
   33         where
   35 import Norm
   37 import Array--1.3
   38 import Ix--1.3
   39 import List -- 1.3
   41 infixl 9 !^
   42 infixl 9 //^
   43 infix  4 :^:
   45 type Assoc a b = (a,b)
   47 {-
   48                definitions of data types
   49 -}
   51 -- data type of index
   52 type Ix_type = Int
   54 -- data type of default value
   55 --1.3:data Maybe a =
   56 --      Nothing | Just a
   57 --      deriving (Eq)
   59 -- data type of radix trie
   60 data Bin_Trie a =
   61         Null | Leaf a | (Bin_Trie a) :^: (Bin_Trie a)
   62         deriving ()
   63 -- data type of sparse array
   64 data S_array a =
   65         Mk_t_Array (Ix_type,Ix_type) Ix_type (Maybe a) (Bin_Trie a)
   66         deriving ()
   68 {-
   69     function signatures
   70 -}
   72 s_array :: (Ix_type,Ix_type) -> [Assoc Ix_type a] -> S_array a
   73 s_def_array :: (Eq a) =>
   74         (Ix_type,Ix_type) -> a -> [Assoc Ix_type a] -> S_array a
   75 s_listArray :: (Ix_type,Ix_type) -> [a] -> S_array a
   76 s_def_listArray :: (Eq a) =>
   77         (Ix_type,Ix_type) -> a -> [a] -> S_array a
   78 (!^) :: S_array a -> Ix_type -> a
   79 s_bounds :: S_array a -> (Ix_type,Ix_type)
   80 s_indices :: S_array a -> [Ix_type]
   81 s_elems :: S_array a -> [a]
   82 s_assocs :: S_array a -> [Assoc Ix_type a]
   83 sparse_assocs :: S_array a -> [Assoc Ix_type a]
   84 s_accumArray :: (Eq a) =>
   85         (a->b->a) -> a -> (Ix_type,Ix_type) -> [Assoc Ix_type b] -> S_array a
   86 (//^) :: (Eq a) =>
   87         S_array a -> [Assoc Ix_type a] -> S_array a
   88 s_accum :: (Eq a) =>
   89         (a->b->a) -> S_array a -> [Assoc Ix_type b] -> S_array a
   90 --hbc doesn't like: s_amap :: (b->a) -> S_array b -> S_array a
   91 s_ixmap ::
   92         (Ix_type,Ix_type) -> (Ix_type->Ix_type) -> S_array a -> S_array a
   94 {-
   95     declarations of exported functions
   96 -}
   98 s_array b@(b1,_) asocs =
   99         if check_as b asocs  -- check if indices are within bounds
  100         then                 -- ok
  101                 -- do construction
  102                 -- radix trie is generated from [Assoc Ix_type a] by gen_trie
  103                 -- default value is set to Nothing
  104                 Mk_t_Array b sz Nothing
  105                 (gen_trie sz (convt_as b1 asocs))
  106         else err_out
  107         where
  108         sz = size b
  110 -- new function, refer s_array for comments
  111 s_def_array b@(b1,_) def_v asocs =
  112         if check_as b asocs
  113         then
  114                 -- default value is set to (Just dev_v)
  115                 Mk_t_Array b sz (Just def_v)
  116                 (gen_trie sz (convt_as b1 new_as))
  117         else err_out
  118         where
  119         sz = size b
  120         -- remove trivial associations
  121         new_as =
  122                 filter (\(i,v)->v/=def_v) asocs
  124 s_listArray b vs =
  125         -- default value is set to Nothing
  126         Mk_t_Array b (size b) Nothing
  127         -- radix trie is generated from [a] by gen_trie_from_list
  128         (gen_trie_from_list (height b)
  129         (map Leaf (take (b_size b) vs)))
  131 -- new function
  132 s_def_listArray b def_v vs =
  133         -- default value is set to (Just dev_v)
  134         Mk_t_Array b (size b) (Just def_v)
  135         -- radix trie is generated from [a] by gen_trie_from_list
  136         (gen_trie_from_list (height b) (map convt (take (b_size b) vs)))
  137         where
  138         -- remove trivial values
  139         convt = \x ->
  140                 if (x == def_v)
  141                 then Null
  142                 else Leaf x
  144 (!^) a@(Mk_t_Array b@(b1,_) sz default_v b_trie) i =
  145         if inRange b i               -- check index
  146         then get_v_from_trie (find_leaf b_trie sz (i-b1)) default_v
  147         else err_out
  149 s_bounds (Mk_t_Array b _ _ _) = b
  151 s_indices = range.s_bounds
  153 s_elems (Mk_t_Array b sz default_v b_trie) =
  154         -- flatten a radix trie
  155         flatten (b_size b) sz b_trie
  156         where
  157         def_v = get_just_v default_v
  158         flatten n s (t1 :^: t2) = l1 ++ l2
  159                 where
  160                 l1 = flatten (min s' n) s' t1
  161                 l2 = flatten (max 0 (n-s')) s' t2
  162                 s' = s `div` 2
  163         flatten n _ Null = [ def_v | i <- range (1,n) ]
  164         flatten _ _ (Leaf v) = [v]
  166 s_assocs a =
  167         zipWith (\x y->(x,y)) (s_indices a) (s_elems a)
  169 -- new function for obtaining non-trivial associations
  170 sparse_assocs (Mk_t_Array (b1,_) sz _ b_trie) =
  171         flatten_sparse b1 sz b_trie
  172         where
  173         flatten_sparse n s (br1:^:br2) =
  174                 (flatten_sparse n s' br1) ++ (flatten_sparse (n+s') s' br2)
  175                 where s' = s `div` 2
  176         flatten_sparse _ _ Null = []
  177         flatten_sparse n _ (Leaf v) = [(n,v)]
  179 (//^) (Mk_t_Array b@(b1,_) sz default_v b_trie) asocs =
  180         if check_as b asocs
  181         then
  182                 if undefinedd default_v  -- check if default is defined
  183                 then
  184                         -- not defined, directly update
  185                         Mk_t_Array b sz default_v
  186                         (do_update b_trie sz (convt_as b1 asocs))
  187                 else
  188                         -- defined, convert trivials (to Null) than update
  189                         Mk_t_Array b sz default_v
  190                         (do_update b_trie sz (map_as b1 (map convt asocs)))
  191         else err_out
  192         where
  193         def_v = get_just_v default_v
  194         -- conversion function
  195         convt = \(i,v) ->
  196                 if ( v==def_v )
  197                 then (i,Null)
  198                 else (i,Leaf v)
  199         -- trie update function
  200         do_update br _ [] = br
  201         do_update br s as =
  202                 case br of
  203                         (br1 :^: br2) ->
  204                                 fork (do_update br1 s' as1) (do_update br2 s' (map_as s' as2))
  205                                 where
  206                                 s' = s `div` 2
  207                                 (as1,as2) = partition (\(i,_)->(i<s')) as
  208                         Null -> gen_trie s as
  209                         (Leaf _) ->
  210                                 case as of
  211                                         [(_,v)] -> v
  212                                         _ -> err_multi
  214 s_accum f (Mk_t_Array b@(b1,_) sz default_v b_trie) asocs =
  215         if check_as b asocs
  216         then
  217                 Mk_t_Array b sz default_v
  218                 (do_accum b_trie sz (map_as b1 asocs))
  219         else err_out
  220         where
  221         defed = not (undefinedd default_v)
  222         def_v = get_just_v default_v
  223         -- generate a radix trie, slightly different from gen_trie
  224         gen_a_trie _ [] = Null
  225         gen_a_trie 1 as = gen_leaf def_v as
  226         gen_a_trie s as =
  227                 fork (gen_a_trie s' as1) (gen_a_trie s' (map_as s' as2))
  228                 where
  229                 s' = s `div` 2
  230                 (as1,as2) = partition (\(i,_)->(i<s')) as
  231         -- generate a leaf with accumulated value
  232         gen_leaf v as =
  233                 if defed && (x == def_v)
  234                 then Null
  235                 else Leaf x
  236                 where x = foldl f v (map (\(_,v')->v') as)
  237         -- update radix trie with accumulated values
  238         do_accum br _ [] = br
  239         do_accum br s as =
  240                 case br of
  241                         (br1 :^: br2) ->
  242                                 fork (do_accum br1 s' as1) (do_accum br2 s' (map_as s' as2))
  243                                 where
  244                                 s' = s `div` 2
  245                                 (as1,as2) = partition (\(i,_)->(i<s')) as
  246                         Null -> gen_a_trie s as
  247                         (Leaf v) -> gen_leaf v as
  249 s_accumArray f z b =
  250         s_accum f (Mk_t_Array b (size b) (Just z) Null)
  252 s_amap f (Mk_t_Array b sz default_v b_trie) =
  253         Mk_t_Array b sz new_def_v (do_replace b_trie)
  254         where
  255         -- modify default value if necessary
  256         new_def_v =
  257                 if undefinedd default_v
  258                 then default_v
  259                 else Just ((f.get_just_v) default_v)
  260         -- function for replacing leaves with new values
  261         do_replace br =
  262                 case br of
  263                         (br1 :^: br2) ->
  264                                 fork (do_replace br1) (do_replace br2)
  265                         Null -> br
  266                         (Leaf v) -> Leaf (f v)
  268 s_ixmap b f (Mk_t_Array (b1,_) sz default_v b_trie) =
  269         Mk_t_Array b (size b) default_v
  270         (gen_trie_from_list (height b)
  271         (map (find_leaf b_trie sz)
  272         (map (\i->(f i)-b1) (range b))))
  274 {-
  275                declarations of internal functions
  276 -}
  278 -- error functions
  280 err_out = error "s_array: index out of range!"
  281 err_undefed = error "s_array: value not defined!"
  282 err_multi = error "s_array: multiple value definitions!"
  284 -- functions operating on [Assoc Ix_type a]
  286 convt_as ::
  287         Ix_type -> [Assoc Ix_type a] -> [Assoc Ix_type (Bin_Trie a)]
  288 convt_as = \s -> map (\ (i,v) -> ((i-s),Leaf v))
  290 map_as :: Ix_type -> [Assoc Ix_type a] -> [Assoc Ix_type a]
  291 map_as = \s -> map (\ (i,v)->((i-s),v))
  293 check_as :: (Ix_type,Ix_type) -> [Assoc Ix_type a] -> Bool
  294 check_as = \b asocs -> and (map (\(i , _) -> inRange b i) asocs)
  296 -- functions for generating radix tries
  298 -- generate a trie from [Assoc Ix_type (Bin_Trie a)]
  299 gen_trie :: Ix_type -> [Assoc Ix_type (Bin_Trie a)] -> Bin_Trie a
  300 gen_trie _ [] = Null
  301 gen_trie 1 [(_,v)] = v
  302 gen_trie 1 _ = err_multi
  303 gen_trie s as =
  304         fork (gen_trie s' as1) (gen_trie s' (map_as s' as2))
  305         where
  306         s' = s `div` 2
  307         (as1,as2) = partition (\(i,_)->(i<s')) as
  309 -- generate a trie from [(Bin_Trie a)]
  310 gen_trie_from_list :: Ix_type -> [Bin_Trie a] -> Bin_Trie a
  311 gen_trie_from_list _ [] = Null
  312 gen_trie_from_list 0 [t] = t
  313 gen_trie_from_list n sub_ts =
  314         gen_trie_from_list (n-1) (groop sub_ts )
  316 -- group subtries
  317 groop :: [Bin_Trie a] -> [Bin_Trie a]
  318 groop (t1:t2:rest) = (fork t1 t2) : (groop rest)
  319 groop [t] = [fork t Null]
  320 groop _ = []
  322 -- generate a fork
  323 fork :: Bin_Trie a -> Bin_Trie a -> Bin_Trie a
  324 fork Null Null = Null
  325 fork br1 br2 = br1 :^: br2
  327 -- testing functions
  329 -- test if a trie is empty
  330 empty_trie :: Bin_Trie a -> Bool
  331 empty_trie Null = True
  332 empty_trie _ = False
  334 -- test if a default value is defined
  335 undefinedd :: Maybe a -> Bool
  336 undefinedd Nothing = True
  337 undefinedd _ = False
  339 -- value retrieve functions
  341 -- locate a leaf ( or a Null node )
  342 find_leaf :: Bin_Trie a -> Ix_type -> Ix_type -> Bin_Trie a
  343 find_leaf = \t s k ->
  344         case t of
  345                 (t1 :^: t2) ->
  346                         find_leaf t' s' (if k<s' then k else (k-s'))
  347                         where
  348                         s' = s `div` 2
  349                         t' = if k<s' then t1 else t2
  350                 _ -> t
  352 get_just_v :: (Maybe a) -> a
  353 get_just_v (Just v) = v
  354 get_just_v _ = err_undefed
  356 get_leaf_v :: (Bin_Trie a) -> a
  357 get_leaf_v (Leaf v) = v
  358 get_leaf_v _ = err_undefed
  360 get_v_from_trie :: (Bin_Trie a) -> (Maybe a) -> a
  361 get_v_from_trie (Leaf v) _ = v
  362 get_v_from_trie _ (Just v) = v
  363 get_v_from_trie _ _ = err_undefed
  365 -- functions for calculating sizes
  367 height :: (Ix_type,Ix_type) -> Ix_type
  368 height = \b@(b1,b2) ->
  369         if b1<=b2
  370         then ceiling (logBase 2 (fromIntegral (b_size b)))
  371         --partain: could use: then ceiling ((logBase (2::Float) ((fromIntegral (b_size b))::Float)) ::Float)
  372         else 0
  374 size :: (Ix_type,Ix_type) -> Ix_type
  375 size = \b@(b1,b2) ->
  376         if b1<=b2
  377         then (2::Ix_type)^(height b)
  378         else 0
  380 b_size :: (Ix_type,Ix_type) -> Ix_type
  381 b_size = \(b1,b2) ->
  382         if b1<=b2
  383         then b2-b1+1
  384         else 0
  386 {-
  387                definitions of (==) on S_array
  388 -}
  390 instance (Eq a) => Eq (S_array a) where
  391         (Mk_t_Array b1 sz d1 b_trie1) == (Mk_t_Array b2 _ d2 b_trie2) =
  392                 b1 == b2 && eq_trie leaf_no sz b_trie1 b_trie2
  393                 where
  394                 leaf_no = b_size b1
  395                 eq_def = d1 == d2
  397                 -- partain: added sig
  398                 eq_trie :: (Eq b) => Ix_type -> Ix_type -> Bin_Trie b -> Bin_Trie b -> Bool
  399                 eq_trie 0 _ _ _ = True
  400                 eq_trie l s (lb1:^:rb1) (lb2:^:rb2) =
  401                         eq_trie (min s' l) s' lb1 lb2 &&
  402                         eq_trie (max 0 (l-s')) s' rb1 rb2
  403                         where
  404                         s' = s `div` 2
  405                 eq_trie _ _ Null Null = eq_def
  406                 eq_trie _ _ (Leaf x) (Leaf y) = x == y
  407                 eq_trie _ _ _ _ = False
  409 {-
  410                definitions for class Text
  411 -}
  413 instance (Show a) =>
  414         Show (S_array a) where
  415         showsPrec p a =
  416                 showParen (p>9) (
  417                 showString "array " .
  418                 shows (s_bounds a) . showChar ' ' .
  419                 shows (s_assocs a))
  420 instance (Read a) =>
  421         Read (S_array a) where
  422         readsPrec p =
  423                 readParen (p>9)
  424                 (\r ->
  425                         [ (s_array b as, u) |
  426                                 ("array", s) <- lex r,
  427                                 (b,t)<- reads s,
  428                                 (as,u) <- reads t
  429                         ]
  430                         ++
  431                         [ (s_listArray b xs, u) |
  432                                 ("listArray",s) <- lex r,
  433                                 (b,t) <- reads s,
  434                                 (xs,u) <- reads t
  435                         ]
  436                 )
  438 instance (Show a) =>
  439         Show (Bin_Trie a) where
  440         showsPrec p t =
  441                 case t of
  442                 Null -> showString "Null"
  443                 (Leaf m) ->
  444                         showParen (p>9)
  445                         (showString "Leaf " . showsPrec 10 m)
  446                 (u:^:v) ->
  447                         showParen (p>4)
  448                         (showsPrec 5 u . showString " :^: " . showsPrec 5 v)
  450 instance (Normal a) => Normal (Bin_Trie a) where
  451         normal (b1 :^: b2) = normal b1 `andAnd` normal b2
  452         normal (Leaf v) = normal v
  453         normal Null = True
  455 instance (Normal a) => Normal (Maybe a) where
  456         normal (Just v) = normal v
  457         normal Nothing = True
  459 instance (Normal a) => Normal (S_array a) where
  460         normal a@(Mk_t_Array b s def_v b_trie)
  461                 | normal b `andAnd` normal s `andAnd` normal def_v `andAnd` normal b_trie = True