    2 -- ==========================================================--
    3 -- === Monster -- Enumerates the points in a lattice.     ===--
    4 -- === Not part of the strictness analyser proper.        ===--
    5 -- ===                                         Monster.hs ===--
    6 -- ==========================================================--
    8 module Monster where
    9 import BaseDefs
   10 import MyUtils
   11 import Utils
   12 import AbstractVals2
   13 import SuccsAndPreds2
   14 import AbstractMisc
   16 pretty x
   17   = f 0 0 x
   18     where
   19        f n h [] = "\n\nDone: " ++ show n ++ " total points, " ++ show h
   20                   ++ " height.\n"
   21        f n h (x:xs)
   22           = "\n  " ++ show (h+1) ++ " contains " ++ show x
   23              ++ f (n+x) (h+1) xs
   25 main
   26    = putStr banner      >>
   27      getContents        >>= \ inText ->
   28      let
   29          d = first (head (reads inText))
   30      in
   31      mySeq d (putStr ("\n\n" ++ pretty (map length (amAllUpSlices d))))
   32    where 
   33          banner = concat 
   34                    [ "\nMonster 0.400r: generates all points in a domain.\n",
   35                      "Copyright (c) Julian Seward 1992",
   36                      "\n\nEnter the domain: " ]
   39 -- ==========================================================--
   40 -- === end                                     Monster.hs ===--
   41 -- ==========================================================--