1 -- LML original: Sandra Foubister, 1990
    2 -- Haskell translation: Colin Runciman, May 1991
    4 module Progfuns (tileprompt, tilequit, tiletrans, potatotile, State) where
    6 import Mgrfuns
    7 import Drawfuns
    8 import Geomfuns
    9 import Psfuns
   10 import Interstate
   11 import Auxprogfuns
   12 import Layout
   13 import Tilefuns
   14 import Help
   16 tileprompt :: a -> [Char]
   17 tileprompt _  = ""
   19 tilequit :: a -> [[Char]] -> Bool
   20 tilequit _ (('q':_):_) = True
   21 tilequit _ []          = True
   22 tilequit _           _ = False
   24 type State = ([([Int],[Int])], Int, [((Int,Int),Int)])  --CR needs abstraction! 
   25 type Trans = State -> [[Char]] -> ([Char], State, [[Char]])
   27 tiletrans :: Trans
   29 tiletrans (dlist,sel,tilist) (('m':'s':'a':' ':rest):inpt) =
   30         if      intsave   x y then doo tsave
   31         else if intclear  x y then doo tclear
   32         else if intget    x y then doo tget
   33         else if intile4   x y then doo t4'
   34         else if inquit    x y then doo q
   35         else if inbigtile x y then doo delsq
   36         else if intoalter x y then doo tofiddle'
   37         else if intotile  x y then doo totile'
   38         else if intodraw  x y then doo todesign'
   39         else if inpicarea x y then doo sel'
   40         else if inhelp    x y then doo tohelp'
   41         else tiletrans (dlist,sel,tilist) inpt
   42         where
   43         [x,y]  = stoil rest
   44         doo fun = fun rest (dlist,sel,tilist) inpt
   46 tiletrans (dlist,sel,tilist) (('m':'s':'b':' ':rest):inpt) =
   47         if inbigtile x y then inv' rest (dlist,sel,tilist) inpt
   48         else tiletrans (dlist,sel,tilist) (('m':'s':'a':' ':rest):inpt)
   49         where
   50         [x,y]  = stoil rest
   52 tiletrans (dlist,sel,tilist) (('m':'s':'c':' ':rest):inpt) =
   53     if      indesign x y then doo rl
   54     else if indsave  x y then doo dsave
   55     else if indclear x y then doo dclear
   56     else if indget   x y then doo dget
   57     else tiletrans (dlist,sel,tilist) (('m':'s':'a':' ':rest):inpt)
   58     where
   59     [x,y]  = stoil rest
   60     doo fun = fun rest (dlist,sel,tilist) inpt
   62 tiletrans state (('m':'s':'d':' ':rest):inpt) =
   63        (inithelp ++ out,state,inpt)
   64        where
   65        [x,y] = stoil rest
   66        cf str = clear ++ str
   67        out = if      intodraw  x y then cf helpdraw
   68              else if intotile  x y then cf helptile
   69              else if intoalter x y then cf helpalter
   70              else if intsave   x y then cf helptsave
   71              else if intclear  x y then cf helptclear
   72              else if intget    x y then cf helptget
   73              else if intile4   x y then cf helpt4
   74              else if inquit    x y then cf helpquit
   75              else if inbigtile x y then cf helpbt
   76              else if inpicarea x y then cf helppic
   77              else if indesign  x y then cf helpdesign
   78              else if indsave   x y then cf helpdsave
   79              else if indclear  x y then cf helpdclear
   80              else if indget    x y then cf helpdget
   81              else if inhelp    x y then cf inithelp
   82              else cf errmes
   84 tiletrans (dlist,sel,tilist) (('c':'s':' ':rest):inpt) =
   85         if indgrid nstoilrest then
   86           (linecircs ++ wnstoilrest,(newele:dlist,sel,tilist),inpt) 
   87         else
   88           ("",(dlist,sel,tilist),inpt)
   89         where
   90         nearline [x0,y0,x1,y1] = [nearx x0, neary y0, nearx x1, neary y1]
   91         nstoilrest = nearline (stoil rest)
   92         wnstoilrest = wline nstoilrest
   93         cssr = cs nstoilrest
   94         newele  = (nstoilrest,snd cssr)
   95         linecircs = fst cssr
   98 tiletrans (dlist,sel,tilist) (('r':'o':'t':' ':rest):inpt) =
   99         if lsrest == [0,0] then
  100           ("",(dlist,sel,tilist),inpt)
  101         else
  102           ( undo (put lsrest (orient xymax oldas wcoords)) ++
  103             put lsrest (orient xymax (rot oldas) wcoords)
  104           , (dlist,sel,newtilist)
  105           , inpt )
  106         where
  107         stoilrest = stoil rest
  108         wcoords = map (map wscale) (map fst dlist)
  109         oldas = assoc (sqid stoilrest) tilist
  110         newtilist = newas (sqid stoilrest) (rot oldas) tilist
  111         lsrest = btlocate stoilrest
  113 tiletrans (dlist,sel,tilist) (('p':'u':'t':' ':rest):inpt) =
  114         if lsrest == [0,0] then
  115           ("",(dlist,sel,tilist),inpt)
  116         else
  117           ( undo (put lsrest (orient xymax oldas wcoords)) ++
  118             put lsrest (orient xymax sel wcoords)
  119           , (dlist,sel,newtilist)
  120           , inpt )
  121         where
  122         stoilrest = stoil rest
  123         newtilist = newas (sqid stoilrest) sel tilist 
  124         lsrest = btlocate stoilrest
  125         coords = map fst dlist
  126         oldas = assoc (sqid stoilrest) tilist
  127         wcoords = map (map wscale) coords
  129 tiletrans state ("":inpt) = (helpend ++ todesign,state,inpt)
  131 tiletrans state (_:inpt)= ("",state,inpt)
  133 todesign', totile', tofiddle', tohelp' :: [Char] -> Trans
  135 todesign' _ (dlist,sel,tilist) inpt =
  136         ( cleara picarea ++
  137           picgrid ++
  138           cleara tilearea ++
  139           tpgrid ++
  140           showoris (map fst dlist) 1 ++
  141           todesign
  142         , (dlist,sel,tilist)
  143         , inpt )
  145 totile' _  (dlist,sel,tilist) inpt =
  146         ( concat (map (showoris coords) [1..8]) ++ totile
  147         , (dlist,sel,tilist)
  148         , inpt)
  149         where
  150         coords = map fst dlist
  152 tofiddle' _  (dlist,sel,tilist) inpt = (tofiddle,(dlist,sel,tilist),inpt)
  154 tohelp' _ (dlist,sel,tilist) inpt = (tohelp,(dlist,sel,tilist),inpt)
  156 rl, dsave, dclear, dget :: [Char] -> Trans
  158 rl rest (dlist,sel,tilist) inpt =
  159         (out,(newdlist,sel,tilist),inpt)
  160         where
  161         (out,newdlist) = deline dlist (stoil rest)
  163 dsave _ state inpt = ("", state, inpt) --CR: dsave does nothing, for now 
  164 -- dsave _ (dlist,sel,tilist) inpt =
  165 --      (out,(dlist,sel,tilist),t)
  166 --         where
  167 --      (h:t) = inpt
  168 --      out = menumark "dsave" ++
  169 --               prompt ++
  170 --               tofile h ++
  171 --               totext (map fst dlist) ++
  172 --               "TOSTDOUT" ++
  173 --               clearit ++
  174 --               unmenumark "dsave"
  176 dclear rest (dlist,sel,tilist) inpt =
  177         ( menumark "dclear" ++ newdraw ++ unmark sel ++ unmenumark "dclear"
  178         , ([],1,initalist)
  179         , inpt ) 
  182 dget _ state inpt = ("", state, inpt) --CR: dget does nothing, for now 
  183 -- dget _ (dlist,sel,tilist) inpt =
  184 --      ( menumark "dget" ++ prompt ++ out ++ unmenumark "dget"
  185 --         , (newd,news,newt)
  186 --         , i )
  187 --         where
  188 --      (h:t) = inpt
  189 --         conddraw = if dlist == [] then "" else newdraw
  190 --      (out,(newd,news,newt),i) =
  191 --           case openfile h of
  192 --          No emsg  -> ( emsg ++ "\n" ++ delay 1000 ++ clearit
  193 --                         , (dlist,sel,tilist)
  194 --                         , t )
  195 --          Yes file -> ( clearit ++ conddraw ++ out'
  196 --                         , s
  197 --                         , inp )
  198 --                  where
  199 --                         (out',s,inp) =
  200 --                           tiletrans ([],sel,tilist) (lines file ++ t))
  202 sel', delsq, inv' :: [Char] -> Trans
  204 sel' rest (dlist,sel,slist) inpt =
  205         (unmark sel ++ mark newsel, (dlist,newsel,slist), inpt)
  206         where
  207         new = inbox (stoil rest)
  208         newsel = if new == 0 then sel else new
  210 delsq rest (dlist,sel,tilist) inpt =
  211         ( undo (put lsrest (orient xymax oldas wcoords))
  212         , (dlist,sel,newtilist)
  213         , inpt )
  214         where
  215         wcoords = map (map wscale) (map fst dlist)
  216         stoilrest = stoil rest
  217         oldas = assoc (sqid stoilrest) tilist
  218         lsrest = btlocate stoilrest
  219         newtilist = newas (sqid stoilrest) 0 tilist
  221 inv' rest (dlist,sel,tilist) inpt =
  222         if lsrest == [0,0] then
  223           ("",(dlist,sel,tilist),inpt)
  224         else 
  225           ( undo (put lsrest (orient xymax oldas wcoords)) ++
  226             put lsrest (orient xymax (inv oldas) wcoords)
  227           , (dlist,sel,newtilist)
  228           , inpt ) 
  229         where
  230         stoilrest = stoil rest
  231         wcoords = map (map wscale) (map fst dlist)
  232         oldas = assoc (sqid stoilrest) tilist
  233         newtilist = newas (sqid stoilrest) (inv oldas) tilist
  234         lsrest = btlocate stoilrest
  236 tclear, tsave, tget, t4' :: [Char] -> Trans
  238 tclear _ (dlist,sel,tilist) inpt =
  239     ( menumark "tclear" ++
  240       cleara tilearea ++
  241       tpgrid ++
  242       totile ++
  243       unmenumark "tclear"
  244     , (dlist,sel,initalist)
  245     , inpt )
  247 tsave _ state inpt = ("", state, inpt) --CR: tsave does nothing, for now 
  248 -- tsave _ (dlist,sel,tilist) inpt =
  249 --     ( menumark "tsave" ++
  250 --       prompt ++
  251 --       tofile h ++
  252 --       pos8head (tops dlist) ++
  253 --       introline ++
  254 --       concat . (map lf) ((reverse . ineights) (map (turn . snd) tilist)) ++
  255 --       "\nshowpage\n" ++
  256 --       tofile (h ++ ".pat") ++
  257 --       (tpatformat . ineights . map snd) tilist ++
  258 --       "TOSTDOUT" ++
  259 --       clearit ++
  260 --       unmenumark "tsave")
  261 --     , (dlist,sel,tilist)
  262 --     , t )
  263 --     where
  264 --     (h:t) = inpt
  265 --     tops = (map (map wwscale)) . (map fst)
  267 tget _ state inpt = ("", state, inpt) --CR: tget does nothing, for now 
  268 -- tget rest (dlist,sel,tilist) inpt =
  269 --      (out,(dlist,sel,(snd infromfile)),i)
  270 --         where
  271 --      (h:i) = inpt
  272 --      wcoords = map (map wscale) (map fst dlist)
  273 --      patfile = if h == "" then h
  274 --                   else if head h == '*' then lib ++ tail h
  275 --                else h ++ ".pat"
  276 --         lib = "/n/johann/usr2/openday/reptile/potato/" --CR now where?
  277 --      infromfile = case openfile patfile of
  278 --                 No emsg -> ( emsg ++ "\n" ++ delay 1000 ++ tpgrid
  279 --                                   , tilist )
  280 --                 Yes ls8 -> ( concat (map2 put (map squas alistind) 
  281 --                      (pam (orient xymax) orilist wcoords))
  282 --                                   , zip alistind orilist )
  283 --                                   where
  284 --                                   orilist = concat (map stoil (lines ls8))
  285 --      -- have omitted @ tgrid after cleara tilearea
  286 --      out = menumark "tget" ++
  287 --               cleara tilearea ++
  288 --               prompt ++
  289 --               fst infromfile ++
  290 --               clearit ++
  291 --               unmenumark "tget"
  293 t4' _ (dlist,sel,tilist) inpt =
  294     (out,(dlist,sel,newtilist),inpt)
  295     where
  296     orilist = pam assoc [(0,0),(0,1),(1,0),(1,1)] tilist
  297     wcoords = map (map wscale) (map fst dlist)
  298     pic = t4 (pam (orient xymax) orilist wcoords)
  299     newtilist = zip alistind (concrep 4 (cr12 ++ cr34))
  300                 where
  301                 cr12 = concrep 4 [n1,n2]
  302                 cr34 = concrep 4 [n3,n4]
  303                 [n1,n2,n3,n4] = orilist
  304     out = menumark "t4" ++
  305           cleara tilearea ++ 
  306           tile tpxorig tpyorig 4 4 pic ++
  307           unmenumark "t4"
  309 assoc :: (Eq a) => a -> [(a,b)] -> b 
  310 assoc i ((j,v):ivs) = if i == j then v else assoc i ivs
  312 q :: [Char] -> Trans
  313 q _ state _ = ("",state,[])
  315 {- UNUSED:
  316 prompt :: [Char]
  317 prompt = clearit ++
  318          vistextreg ++
  319          func 4 ++
  320          stringto 0 50 600 "Type in filename: " ++
  321          func 15
  323 clearit :: [Char]
  324 clearit = cleara textarea
  326 totext :: [[Int]] -> [Char]
  327 totext = concat . map putline
  329 putline :: [Int] -> [Char]
  330 putline [x0,y0,x1,y1] = "cs " ++  show x0 ++ " " ++ show y0 ++ " " ++
  331                             show x1 ++ " " ++ show y1 ++ "\n"
  332 -}
  334 -- newdraw clears and redraws the design area, and the picarea.
  335 -- also the tile area
  336 -- It is used by dclear and by get
  337 newdraw :: [Char]
  338 newdraw = cleara designarea ++
  339           dpgrid ++
  340           cleara picarea ++
  341           picgrid ++
  342           cleara tilearea ++
  343           tpgrid ++
  344           invisibletext ++
  345           todesign
  347 potatotile :: State -> [[Char]] -> [Char]
  348 potatotile = inter tileprompt tilequit tiletrans
  350 stoil :: [Char] -> [Int]
  351 stoil = map read . words