    2 -- ==========================================================--
    3 -- === Concretisation of function points.                 ===--
    4 -- ===                                        AbsConc3.hs ===--
    5 -- ==========================================================--
    7 module AbsConc3 where
    8 import BaseDefs
    9 import Utils
   10 import MyUtils
   11 import AbstractVals2
   12 import SuccsAndPreds2
   13 import AbstractMisc
   14 import DomainExpr
   17 -- ==========================================================--
   18 -- 
   19 acUncurryWRT :: Domain -> Domain -> Domain
   20 --              small     big
   21 --
   22 acUncurryWRT Two anyThing
   23    = anyThing
   25 acUncurryWRT (Lift1 ds1) (Lift1 ds2)
   26    = Lift1 (myZipWith2 acUncurryWRT ds1 ds2)
   28 acUncurryWRT (Lift2 ds1) (Lift2 ds2)
   29    = Lift2 (myZipWith2 acUncurryWRT ds1 ds2)
   31 acUncurryWRT (Func ds_s dt_s) (Func ds_b dt_b)
   32    = let small_arity  = length ds_s
   33          big_arity    = length ds_b
   34          fixed_at_outer_level
   35             = if     small_arity == big_arity 
   36               then   Func ds_b dt_b
   37               else
   38               if     small_arity < big_arity
   39               then   Func (take small_arity ds_b) 
   40                           (Func (drop small_arity ds_b) dt_b)
   41               else   panic "acUncurryWRT"
   42          totally_fixed 
   43             = case fixed_at_outer_level of
   44                  Func ds_ol dt_ol
   45                    -> Func (myZipWith2 acUncurryWRT ds_s ds_ol) 
   46                            (acUncurryWRT dt_s dt_ol)
   47      in
   48         totally_fixed
   51 -- ==========================================================--
   52 -- 
   53 acNormAndCurried :: Domain -> Domain -> (Domain, Domain)
   55 acNormAndCurried small_d big_d
   56    = let big_d_u = amStrongNormalise big_d
   57      in (big_d_u, acUncurryWRT small_d big_d_u)
   60 -- ==========================================================--
   61 --              big domain   smaller domain
   62 acCompatible :: Domain ->    Domain      -> Bool
   63 --
   64 -- In the (DFunc _ _) (DFunc _ _) case, note that
   65 -- the big domain is 
   66 -- assumed to be curried, so its apparent arity is
   67 -- the same as that of the small domain.
   68 --
   69 acCompatible _ Two
   70    = True
   72 acCompatible (Lift1 ds1) (Lift1 ds2)
   73    = myAndWith2 acCompatible ds1 ds2
   75 acCompatible (Lift2 ds1) (Lift2 ds2)
   76    = myAndWith2 acCompatible ds1 ds2
   78 acCompatible (Func big_ss big_t) (Func smaller_ss smaller_t)
   79    = acCompatible big_t smaller_t &&
   80      myAndWith2 acCompatible big_ss smaller_ss
   82 acCompatible _ _
   83    = False
   86 -- ==========================================================--
   87 -- 
   88 acConc :: ACMode -> Domain -> Domain -> Route -> Route
   90 acConc s_or_l big_d small_d small_r
   91    = let isFn = case small_d of { Func _ _ -> True; _ -> False }
   92          (big_d_u, big_d_c)
   93             = if isFn then acNormAndCurried small_d big_d else (big_d, big_d)
   94          isOk = acCompatible big_d_c small_d
   95          small_rep = case small_r of Rep rep -> rep
   96      in
   97          if    big_d == small_d
   98          then  small_r
   99          else
  100          if    not isOk 
  101          then  panic "acConc: incompatible domains\n\n"
  102          else
  103          if    isFn 
  104          then  Rep (acConcRep s_or_l big_d_c big_d_u small_d small_rep)
  105          else  acConcData s_or_l big_d_u small_d small_r
  108 -- ==========================================================--
  109 --                      big       small
  110 --
  111 acConcData :: ACMode -> Domain -> Domain -> Route -> Route
  113 acConcData s_or_l db Two One
  114    = avTopR db
  115 acConcData s_or_l db Two Zero
  116    = avBottomR db
  118 acConcData s_or_l (Lift1 dbs) (Lift1 dss) Stop1
  119    = Stop1
  120 acConcData s_or_l (Lift1 dbs) (Lift1 dss) (Up1 rs)
  121    = Up1 (myZipWith3 (acConc s_or_l) dbs dss rs)
  123 acConcData s_or_l (Lift2 dbs) (Lift2 dss) Stop2
  124    = Stop2
  125 acConcData s_or_l (Lift2 dbs) (Lift2 dss) Up2
  126    = Up2
  127 acConcData s_or_l (Lift2 dbs) (Lift2 dss) (UpUp2 rs)
  128    = UpUp2 (myZipWith3 (acConc s_or_l) dbs dss rs)
  131 -- ==========================================================--
  132 --                     big_c     big_u     small
  133 acConcRep :: ACMode -> Domain -> Domain -> Domain -> Rep -> Rep
  135 acConcRep s_or_l big_d_c@(Func dss_b_c dt_b_c)
  136                  big_d_u@(Func dss_b_u dt_b_u)
  137                  small_d@(Func dss_s_c dt_s_c)
  138                  rep
  139      = let concd_source
  140               = acConcSource s_or_l big_d_u small_d rep
  141            concd_source_d
  142               = amStrongNormalise (acConcSourceD big_d_c small_d)
  143            concd_all
  144               = acConcTarget s_or_l dt_b_c concd_source_d concd_source
  145        in  
  146            concd_all
  149 -- ==========================================================--
  150 -- Concretise target domain of a function.  
  151 --                    target_big    rep_current
  152 acConcTarget :: ACMode -> Domain -> Domain -> Rep -> Rep
  153 -- target_big may be a function space, derived from 
  154 -- *curried* final desired domain.
  155 --
  156 acConcTarget   
  157      s_or_l
  158      Two
  159    c@(Func dsc Two)
  160    f@(RepTwo _)
  161    = f
  164 acConcTarget   
  165      s_or_l
  166      (Lift1 dts)
  167    c@(Func dsc Two)
  168    f@(RepTwo fr)
  169    = let doOne dt = acConcTarget s_or_l dt c f
  170      in
  171          Rep1 fr (map doOne dts)
  174 acConcTarget   
  175      s_or_l
  176      (Lift2 dts)
  177    c@(Func dsc Two)
  178    f@(RepTwo fr)
  179    = let doOne dt = acConcTarget s_or_l dt c f
  180      in
  181          Rep2 fr fr (map doOne dts)
  184 acConcTarget
  185      s_or_l
  186      (Func es g)  
  187    c@(Func dsc Two)
  188    f@(RepTwo fr)
  189    = let arity_increase   = length es
  190          new_c            = Func (dsc++es) Two
  191          increased_arity
  192             = case s_or_l of
  193                  Safe -> ac_increase_arity_safe arity_increase dsc es fr
  194                  Live -> ac_increase_arity_live arity_increase dsc es fr
  195      in
  196          acConcTarget s_or_l g new_c increased_arity
  199 acConcTarget
  200      s_or_l
  201      (Lift1 dts_b)
  202    c@(Func dss (Lift1 dts_s))
  203    f@(Rep1 lf hfs)
  204    = let hfds_small = map (avUncurry dss) dts_s
  205          hfds_big   = map (avUncurry dss) dts_b
  206          hfds_targ  = myZipWith2 doOne hfds_small hfds_big
  207          doOne (Func xxss_s xxt_s) (Func xxss_b xxt_b)
  208             = let xxss_fin = drop (length xxss_s) xxss_b
  209               in
  210                   if     null xxss_fin
  211                   then   xxt_b
  212                   else   Func xxss_fin xxt_b
  213          hfs_big = myZipWith3 (acConcTarget s_or_l) hfds_targ hfds_small hfs
  214      in
  215          Rep1 lf hfs_big
  218 acConcTarget
  219      s_or_l
  220      (Lift2 dts_b)
  221    c@(Func dss (Lift2 dts_s))
  222    f@(Rep2 lf mf hfs)
  223    = let hfds_small = map (avUncurry dss) dts_s
  224          hfds_big   = map (avUncurry dss) dts_b
  225          hfds_targ  = myZipWith2 doOne hfds_small hfds_big
  226          doOne (Func xxss_s xxt_s) (Func xxss_b xxt_b)
  227             = let xxss_fin = drop (length xxss_s) xxss_b
  228               in
  229                   if     null xxss_fin
  230                   then   xxt_b
  231                   else   Func xxss_fin xxt_b
  232          hfs_big = myZipWith3 (acConcTarget s_or_l) hfds_targ hfds_small hfs
  233      in
  234          Rep2 lf mf hfs_big
  238 -- ==========================================================--
  239 --
  240 ac_increase_arity_safe :: Int ->        -- arity increase
  241                           [Domain] ->   -- existing arg domains
  242                           [Domain] ->   -- new arg domains
  243                           Frontier ->   -- the function 
  244                           Rep
  246 ac_increase_arity_safe arity_increase argds new_argds fr
  247    = let special_case   = avIsBottomRep (RepTwo fr)
  248          final_argds    = argds ++ new_argds
  249          new_bottoms    = map avBottomR new_argds
  250          special_fix    = avBottomR_aux (Func final_argds Two)
  251      in
  252          if      special_case
  253          then    special_fix
  254          else    ac_ia_aux Safe arity_increase new_bottoms final_argds fr
  258 -- ==========================================================--
  259 --
  260 ac_increase_arity_live :: Int ->        -- arity increase
  261                           [Domain] ->   -- existing arg domains
  262                           [Domain] ->   -- new arg domains
  263                           Frontier ->   -- the function 
  264                           Rep
  266 ac_increase_arity_live arity_increase argds new_argds fr
  267    = let special_case   = avIsTopRep (RepTwo fr)
  268          final_argds    = argds ++ new_argds
  269          new_tops       = map avTopR new_argds
  270          special_fix    = avTopR_aux (Func final_argds Two)
  271      in
  272          if      special_case
  273          then    special_fix
  274          else    ac_ia_aux Live arity_increase new_tops final_argds fr
  278 -- ==========================================================--
  279 --
  280 ac_ia_aux :: ACMode ->     -- mode
  281              Int ->        -- arity increase
  282              [Route] ->    -- top/bottom routes for new args
  283              [Domain] ->   -- arg domains **after** arity increase
  284              Frontier ->   -- the function
  285              Rep
  287 ac_ia_aux 
  288      s_or_l 
  289      ai 
  290      new_points
  291      final_argds
  292      (Min1Max0 ar f1 f0)
  293    = let (new_f1, new_f0) = ac_extend_fr s_or_l final_argds f1 f0 new_points
  294      in
  295          RepTwo (Min1Max0 (ar+ai) new_f1 new_f0)
  299 -- ==========================================================--
  300 --
  301 ac_extend_fr :: ACMode -> 
  302                 [Domain] -> 
  303                 [FrontierElem] -> 
  304                 [FrontierElem] ->
  305                 [Route] -> 
  306                 ([FrontierElem], [FrontierElem])
  308 ac_extend_fr s_or_l final_argds f1 f0 new_points
  309    = let new_f0_safe = [MkFrel (frel++new_points) | MkFrel frel <- f0]
  310          new_f1_safe = spMin1FromMax0 final_argds new_f0_safe 
  311          new_f1_live = [MkFrel (frel++new_points) | MkFrel frel <- f1]
  312          new_f0_live = spMax0FromMin1 final_argds new_f1_live 
  313      in  
  314          case s_or_l of
  315             Safe -> (new_f1_safe, new_f0_safe)
  316             Live -> (new_f1_live, new_f0_live)
  319 -- ==========================================================--
  320 --                            big_args    small_args
  321 acConcSource_aux :: ACMode -> [Domain] -> [Domain] -> Frontier -> Frontier
  323 acConcSource_aux Safe dbs dss (Min1Max0 ar f1 f0)
  324    = let dbs_used = take ar dbs
  325          new_f0 = map ( \(MkFrel pts) ->
  326                   MkFrel (myZipWith3 (acConc Safe) dbs_used dss pts)) f0
  327          new_f1 = spMin1FromMax0 dbs_used new_f0
  328      in
  329          Min1Max0 ar new_f1 new_f0
  331 acConcSource_aux Live dbs dss (Min1Max0 ar f1 f0)
  332    = let dbs_used = take ar dbs
  333          new_f1 = map ( \(MkFrel pts) ->
  334                   MkFrel (myZipWith3 (acConc Live) dbs_used dss pts)) f1
  335          new_f0 = spMax0FromMin1 dbs_used new_f1
  336      in
  337          Min1Max0 ar new_f1 new_f0
  340 -- ==========================================================--
  341 -- Concretise source domain of a function
  342 --                        big       small
  343 acConcSource :: ACMode -> Domain -> Domain -> Rep -> Rep
  344 --
  345 -- we pass in the *entire* desired final domain of the
  346 -- function, in *curried* form. This is preserved by
  347 -- subsequent calls. In general
  348 -- there may be more "dss" than components of each frontier
  349 -- point.  This is OK: only as many "dss" as are relevant
  350 -- are actually concretised.  "acConcTarget"
  351 -- sticks on those "dss" components ignored here.
  352 --
  354 acConcSource s_or_l (Func dss_b dt_b) 
  355                     (Func dss_s Two) 
  356                     (RepTwo fr)
  357    = RepTwo (acConcSource_aux s_or_l dss_b dss_s fr)
  360 acConcSource s_or_l (Func dss_b (Lift1 dts_b)) 
  361                     (Func dss_s (Lift1 dts_s))
  362                     (Rep1 lf hfs)
  363    = let new_lf             = acConcSource_aux s_or_l dss_b dss_s lf
  364          hf_big_domains     = map (avUncurry dss_b) dts_b
  365          hf_small_domains   = map (avUncurry dss_s) dts_s
  366          new_hfs
  367             = myZipWith3 (acConcSource s_or_l) hf_big_domains hf_small_domains hfs
  368      in
  369          Rep1 new_lf new_hfs
  372 acConcSource s_or_l (Func dss_b (Lift2 dts_b)) 
  373                     (Func dss_s (Lift2 dts_s))
  374                     (Rep2 lf mf hfs)
  375    = let new_lf             = acConcSource_aux s_or_l dss_b dss_s lf
  376          new_mf             = acConcSource_aux s_or_l dss_b dss_s mf
  377          hf_big_domains     = map (avUncurry dss_b) dts_b
  378          hf_small_domains   = map (avUncurry dss_s) dts_s
  379          new_hfs
  380             = myZipWith3 (acConcSource s_or_l) hf_big_domains hf_small_domains hfs
  381      in
  382          Rep2 new_lf new_mf new_hfs
  385 -- ==========================================================--
  386 -- Figure out the domain of the thing created by acConcSource.
  387 --               big       small
  388 acConcSourceD :: Domain -> Domain -> Domain
  390 acConcSourceD (Func dss_b dt_b) (Func dss_s Two)
  391    = Func dss_b Two
  393 acConcSourceD (Func dss_b (Lift1 dts_b)) (Func dss_s (Lift1 dts_s))
  394    = let low_fac_arity   = length dss_s
  395          hf_big_ds       = map (avUncurry dss_b) dts_s  {- XXXXXX -}
  396          hf_small_ds     = map (avUncurry dss_s) dts_s
  397          hf_resultants   = myZipWith2 acConcSourceD hf_big_ds hf_small_ds
  398          hf_res2         = map drop_lf_ar hf_resultants
  399          drop_lf_ar (Func ess et) 
  400             = let ess2 = drop low_fac_arity ess
  401               in     if null ess2 
  402               then   et
  403               else   Func ess2 et
  404      in
  405          Func dss_b (Lift1 hf_res2)
  407 acConcSourceD (Func dss_b (Lift2 dts_b)) (Func dss_s (Lift2 dts_s))
  408    = case
  409         acConcSourceD (Func dss_b (Lift1 dts_b)) (Func dss_s (Lift1 dts_s))
  410      of
  411         Func dss_res (Lift1 dts_res) -> Func dss_res (Lift2 dts_res)
  414 -- ==========================================================--
  415 --
  416 acMakeInstance :: ACMode ->  -- should be Safe for real applications
  417                   DExpr ->   -- simplest instance domain of point (DXFunc _ _)
  418                   DSubst ->  -- binds domain vars to required instances
  419                   Route ->   -- simplest instance of function
  420                   Route      -- function at desired instance
  421 {- Constraints, assumptions, &c.
  422    1.  The domain variables in the DExpr correspond exactly with
  423        those supplied in the DSubst.
  424    2.  The DExpr is of the form (DXFunc _ _) and correspondingly
  425        the supplied Point is of the form (DFunc _ _, RFunc _),
  426        and that the DFunc's args and DXFunc's args are 
  427        appropriately related.
  428 -}
  429 acMakeInstance s_or_l
  430                simplest_dx
  431                rho_d
  432                f_simplest
  433   = let
  434        finalDomain = amStrongNormalise (dxApplyDSubst rho_d simplest_dx)
  435        basicDomain =                   (dxApplyDSubst_2 simplest_dx)
  436     in
  437        acConc s_or_l finalDomain basicDomain f_simplest
  440 -- ==========================================================--
  441 -- === end                                    AbsConc3.hs ===--
  442 -- ==========================================================--