    2 -- ==========================================================--
    3 -- === Strictness analyser -- v6             StrictAn6.hs ===--
    4 -- ==========================================================--
    6 module StrictAn6 where
    7 import BaseDefs
    8 import Utils
    9 import MyUtils
   10 import BarakiConc3
   11 import Constructors
   12 import PrintResults
   13 import AbstractVals2
   14 import DomainExpr
   15 import TExpr2DExpr
   16 import AbstractMisc
   17 import Inverse
   18 import AbstractEval2
   19 import Simplify
   20 import FrontierGENERIC2
   21 import SmallerLattice
   22 import AbsConc3
   24 import List(transpose) -- 1.3
   25 import Char(isLower,isUpper)
   27 -- ==========================================================--
   28 -- Call analyser and format results
   29 --
   30 saMain :: AnnExpr Naam TExpr ->
   31           TypeDependancy ->
   32           AList Naam TExpr ->
   33           AList Naam [Naam] ->
   34           AList Naam (HExpr Naam) ->
   35           [TypeDef] ->
   36           [Flag] ->
   37           AList Domain Int ->
   38           [Char]
   40 saMain typedTree typeDAR simplestTEnv freeVars builtins dataDefs flags table
   41    = let domaindTree
   42             = tx2dxAnnTree typeDAR typedTree        
   43          recGroups
   44             = saMkGroups domaindTree
   45          simplestDEnv
   46             = map2nd (tx2dx typeDAR) simplestTEnv
   47          simplestDs
   48             = map2nd dxApplyDSubst_2 simplestDEnv
   49          statics
   50             = (simplestDEnv, simplestDs, cargs, 
   51                freeVars, flags, (pLim, mLim, lLim, uLim, sRat), table)
   52          cargs
   53             = saMkCargs dataDefs
   54          mindless_inv
   55             = SimpleInv `elem` utSCflags statics
   56          use_baraki
   57             = NoBaraki `notElem` utSCflags statics
   58          saResult      
   59             = saUndoCAFkludge (saGroups statics builtins recGroups)
   60          setting_info
   61             = saSettingInfo pLim mLim lLim uLim sRat mindless_inv use_baraki
   62          result        
   63             = concat (map (saPrinter statics mindless_inv) saResult)
   64          pLim
   65             = case head (filter isP flags) of {PolyLim n -> n}
   66          mLim
   67             = case head (filter isM flags) of {MonoLim n -> n}
   68          lLim
   69             = case head (filter isL flags) of {LowerLim n -> n}
   70          uLim
   71             = case head (filter isU flags) of {UpperLim n -> n}
   72          sRat
   73             = case head (filter isS flags) of {ScaleUp n -> n}
   74          isP x
   75             = case x of {PolyLim _ -> True; _ -> False}
   76          isM x
   77             = case x of {MonoLim _ -> True; _ -> False}
   78          isL x
   79             = case x of {LowerLim _ -> True; _ -> False}
   80          isU x
   81             = case x of {UpperLim _ -> True; _ -> False}
   82          isS x
   83             = case x of {ScaleUp _ -> True; _ -> False}
   84      in
   85          if     ForceAll `notElem` flags
   86          then   setting_info ++ result
   87          else
   88          if     typedTree == typedTree       &&
   89                 typeDAR == typeDAR           &&
   90                 simplestTEnv == simplestTEnv &&
   91                 freeVars == freeVars         &&
   92                 builtins == builtins         &&
   93                 dataDefs == dataDefs         &&
   94                 flags == flags               &&
   95                 table == table
   96          then   setting_info ++ result
   97          else   panic "saMain: Forcing failed."
  101 -- ==========================================================--
  102 --
  103 saSettingInfo :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> Bool -> String
  105 saSettingInfo pLim mLim lLim uLim sRat mindless_inv use_baraki
  106    = "\n================\n" ++
  107      "=== Settings ===\n" ++
  108      "================\n" ++
  109      "\nScaleup ratio = " ++ show sRat ++ "/10" ++
  110      "\nLower lattice size limit = " ++ show lLim ++
  111      "\nUpper lattice size limit = " ++ show uLim ++
  112      (if use_baraki then
  113      --"\nMonomorphic generalisation limit = " ++ show mLim ++
  114      "\nPolymorphic generalisation limit = " ++ show pLim
  115                     else
  116      "\nNot using Gebreselassie Baraki's generalisation technique.") ++
  117      (if mindless_inv then
  118      "\nUsing inefficient inverses" else "")
  119      ++ "\n\n\n" ++
  120      "==================\n" ++
  121      "=== Strictness ===\n" ++
  122      "==================\n"
  126 -- ==========================================================--
  127 --
  128 saGroups :: StaticComponent -> 
  129             AList Naam (HExpr Naam) -> 
  130             DefnGroup (Naam, AnnExpr Naam DExpr) ->
  131             [SAInfo]
  133 saGroups statics beta [] = []
  135 {- New Idea. (or a return to an old idea?)
  136    Instead of remaking the HExpr's from the AnnExpr's on every
  137    fixpointing iteration, just do it at the start, and during fixpointing
  138    allow the system to plug in the appropriate current values.  This
  139    saves a lot of wasted effort and also allows us to do some
  140    optimisations on the HExpr's immediately after they are created.
  141    Assumption: in a recursive fn, all calls to self are done at the
  142    basic instance.
  143 -}
  145 {- Non recursive function binding.
  146    ===============================
  148    The current beta will contain bindings for all functions
  149    preceding this one.  This fn does not call itself, so we
  150    chuck it into "sa" with beta as it is, supplying none of the
  151    free vars.  Then optimise it.  Then knock it into a 
  152    frontier representation.
  153 -}
  155 saGroups statics beta ((False, [(defname, defrhs)]): rest)
  156    = let hrhs 
  157             = siVectorise (optFunc (sa statics beta defrhs))
  158          defDexpr
  159             = utSureLookup (utSCdexprs statics) "sa(1)" defname
  160          defDomain
  161             = saCAFkludge (utSureLookup (utSCdomains statics) "sa(2)" defname)
  162          optFunc
  163             = if Simp `elem` utSCflags statics then siSimplify else id
  164          show_hexprs
  165             = ShowHExpr `elem` utSCflags statics
  166          callSearchResult
  167             = saNonRecStartup statics defname defDomain hrhs
  168          route
  169             = saGetResult (last callSearchResult)
  170          betaAug 
  171             = [(defname, HPoint route)]
  172          restInfo
  173             = saGroups statics (betaAug++beta) rest
  174      in
  175          (if show_hexprs then [SAHExpr defname hrhs] else [])
  176          ++
  177          callSearchResult
  178          ++
  179          restInfo
  182 {- Recursive function binding.
  183    ===========================
  185    This is not so simple.  As before, beta as supplied contains
  186    bindings for all functions preceding this group.  When we call
  187    "sa", we cannot substitute anything for recursive calls because
  188    this needs to be done dynamically by the fixpointer.  So again, we
  189    call "sa" with beta as supplied, then stuff the resultants through
  190    the optimiser.
  192    Subsequently we make up some initial approximations for these things
  193    and hand over the problem to the fixpointer.
  194 -}
  196 saGroups statics beta ((True, defs):rest)
  197    = let defNames
  198             = map first defs
  199          defRhss
  200             = map second defs
  201          hrhss
  202             = map (siVectorise.optFunc.sa statics beta) defRhss
  203          defDexprs
  204             = map (utSureLookup (utSCdexprs statics) "sa(3)") defNames
  205          defDomains
  206             = map (utSureLookup (utSCdomains statics) "sa(4)") defNames
  207          callFixResult
  208             = saFixStartup statics defNames
  209                            (map saCAFkludge defDomains) hrhss
  210          fixpoints
  211             = map saGetResult (filter saIsResult callFixResult)
  212          betaAug
  213             = myZip2 defNames (map HPoint fixpoints)
  214          optFunc 
  215             = if Simp `elem` utSCflags statics then siSimplify else id
  216          show_hexprs
  217             = ShowHExpr `elem` utSCflags statics
  218          restinfo
  219             = saGroups statics (betaAug++beta) rest
  220      in  
  221          (if show_hexprs then myZipWith2 SAHExpr defNames hrhss else [])
  222          ++
  223          callFixResult
  224          ++
  225          restinfo
  229 -- ==========================================================--
  230 --
  231 saFixStartup :: StaticComponent ->
  232                 [Naam] ->             -- names of fns in groups
  233                 [Domain] ->           -- final domains of functions
  234                 [HExpr Naam] ->       -- trees
  235                 [SAInfo]
  236 saFixStartup
  237      statics
  238      names
  239      domains
  240      trees
  241    =
  242      let
  243          final_arg_dss
  244             = map saGetArgs domains
  245          (poly_limit, mono_limit, low_limit, high_limit, scale_ratio)
  246             = utSClims statics
  247          sequence
  248             = slMakeSequence (utSCsizes statics) scale_ratio
  249                              final_arg_dss low_limit high_limit
  250          init_arg_dss
  251             = map second (saGetNextRec sequence)
  252          targ_ds
  253             = map saGetRes domains
  254          init_domains
  255             = myZipWith2 saMkFunc init_arg_dss targ_ds
  256          final_domains
  257             = myZipWith2 saMkFunc final_arg_dss targ_ds
  258          safe_and_live_bottoms
  259             = map avBottomR init_domains
  260          result 
  261             = saFixMain statics
  262                         names
  263                         sequence
  264                         init_arg_dss
  265                         targ_ds
  266                         final_arg_dss
  267                         safe_and_live_bottoms
  268                         safe_and_live_bottoms
  269                         trees
  270                         0
  271          local_commentary
  272             = saMakeSizeInfo sequence names
  273      in
  274          local_commentary
  275          ++
  276          result
  280 -- ==========================================================--
  281 --
  282 saNonRecStartup :: StaticComponent ->
  283                    Naam ->             -- name of fn
  284                    Domain ->           -- final domain of function
  285                    HExpr Naam ->       -- tree
  286                    [SAInfo]
  287 saNonRecStartup
  288      statics
  289      name
  290      domain
  291      tree
  292    =
  293      let
  294          final_arg_ds
  295             = saGetArgs domain
  296          (poly_limit, mono_limit, low_limit, high_limit, scale_ratio)
  297             = utSClims statics
  298          sequence
  299             = slMakeSequence (utSCsizes statics) scale_ratio
  300                              [final_arg_ds] low_limit high_limit
  301          init_arg_ds
  302             = second (saGetNextNonRec sequence)
  303          targ_d
  304             = saGetRes domain
  305          init_domain
  306             = saMkFunc init_arg_ds targ_d
  307          final_domains
  308             = saMkFunc final_arg_ds targ_d
  309          max0_init_safe
  310             = avBottomR init_domain
  311          min1_init_live
  312             = avTopR init_domain
  313          local_commentary
  314             = saMakeSizeInfo sequence [name]
  315          result
  316             = saNonRecSearch statics
  317                              name
  318                              sequence
  319                              init_arg_ds
  320                              targ_d
  321                              final_arg_ds
  322                              max0_init_safe
  323                              min1_init_live
  324                              tree
  325      in
  326          local_commentary
  327          ++
  328          result
  332 -- ==========================================================--
  333 --
  334 saNonRecSearch :: StaticComponent ->
  335                   Naam ->               -- name of fn
  336                   Sequence ->           -- sequence
  337                   [Domain] ->           -- prev arg domains
  338                   Domain ->             -- target domain
  339                   [Domain] ->           -- final arg domains
  340                   Route ->              -- max1 initialiser
  341                   Route ->              -- min0 initialiser
  342                   HExpr Naam ->         -- the tree
  343                   [SAInfo]
  344 saNonRecSearch
  345      statics
  346      name
  347      sequence
  348      old_arg_ds
  349      targ_d
  350      final_arg_ds
  351      old_safe_abstraction
  352      old_live_abstraction
  353      tree
  354    = 
  355      let
  356          finished_after_this_search 
  357             = saSequenceIsEmpty (saGetSeqTail sequence)
  358          given_up_early
  359             = saGivenUpEarly sequence
  360          (size, curr_arg_ds)
  361             = saGetNextNonRec sequence
  362          given_up_early_result
  363             = head (saFinalExpansion statics
  364                                      [final_domain] 
  365                                      [old_domain] 
  366                                      [old_safe_abstraction])
  367          done_result
  368             = if     given_up_early
  369               then   [SAGiveUp [name],
  370                       SAResult name final_domain given_up_early_result]
  371               else   [SAResult name final_domain next_safe]
  372          curr_domain
  373             = saMkFunc curr_arg_ds targ_d
  374          final_domain
  375             = saMkFunc final_arg_ds targ_d
  376          old_domain
  377             = saMkFunc old_arg_ds targ_d
  378          curr_safe_initialiser
  379             = acConc Live curr_domain old_domain old_safe_abstraction {-Live safe-}
  380          curr_live_initialiser
  381             = acConc Safe curr_domain old_domain old_live_abstraction {-Safe live-}
  382          (next_safe, next_safe_evals)
  383             = fsMakeFrontierRep Safe False 
  384                                 tree
  385                                 curr_domain
  386                                 final_arg_ds
  387                                 curr_live_initialiser
  388                                 curr_safe_initialiser
  389          (next_live, next_live_evals)
  390             = fsMakeFrontierRep Live False 
  391                                 tree
  392                                 curr_domain
  393                                 final_arg_ds
  394                                 curr_live_initialiser
  395                                 curr_safe_initialiser
  396          local_commentary
  397             = [SASearch Safe name size next_safe_evals,
  398                SASearch Live name size next_live_evals]
  399          not_done_result
  400             = saNonRecSearch statics 
  401                              name 
  402                              (saGetSeqTail sequence)
  403                              curr_arg_ds 
  404                              targ_d 
  405                              final_arg_ds 
  406                              next_safe 
  407                              next_live 
  408                              tree
  409      in
  410          if     finished_after_this_search
  411          then   local_commentary ++ done_result
  412          else   local_commentary ++ not_done_result
  416 -- ==========================================================--
  417 --
  418 saFixMain :: StaticComponent ->
  419              [Naam] ->               -- names of fns in group
  420              Sequence ->             -- expansion sequence for each function
  421              [[Domain]] ->           -- previous argument domains
  422              [Domain] ->             -- target domains of functions
  423              [[Domain]] ->           -- final argument domains
  424              [Route] ->              -- safe abstractions in a previous lattice
  425              [Route] ->              -- live abstractions in a previous lattice
  426              [HExpr Naam] ->         -- trees
  427              Int ->
  428              [SAInfo]                -- final result ?!?!
  430 saFixMain
  431      statics
  432      names
  433      sequences
  434      prev_arg_dss
  435      targ_ds
  436      final_arg_dss
  437      prev_safe
  438      prev_live
  439      trees
  440      lev
  441    =
  442      let
  443          finished
  444             = saSequenceIsEmpty sequences
  445          gave_up_early
  446             = saGivenUpEarly sequences
  447          curr_arg_dss
  448             = map second (saGetNextRec sequences)
  449          sizes_here
  450             = map first (saGetNextRec sequences)
  451          prev_domains
  452             = myZipWith2 saMkFunc prev_arg_dss targ_ds
  453          curr_domains
  454             = myZipWith2 saMkFunc curr_arg_dss targ_ds
  455          curr_safe
  456             = myZipWith3 (acConc Safe) curr_domains prev_domains prev_safe
  457          curr_live
  458             = myZipWith3 (acConc Live) curr_domains prev_domains prev_live
  459          max0_init
  460             = curr_live 
  461               --myZipWith3 (acConc Live) 
  462               --curr_domains prev_domains prev_live {-Live safe-}
  463          min1_init
  464             = curr_safe
  465               --myZipWith3 (acConc Safe) 
  466               --curr_domains prev_domains prev_safe {-Safe live-}
  467          thisSizeInfo
  468             = saFixAtSizeLive statics
  469                               curr_live
  470                               names
  471                               curr_domains
  472                               final_arg_dss
  473                               targ_ds
  474                               trees
  475                               min1_init
  476                               max0_init
  477                               sizes_here
  478                               lev
  479          (safe_fixes_at_this_size, live_fixes_at_this_size)
  480             = case last thisSizeInfo of SASL ss ls -> (ss, ls)
  481          final_domains
  482             = myZipWith2 saMkFunc final_arg_dss targ_ds
  483          finished_result
  484             = (if gave_up_early then [SAGiveUp names] else []) ++
  485               myZipWith3 SAResult names final_domains
  486                          (if     gave_up_early
  487                           then   finished_fixes_gave_up_early
  488                           else   prev_safe)
  489          finished_fixes_gave_up_early
  490             = saFinalExpansion statics
  491                                final_domains
  492                                prev_domains
  493                                prev_safe
  494          not_finished_result
  495             = init thisSizeInfo ++
  496               saFixMain statics
  497                         names
  498                         (saGetSeqTail sequences)
  499                         curr_arg_dss
  500                         targ_ds
  501                         final_arg_dss
  502                         safe_fixes_at_this_size
  503                         live_fixes_at_this_size
  504                         trees
  505                         (lev+1)
  506      in
  507          if     finished
  508          then   finished_result
  509          else   not_finished_result
  513 -- ==========================================================--
  514 --
  515 saFixAtSizeLive :: StaticComponent ->
  516                    [Route] ->            -- live abstractions
  517                    [Naam] ->             -- names of fns in group
  518                    [Domain] ->           -- current domains of functions
  519                    [[Domain]] ->         -- arg domains at full size
  520                    [Domain] ->           -- target domains
  521                    [HExpr Naam] ->       -- the trees
  522                    [Route] ->            -- safe min1 inits (const for this latt)
  523                    [Route] ->            -- live max0 inits (const for this latt)
  524                    [Int] ->              -- size of arg lattices
  525                    Int ->
  526                    [SAInfo]              -- safe and live abstractions of fixpoint
  527 saFixAtSizeLive
  528      statics
  529      live_abstractions
  530      names
  531      curr_domains
  532      big_argdss
  533      targ_ds
  534      trees
  535      min1_init
  536      max0_init
  537      sizes
  538      lev
  539    =
  540      let
  541          big_domains
  542             = myZipWith2 saMkFunc big_argdss targ_ds
  543          big_live_abstractions
  544             = myZipWith3 (acConc Live) big_domains curr_domains live_abstractions
  545          curr_live_beta 
  546             = myZip2 names big_live_abstractions
  547          trees_live 
  548             = map (saHSubst curr_live_beta) trees
  549          next_live_with_evals
  550             = myZipWith5 (fsMakeFrontierRep Live (lev==0))
  551                          trees_live
  552                          curr_domains
  553                          big_argdss
  554                          min1_init
  555                          live_abstractions --max0_init
  556          (next_live, next_live_evals) 
  557             = unzip2 next_live_with_evals
  558          got_fixed_point
  559             = myAndWith2 (\a b -> a == b) next_live live_abstractions
  560          fixed_point_result
  561             = work_here_commentary ++
  562               saFixAtSizeSafe statics
  563                               next_live
  564                               next_live
  565                               names
  566                               curr_domains
  567                               big_argdss
  568                               targ_ds
  569                               trees
  570                               min1_init
  571                               max0_init
  572                               sizes
  573                               lev
  574          work_here_commentary
  575             = myZipWith3 (SASearch Live) names sizes next_live_evals
  576          not_fixed_point_result
  577             = work_here_commentary ++              
  578               saFixAtSizeLive statics
  579                               next_live
  580                               names
  581                               curr_domains
  582                               big_argdss
  583                               targ_ds
  584                               trees
  585                               min1_init
  586                               max0_init
  587                               sizes
  588                               lev
  589      in
  590          if     got_fixed_point
  591          then   fixed_point_result
  592          else   not_fixed_point_result
  596 -- ==========================================================--
  597 --
  598 saFixAtSizeSafe :: StaticComponent ->
  599                    [Route] ->            -- safe abstractions
  600                    [Route] ->            -- live abstractions
  601                    [Naam] ->             -- names of fns in group
  602                    [Domain] ->           -- current domains of functions
  603                    [[Domain]] ->         -- arg domains at full size
  604                    [Domain] ->           -- target domains
  605                    [HExpr Naam] ->       -- the trees
  606                    [Route] ->            -- safe min1 inits (const for this latt)
  607                    [Route] ->            -- live max0 inits (const for this latt)
  608                    [Int] ->              -- size of arg lattices
  609                    Int ->
  610                    [SAInfo]              -- safe and live abstractions of fixpoint
  611 saFixAtSizeSafe
  612      statics
  613      safe_abstractions
  614      live_fixes
  615      names
  616      curr_domains
  617      big_argdss
  618      targ_ds
  619      trees
  620      min1_init
  621      max0_init
  622      sizes
  623      lev
  624    =
  625      let
  626          big_domains
  627             = myZipWith2 saMkFunc big_argdss targ_ds
  628          big_safe_abstractions
  629             = myZipWith3 (acConc Safe) big_domains curr_domains safe_abstractions
  630          curr_safe_beta 
  631             = myZip2 names big_safe_abstractions
  632          trees_safe 
  633             = map (saHSubst curr_safe_beta) trees
  634          next_safe_with_evals
  635             = myZipWith5 (fsMakeFrontierRep Safe (lev==0))
  636                          trees_safe
  637                          curr_domains
  638                          big_argdss
  639                          min1_init --safe_abstractions
  640                          safe_abstractions --live_fixes --max0_init
  641          (next_safe, next_safe_evals)
  642             = unzip2 next_safe_with_evals
  643          got_fixed_point
  644             = myAndWith2 (\a b -> a == b) next_safe safe_abstractions
  645          fixed_point_result
  646             = work_here_commentary ++
  647               [SASL safe_abstractions live_fixes]
  648          work_here_commentary
  649             = myZipWith3 (SASearch Safe) names sizes next_safe_evals
  650          not_fixed_point_result
  651             = work_here_commentary ++              
  652               saFixAtSizeSafe statics
  653                               next_safe
  654                               live_fixes
  655                               names
  656                               curr_domains
  657                               big_argdss
  658                               targ_ds
  659                               trees
  660                               min1_init
  661                               max0_init
  662                               sizes
  663                               lev
  664      in
  665          if     got_fixed_point
  666          then   fixed_point_result
  667          else   not_fixed_point_result
  671 -- ==========================================================--
  672 --
  673 saFinalExpansion :: StaticComponent -> 
  674                     [Domain] ->
  675                     [Domain] ->
  676                     [Route] ->
  677                     [Route]
  678 saFinalExpansion
  679      statics
  680      final_domains
  681      curr_domains
  682      safe_abstractions
  683    =
  684      let
  685         use_baraki
  686            = False --NoBaraki `notElem` (utSCflags statics)
  687         (poly_limit, mono_limit, lower_limit, upper_limit, scale_ratio)
  688            = utSClims statics
  689         (dexprs, dsubsts)
  690            = unzip2 (myZipWith2 dxDiff final_domains curr_domains)
  691         result
  692            = myZipWith3 (bcMakeInstance use_baraki mono_limit Safe)
  693                         dexprs dsubsts safe_abstractions
  694      in
  695         result
  698 -- ==========================================================--
  699 --
  700 saIsResult :: SAInfo -> Bool
  702 saIsResult (SAResult _ _ _)  = True
  703 saIsResult anyElse           = False
  705 saGetResult (SAResult name domain route) = route
  708 -- ==========================================================--
  709 --
  710 saPrinter :: StaticComponent -> Bool -> SAInfo -> [Char]
  712 saPrinter statics mi (SAResult name domain route)
  713    = prPrintFunction mi statics name (domain, route)
  715 saPrinter statics mi (SASearch mode name size n)
  716    = "Evaluated at size " ++
  717      rjustify 7 (show size) ++
  718      " using " ++
  719      rjustify 4 (show n) ++
  720      " evals " ++
  721      (case mode of {Safe -> "safe"; Live -> "live"}) ++
  722      " \"" ++ name ++ "\"\n"
  724 saPrinter statics mi (SASizes name useSizes noUseSizes)
  725    = "\nDomains for \"" ++ name ++ "\" are\n" ++ 
  726      saPrinter_aux True useSizes ++ saPrinter_aux False noUseSizes ++ "\n"
  728 saPrinter statics mi (SAHExpr name tree)
  729    = "\nAbstract tree for \"" ++ name ++ "\" is\n\n" ++ show tree ++ "\n\n"
  731 saPrinter statics mi (SAGiveUp names)
  732    = "Giving up on " ++ 
  733      interleave " and " (map (\n -> "\"" ++ n ++ "\"") names) ++ 
  734      ".\n"
  737 saPrinter_aux use [] 
  738    = ""
  739 saPrinter_aux use ((s,ds):sds)
  740    = rjustify 8 (show s) ++ " " ++
  741      (if use then " " else "*") ++ " " 
  742      ++ show ds ++ "\n" ++ saPrinter_aux use sds
  745 -- ==========================================================--
  746 --
  747 saUndoCAFkludge :: [SAInfo] -> [SAInfo]
  749 saUndoCAFkludge []
  750    = []
  751 saUndoCAFkludge (saInfo:saInfos)
  752    = let rest
  753             = saUndoCAFkludge saInfos
  754          this
  755             = case saInfo of
  756                  SAResult name domain route
  757                     -> [SAResult name (saCAFkludgeInverse domain) route]
  758                  SASearch mode name size n
  759                     -> if size < 2 then [] else [saInfo]
  760                  SASizes name [(sizes,[])] []
  761                     -> []
  762                  SASizes name useSizes noUseSizes
  763                     -> [saInfo]
  764                  SAHExpr name tree
  765                     -> [saInfo]
  766                  SAGiveUp names
  767                     -> [saInfo]
  768      in
  769          this ++ rest
  772 -- ==========================================================--
  773 --
  774 saCAFkludge, saCAFkludgeInverse :: Domain -> Domain
  776 saCAFkludge (Func dss dt) = Func dss dt
  777 saCAFkludge non_func_dom  = Func []  non_func_dom
  779 saCAFkludgeInverse (Func []  dt) = dt
  780 saCAFkludgeInverse (Func dss dt) = Func dss dt
  781 saCAFkludgeInverse non_fn_dom    = non_fn_dom
  784 -- ==========================================================--
  785 --
  786 saMkFunc :: [Domain] -> Domain -> Domain
  788 saMkFunc []  dt = dt
  789 saMkFunc dss dt = Func dss dt
  792 -- ==========================================================--
  793 --
  794 saSequenceIsEmpty (use, noUse)       = null use
  795 saGetNextRec      ((u:us), noUse)    = u
  796 saGetNextNonRec   (([u]:us), noUse)  = u
  797 saGetSeqTail      (u:us, noUse)      = (us, noUse)
  798 saGivenUpEarly    (use, noUse)       = not (null noUse)
  801 -- ==========================================================--
  802 --
  803 saGetArgs (Func dss dt) = dss
  804 saGetRes  (Func dss dt) = dt
  807 -- ==========================================================--
  808 --
  809 saMakeSizeInfo :: Sequence -> [Naam] -> [SAInfo]
  811 saMakeSizeInfo (use, noUse) names
  812    = let useT = transpose use
  813          noUseT 
  814             = transpose noUse
  815          noUseT2 = (if null noUse then [[] | _ <- useT] else noUseT)
  816      in
  817          myZipWith3 SASizes names useT noUseT2
  820 -- ==========================================================--
  821 --
  822 saHSubst :: RSubst ->
  823             HExpr Naam ->
  824             HExpr Naam
  826 saHSubst fenv (HVar v@('_':_))  = HPoint (utSureLookup fenv "sa(8)" v)
  827 saHSubst fenv (HVar v_other)    = HVar v_other
  828 saHSubst fenv (HApp e1 e2)      = HApp (saHSubst fenv e1) (saHSubst fenv e2)
  829 saHSubst fenv (HMeet es)        = HMeet (map (saHSubst fenv) es)
  830 saHSubst fenv (HLam vs e)       = HLam vs (saHSubst fenv e)
  831 saHSubst fenv (HPoint p)        = HPoint p
  832 saHSubst fenv (HTable t)        = HTable (map2nd (saHSubst fenv) t)
  833 saHSubst fenv (HVAp f es)       = HVAp (saHSubst fenv f) (map (saHSubst fenv) es)
  836 -- ==========================================================--
  837 --
  838 saMkGroups :: AnnExpr Naam DExpr -> 
  839             DefnGroup (AnnDefn Naam DExpr)
  841 saMkGroups (_, ALet rf subdefs rest) = (rf, subdefs):saMkGroups rest
  842 saMkGroups (_, anyThingElse        ) = []
  845 -- ==========================================================--
  846 -- The strictness analyser proper: the magic function "S"
  847 -- Now rather heavily modified (in version 0.300 and above)
  848 -- and no longer bearing much relationship to the original
  849 -- mathematics
  850 --
  851 sa :: StaticComponent ->
  852       AList Naam (HExpr Naam) ->
  853       AnnExpr Naam DExpr ->
  854       HExpr Naam
  856 sa statics beta (dtau, AConstr _) 
  857    = panic "sa: AConstr encountered"
  859 sa statics beta (dtau, ALet _ _ _)
  860    = panic "sa: ALet encountered"
  862 sa statics beta (dtau, ANum n) 
  863    = HPoint One
  865 sa statics beta (dtau, AAp e1 e2) 
  866    = HApp (sa statics beta e1) (sa statics beta e2)
  868 sa statics beta (dtau, ALam vs e)
  869    = HLam vs (sa statics beta e)
  871 sa statics beta (dtau, AVar v)
  872    {- This is complicated.  If it's a constructor, make up the
  873       constructor at the right instantiation and put in place.
  874       If it's a function which is accounted for in beta, do likewise.
  875       If it's a function which is not accounted for in beta, ignore it,
  876       since it must be a call to the current recursive group.
  877       If it's a variable, look it up in beta, and if it isn't there, 
  878       just leave alone.  Otherwise replace.  This allows the
  879       case-statement-algorithm to work properly.
  880    -}
  881    = let isConstructor
  882             = isUpper (head v)
  883          isVariable
  884             = isLower (head v)
  885          isFunction
  886             = head v == '_'
  887          v_dtype_simple
  888             = utSureLookup (utSCdexprs statics) "sa(5)" v
  889          v_instance
  890             = txGetInstantiations v_dtype_simple dtau
  891          v_lookup
  892             = utLookup beta v
  893          accounted_for
  894             = case v_lookup of {Just _ -> True; _ -> False}
  895          v_lookup_result
  896             = case v_lookup of {Just x -> x}
  897          v_lookup_point
  898             = case v_lookup_result of {HPoint p -> p}
  899          use_baraki
  900             = NoBaraki `notElem` (utSCflags statics)
  901          (pLim, mLim, lLim, uLim, scale_ratio)
  902             = utSClims statics
  903          f_at_instance 
  904             = bcMakeInstance use_baraki pLim Safe
  905                              v_dtype_simple v_instance v_lookup_point
  906          mindless_inv
  907             = SimpleInv `elem` (utSCflags statics)
  908          c_at_instance
  909             = coMakeConstructorInstance
  910                  mindless_inv
  911                  (utSureLookup (utSCconstrelems statics) "sa(7)" v)
  912                  v_dtype_simple v_instance
  913      in
  914          if    isConstructor
  915          then  HPoint c_at_instance
  916          else
  917          if    isVariable && accounted_for
  918          then  v_lookup_result
  919          else
  920          if    isVariable && not accounted_for
  921          then  HVar v
  922          else  
  923          if    isFunction && accounted_for
  924          then  HPoint f_at_instance
  925          else
  926          if    isFunction && not accounted_for
  927          then  HVar v
  928          else  panic "sa(var)"
  932 sa statics beta (dtau, ACase (dtau_sw, expr_sw) alts)
  933    {- This is even more complicated.
  934       Get all the constructors in case.
  935       Make them all up at the relevant instance.
  936       Make all the points in dtau_sw.
  937       For each one, gather the maxinverses and constructors
  938          which give that point.  For each of these, make up an
  939          environment to augment beta with, "sa" the relevant
  940          alternative with that value and HMeet all the values
  941          together (yuck).
  942    -}
  943    = let 
  944          ----------------------------------------------------------
  945          -- check for special case of case-ing on a known value  --
  946          ----------------------------------------------------------
  948          caseOfKnownVal
  949             = case expr_sw of
  950                 AVar v_sw -> isLower (head v_sw) && 
  951                              v_sw `elem` map first beta
  952                 anyElse   -> False
  954          v_sw_pt = case utSureLookup beta "sa(??)" 
  955                         (case expr_sw of AVar v_sw -> v_sw)
  956                    of HPoint p -> p
  958          doCaseOpt = NoCaseOpt `notElem` (utSCflags statics)
  960          mindless_inv = SimpleInv `elem` (utSCflags statics)
  962          ----------------------------------------------------------
  963          -- to do with domains, and misc stuff                   --
  964          ----------------------------------------------------------
  966          sw_domain = dxApplyDSubst_2 dtau_sw
  968          all_sw_points = amAllRoutes sw_domain
  970          dtau_sw_top = avTopR sw_domain
  972          outDomainBottom = HPoint (avBottomR (dxApplyDSubst_2 dtau))
  974          unMkFrel (MkFrel xs) = xs
  976          ----------------------------------------------------------
  977          -- make a load of info about the alts                   --
  978          ----------------------------------------------------------
  980          constructorNames = map first alts
  982          constrSimpDTypes = map (utSureLookup (utSCdexprs statics) "sa(9)") 
  983                                 constructorNames
  985          constrSimpDFinal = let getDxt (DXFunc _ dxt) = dxt
  986                                 getDxt other_dx = other_dx
  987                             in  map getDxt constrSimpDTypes
  989          constrInstances  = map (\si -> txGetInstantiations si dtau_sw) 
  990                                 constrSimpDFinal
  992          constrDomains = myZipWith2 dxApplyDSubst 
  993                          constrInstances constrSimpDTypes
  995          constrCElems     = map (utSureLookup (utSCconstrelems statics) "sa(10)") 
  996                             constructorNames
  998          constrActuals = myZipWith3 (coMakeConstructorInstance mindless_inv)
  999                          constrCElems constrSimpDTypes constrInstances
 1001          conIsCAF con = case con of { Rep _ -> False; _ -> True}
 1003          allConstrNumbers = 0 `myIntsFromTo` (length alts - 1)
 1005          allAltInfo          
 1006             = [(constrActuals ## n,             -- the constructor itself
 1007                 constrDomains ## n,             -- the constructor's domain
 1008                 conIsCAF (constrActuals ## n),  -- is-a-caf flag
 1009                 first (second (alts ## n)),     -- arguments on this alt
 1010                 second (second (alts ## n)))    -- rhs for this alt
 1011                 | n <- allConstrNumbers]
 1013          ----------------------------------------------------------
 1014          -- the maxInverse of a constructor at a point           --
 1015          ----------------------------------------------------------
 1017          maxInvsCon con cd isCAF pt
 1018             = if     isCAF
 1019               then   if pt == dtau_sw_top then [[]] else []
 1020               else   map unMkFrel (inMaxInverse mindless_inv cd con pt)
 1022          ----------------------------------------------------------
 1023          -- make the table mapping switch expression definedness --
 1024          -- to definedness of the entire case expression, OR,    --
 1025          -- if we can do case-of-case optimisation, just compute --
 1026          -- rhs-definedness based on the known value (v_sw_pt)   --
 1027          -- of the switch expression.                            --
 1028          ----------------------------------------------------------
 1030          switch_hexpr = sa statics beta (dtau_sw, expr_sw)
 1032          result
 1033             = if     caseOfKnownVal && doCaseOpt
 1034               then   second (outval v_sw_pt)
 1035               else   HApp (HTable (map outval all_sw_points)) switch_hexpr
 1037          ----------------------------------------------------------
 1038          -- given a value for the switch expression, finds the   --
 1039          -- definedness of the entire case expression (outval)   --
 1040          ----------------------------------------------------------
 1042          outval r
 1043            = (r, aeMkMeet outDomainBottom (concat (map (f r) allConstrNumbers)))
 1045          f pt cnum
 1046            = let (con, cd, isCAF, params, rhs) = allAltInfo ## cnum
 1047                  mis = map (map HPoint) (maxInvsCon con cd isCAF pt)
 1048                  allenvs = map (myZip2 params) mis
 1049                  doOneRhs :: [(Naam, HExpr Naam)] -> HExpr Naam
 1050                  doOneRhs env = sa statics (env++beta) rhs
 1051              in
 1052                  (map doOneRhs allenvs) :: [HExpr Naam]
 1054          ----------------------------------------------------------
 1055          --                                                      --
 1056          ----------------------------------------------------------
 1057      in
 1058          result
 1061 -- ==========================================================--
 1062 --
 1063 saMkCargs :: [TypeDef] -> AList Naam [ConstrElem]
 1065 saMkCargs [] = []
 1066 saMkCargs ((typename, tvars, calts):rest)
 1067    = map doOne calts ++ saMkCargs rest
 1068      where
 1069         doOne (name, tdefexprs) = (name, map f tdefexprs)
 1070         f (TDefVar v) = ConstrVar (find v tvars)
 1071         f (TDefCons _ _) = ConstrRec
 1072         find v (v2:vs) = if v == v2 then 0 else 1 + find v vs
 1075 -- ==========================================================--
 1076 -- === End                                   StrictAn6.hs ===--
 1077 -- ==========================================================--