1 --------------------------------------------------
    2 -- Copyright 1994 by Peter Thiemann
    3 -- $Log: EbnfLayout.hs,v $
    4 -- Revision 1.2  1996/07/26 21:21:58  partain
    5 -- Final changes for 2.01
    6 --
    7 -- Revision 1.1  1996/01/08 20:02:34  partain
    8 -- Initial revision
    9 --
   10 -- Revision 1.4  1994/03/15  15:34:53  thiemann
   11 -- added full color support, XColorDB based
   12 --
   13 -- Revision 1.3  1994/02/18  11:59:29  thiemann
   14 -- save state before adding "withTentacle"
   15 --
   16 --Revision 1.2  1993/08/31  12:31:32  thiemann
   17 --reflect changes in type FONT
   18 --
   19 --Revision 1.1  1993/08/17  12:34:29  thiemann
   20 --Initial revision
   21 --
   22 -- $Locker:  $
   23 --------------------------------------------------
   24 module EbnfLayout where
   26 import AbstractSyntax
   27 import Color
   28 import Fonts (FONT, stringWidth, stringHeight, fontDescender)
   29 import Info
   30 import List--1.3
   32 -- all arithmetic is done in 1/100 pt
   34 -- tFont, ntFont :: Font
   35 -- arrowSize, lineWidth, fatLineWidth, borderDistY, borderDistX :: Int
   37 -- borderDistX = 500
   38 -- borderDistY = 500
   39 -- lineWidth   = 20
   40 -- fatLineWidth = 200
   41 -- arrowSize   = 300
   42 -- ntFont           = ("Times-Roman", 10)
   43 -- tFont       = ("Times-Roman", 10)
   45 makePictureLayout :: INFO -> Production -> Container
   46 makePictureLayout
   47     (borderDistX, borderDistY, lineWidth, fatLineWidth, arrowSize, ntFont, tFont,
   48         (ntColor, tColor, lineColor, fatLineColor))
   49     prod
   50     = makePicture 0 0 1 prod
   51         where
   53   mkNonTerminal :: String -> Int -> Int -> Container
   54   mkNonTerminal str rx ry = (rx, ry, width, height, 0, AString ntColor ntFont str)
   55         where 
   56               width  = stringWidth  ntFont str
   57               height = stringHeight ntFont str
   59   mkTerminal :: String -> Int -> Int -> Container
   60   mkTerminal str rx ry = (rx, ry, width, height, 0, AString tColor tFont str)
   61         where 
   62               width  = stringWidth  tFont str
   63               height = stringHeight tFont str
   65   mkBox :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Container -> Container
   66   mkBox rx ry width height inOutY content
   67     = (rx, ry, width, height, inOutY, ABox fatLineColor False content)
   69   mkRoundBox :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Container -> Container
   70   mkRoundBox rx ry width height inOutY content
   71     = (rx, ry, width, height, inOutY, ABox fatLineColor True content)
   73   mkLine ::  Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Container
   74   mkLine rx ry w h = (rx, ry, w, h, 0, Aline lineColor)
   76   mkArrow :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Container
   77   mkArrow rx ry dir = (rx, ry, 0, 0, 0, Arrow lineColor (dir*arrowSize))
   79   mkTurn :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> TDirection -> Container
   80   mkTurn rx ry w h t = (rx, ry, w, h, 0, ATurn lineColor t)
   82   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   84   withTentacle :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Production -> Container
   85   withTentacle rx ry direction prod = 
   86         (rx, ry, width, height, inOutY, AComposite [contents, theLine, theArrow])
   87         where (_, _, width1, height, inOutY, _) = contents
   88               contents = makePicture rx1 0 direction prod
   89               width = width1 + borderDistX
   90               rx1      | direction > 0 = 0
   91                        | otherwise     = borderDistX
   92               theLine  | direction > 0 = mkLine  width1 inOutY borderDistX 0
   93                        | otherwise     = mkLine  0      inOutY borderDistX 0
   94               theArrow | direction > 0 = mkArrow width  inOutY direction
   95                        | otherwise     = mkArrow 0      inOutY direction
   97   makePicture :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Production -> Container
   99   makePicture rx ry direction (ProdProduction ntName ntAliases prod) =
  100         (rx, ry, width, height, 0, AComposite ([content1, content2]++glue))
  101         where (_, _, width1, height1, inOutY1, _) = content1
  102               content1 = withTentacle rx1 ry1 direction prod
  103               content2@(_,_, width2, height2,_,_) = mkNonTerminal str rx2 ry2
  104               rx1 = 2*borderDistX
  105               ry1 = fatLineWidth `div` 2
  106               rx2 = 0
  107               ry2 = ry1 + height1 + distance - fontDescender ntFont
  108               distance = 2*borderDistY
  109               width = 2*borderDistX + max width1 width2
  110               height = height1 +fatLineWidth + height2 + distance
  111               glue = [
  112                 mkLine 0 (ry1 + inOutY1) (2*borderDistX) 0,
  113                 mkArrow rx1 (ry1 + inOutY1) direction]
  114               str = case ntAliases of
  115                         [] -> ntName
  116                         newName:_ -> newName
  118   makePicture rx ry direction (ProdTerm [prod]) =
  119         makePicture rx ry direction prod
  120   makePicture rx ry direction (ProdTerm prods) =
  121         (rx, ry, width, height, inOutY, AComposite (newcontents ++ glue))
  122         where newcontents = zip6 rxs rys widths heights inOutYs gobjs
  123               (_, _, widths, heights, inOutYs, gobjs) = unzip6 contents
  124               ncontents = length prods
  125               -- sadly enough it's not possible to take rxs and rys in place of the fakes!
  126               fakes = take ncontents (repeat 0)
  127               contents = zipWith4 makePicture fakes fakes directions prods
  128               height = sum heights + (ncontents-1) * borderDistY
  129               maxwidth = maximum widths
  130               width = maxwidth + 4 * borderDistX
  131               rxs | direction > 0 = take ncontents (repeat (2 * borderDistX))
  132                   | otherwise     = map ((+ 2*borderDistX) . (maxwidth -)) widths
  133               rys = tail (scanr f 0 heights) where f h q = h + q + borderDistY
  134               directions = take ncontents (repeat direction)
  135               entries = zipWith (+) rys inOutYs                   -- frame relative Y positions of entries
  136               firstEntry = entries!!0
  137               lastEntry = entries!!(ncontents-1)
  138               middleEntries = init (tail entries)
  139               inOutY = (firstEntry + lastEntry) `div` 2
  140               inOutDiff = firstEntry - lastEntry - 2*borderDistY
  141               glue = fixedglue ++ variableglue
  142               fixedglue = [
  143                 mkLine 0 inOutY borderDistX 0,
  144                 mkLine (width-borderDistX) inOutY borderDistX 0,
  145                 mkTurn borderDistX (firstEntry - borderDistY) borderDistX borderDistY SE,
  146                 mkTurn borderDistX lastEntry   borderDistX borderDistY NE,
  147                 mkLine borderDistX (lastEntry + borderDistY) 0 inOutDiff,
  148                 mkTurn (width-2*borderDistX) (firstEntry - borderDistY) borderDistX borderDistY SW,
  149                 mkTurn (width-2*borderDistX) lastEntry borderDistX borderDistY WN,
  150                 mkLine (width-borderDistX) (lastEntry + borderDistY) 0 inOutDiff] ++
  151                 map f middleEntries ++
  152                 map g middleEntries
  153                         where f y = mkLine borderDistX           y borderDistX 0
  154                               g y = mkLine (width-2*borderDistX) y borderDistX 0
  155               variableglue | direction > 0 = zipWith g widths entries
  156                            | otherwise     = zipWith h widths entries
  157                         where g w y = mkLine (2*borderDistX + w) y (maxwidth - w) 0
  158                               h w y = mkLine (2*borderDistX)     y (maxwidth - w) 0
  159               obsoleteglue =
  160                         map (f (2*borderDistX)) entries
  161                         where f x y = mkArrow x y direction
  163 {- the following works for two terms, both directions
  164   makePicture rx ry direction (ProdTerm [prod1, prod2])
  165     | direction > 0 =
  166         let   (_, _, width1, height1, inOutY1, _) = content1
  167               content1 = makePicture rx1 ry1 direction prod1
  168               (_, _, width2, height2, inOutY2, _) = content2
  169               content2 = makePicture rx2 ry2 direction prod2
  170               rx1 = 2*borderDistX
  171               rx2 = 2*borderDistX
  172               ry2 = 0
  173               ry1 = height2 + borderDistY
  174               maxwidth = max width1 width2
  175               width = 4*borderDistX + maxwidth
  176               height = height2 + borderDistY + height1
  177               inOutY = (inOutY2 + ry1 + inOutY1) `div` 2
  178               inOutDiff = ry1 + inOutY1 - inOutY2 - 2*borderDistY
  179               glue = [
  180                 mkLine 0 inOutY borderDistX 0,
  181                 mkLine (width - borderDistX) inOutY borderDistX 0,
  182                 mkLine borderDistX (ry2 + inOutY2 + borderDistY) 0 inOutDiff,
  183                 mkLine (width - borderDistX) (ry2 + inOutY2 + borderDistY) 0 inOutDiff,
  184                 mkTurn borderDistX (ry1 + inOutY1 - borderDistX) borderDistX borderDistY SE,
  185                 mkTurn borderDistX inOutY2 borderDistX borderDistY NE,
  186                 mkTurn (width - 2*borderDistX) (ry1 + inOutY1 - borderDistX) borderDistX borderDistY SW,
  187                 mkTurn (width - 2*borderDistX) inOutY2 borderDistX borderDistY WN,
  188                 mkLine (rx1 + width1) (ry1 + inOutY1) (maxwidth - width1) 0,
  189                 mkLine (rx2 + width2) (ry2 + inOutY2) (maxwidth - width2) 0]
  190         in      (rx, ry, width, height, inOutY, AComposite ([content1,content2]++glue))
  191     | otherwise =
  192         let   (_, _, width1, height1, inOutY1, _) = content1
  193               content1 = makePicture rx1 ry1 direction prod1
  194               (_, _, width2, height2, inOutY2, _) = content2
  195               content2 = makePicture rx2 ry2 direction prod2
  196               maxwidth = max width1 width2
  197               width = 4*borderDistX + maxwidth
  198               height = height2 + borderDistY + height1
  199               inOutY = (inOutY2 + ry1 + inOutY1) `div` 2
  200               inOutDiff = ry1 + inOutY1 - inOutY2 - 2*borderDistY
  201               rx1 = 2*borderDistX + (maxwidth - width1)
  202               rx2 = 2*borderDistX + (maxwidth - width2)
  203               ry2 = 0
  204               ry1 = height2 + borderDistY
  205               glue = [
  206                 mkLine 0 inOutY borderDistX 0,
  207                 mkLine (width - borderDistX) inOutY borderDistX 0,
  208                 mkLine borderDistX (ry2 + inOutY2 + borderDistY) 0 inOutDiff,
  209                 mkLine (width - borderDistX) (ry2 + inOutY2 + borderDistY) 0 inOutDiff,
  210                 mkTurn borderDistX (ry1 + inOutY1 - borderDistX) borderDistX borderDistY SE,
  211                 mkTurn borderDistX inOutY2 borderDistX borderDistY NE,
  212                 mkTurn (width - 2*borderDistX) (ry1 + inOutY1 - borderDistX) borderDistX borderDistY SW,
  213                 mkTurn (width - 2*borderDistX) inOutY2 borderDistX borderDistY WN,
  214                 mkLine (2*borderDistX) (ry1 + inOutY1) (maxwidth - width1) 0,
  215                 mkLine (2*borderDistX) (ry2 + inOutY2) (maxwidth - width2) 0]
  216         in      (rx, ry, width, height, inOutY, AComposite ([content1,content2]++glue))
  217 -}
  219   makePicture rx ry direction (ProdFactor [prod]) =
  220         makePicture rx ry direction prod
  221 {-
  222   makePicture rx ry direction (ProdFactor prods) =
  223         (rx, ry, width, height, inOutY, AComposite (glue++contents))
  224         where (_, _, widths, heights, inOutYs, gobjs) = unzip6 contents
  225               contents = zipWith4 makePicture rxs rys directions prods
  226               ncontents = length prods
  227               aboves = zipWith (-) heights inOutYs
  228               maxIO = maximum inOutYs
  229               height = maxIO + maximum aboves
  230               width = sum widths + (ncontents-1)*borderDistX
  231               inOutY = maxIO
  232               rxs
  233                   -- = take ncontents [0, 20*borderDistX .. ]
  234                   | direction > 0 = init (scanl f 0 widths)
  235                   | otherwise     = tail (scanr f 0 widths)
  236                        where f q w = q + w + borderDistX
  238               rys =
  239                         take ncontents (repeat 0)
  240                         -- map (inOutY -) inOutYs
  241               directions = take ncontents (repeat direction)
  242               glue | direction > 0 = map f (tail rxs)
  243                    | otherwise     = map f (init rxs)
  244                         where  f x = mkLine (x-borderDistX) inOutY borderDistX 0
  245 -}
  247   makePicture rx ry direction (ProdFactor [prod1,prod2]) 
  248     | direction > 0 =
  249         let   (_, _, width1, height1, inOutY1, _) = content1
  250               content1 = withTentacle rx1 ry1 direction prod1
  251               (_, _, width2, height2, inOutY2, _) = content2
  252               content2 = makePicture rx2 ry2 direction prod2
  253               rx1 = 0
  254               rx2 = width1
  255               width = width1 + width2
  256               inOutY = max inOutY1 inOutY2
  257               ry1 = inOutY - inOutY1
  258               ry2 = inOutY - inOutY2
  259               height = inOutY + max (height1 - inOutY1) (height2 - inOutY2)
  260         in    (rx, ry, width, height, inOutY, AComposite ([content1,content2]))
  261     | otherwise =
  262         let   (_, _, width1, height1, inOutY1, _) = content1
  263               content1 = withTentacle rx1 ry1 direction prod1
  264               (_, _, width2, height2, inOutY2, _) = content2
  265               content2 = makePicture rx2 ry2 direction prod2
  266               rx2 = 0
  267               rx1 = width2
  268               width = width1 + width2
  269               inOutY = max inOutY1 inOutY2
  270               ry1 = inOutY - inOutY1
  271               ry2 = inOutY - inOutY2
  272               height = inOutY + max (height1 - inOutY1) (height2 - inOutY2)
  273         in    (rx, ry, width, height, inOutY, AComposite ([content1,content2]))
  275   makePicture rx ry direction (ProdFactor (prod:prods)) =
  276         makePicture rx ry direction (ProdFactor [prod, ProdFactor prods])
  277 -- this is a ghastly hack!
  279   makePicture rx ry direction (ProdNonterminal str) =
  280         mkBox rx ry width height inOutY content
  281         where content@(_,_,width', height',_,_) = mkNonTerminal str rx' ry'
  282               width   = width' + 2*borderDistX + 2*fatLineWidth
  283               height  = height' + borderDistY + 2*fatLineWidth
  284               rx'     = fatLineWidth + borderDistX
  285               ry'     = fatLineWidth + borderDistY `div` 2 - fontDescender ntFont
  286               inOutY  = height `div` 2
  288   makePicture rx ry direction (ProdTerminal str) =
  289         mkRoundBox rx ry width height inOutY content
  290         where content@(_,_,width', height',_,_) = mkTerminal str rx' ry'
  291               width   = width' + 2*borderDistX + 2*fatLineWidth
  292               height  = height' + borderDistY + 2*fatLineWidth
  293               rx'     = fatLineWidth + borderDistX
  294               ry'     = fatLineWidth + borderDistY `div` 2 - fontDescender tFont
  295               inOutY  = height `div` 2
  297   makePicture rx ry direction (ProdOption prod) =
  298         (rx, ry, width, height, inOutY, AComposite (content:glue))
  299         where (_, _, width', height', inOutY', gobj) = content
  300               content = makePicture rx' ry' direction prod
  301               width = width' + 6*borderDistX
  302               height = height' + borderDistY
  303               rx' = 3*borderDistX
  304               ry' = borderDistY
  305               inOutY = 0
  306               glue = variableglue ++ fixedglue
  307               fixedglue = [
  308                 mkLine 0 0 width 0,
  309                 mkTurn 0 0 borderDistX bby WN,
  310                 mkTurn borderDistX (inOutY'+borderDistY-bby) borderDistX bby SE,
  311                 mkLine (2*borderDistX) (ry'+inOutY') borderDistX 0,
  312                 mkTurn (width-borderDistX) 0 borderDistX bby NE,
  313                 mkTurn (width-2*borderDistX) (inOutY'+borderDistY-bby) borderDistX bby SW,
  314                 mkLine (width-3*borderDistX) (ry'+inOutY') borderDistX 0,
  315                 mkLine borderDistX         bby 0 (inOutY'+borderDistY-2*bby),
  316                 mkLine (width-borderDistX) bby 0 (inOutY'+borderDistY-2*bby)]
  317                 where bby = min borderDistY ((inOutY'+borderDistY) `div` 2)
  318               variableglue
  319                 | direction > 0 = [mkArrow (3*borderDistX) (ry'+inOutY') direction]
  320                 | otherwise     = [mkArrow (width-3*borderDistX) (ry'+inOutY'+borderDistY) direction]
  322   makePicture rx ry direction (ProdRepeat prod) =
  323         (rx, ry, width, height, inOutY, AComposite (content:glue))
  324         where (_, _, width', height', inOutY', gobj) = content
  325               content = makePicture rx' ry' (-direction) prod
  326               width = width' + 4*borderDistX
  327               height = height' + borderDistY
  328               rx' = 2*borderDistX
  329               ry' = borderDistY
  330               inOutY = 0
  331               glue = variableglue ++ fixedglue
  332               fixedglue = [
  333                 mkLine 0 0 width 0,
  334                 mkTurn borderDistX 0 borderDistX bby NE,
  335                 mkTurn borderDistX (inOutY'+borderDistY-bby) borderDistX bby SE,
  336                 mkTurn (width-2*borderDistX) 0 borderDistX bby WN,
  337                 mkTurn (width-2*borderDistX) (inOutY'+borderDistY-bby) borderDistX bby SW,
  338                 mkLine borderDistX     bby 0 (inOutY'+borderDistY-2*bby),
  339                 mkLine (width-borderDistX) bby 0 (inOutY'+borderDistY-2*bby)]
  340                 where bby = min borderDistY ((inOutY'+borderDistY) `div` 2)
  341               variableglue
  342                 | direction < 0 = [mkArrow (2*borderDistX) (inOutY'+borderDistY) (-direction)]
  343                 | otherwise     = [mkArrow (width-2*borderDistX) (inOutY'+borderDistY) (-direction)]
  345   makePicture rx ry direction (ProdRepeat1 prod) =
  346         (rx, ry, width, height, inOutY, AComposite (content:glue))
  347         where (_, _, width', height', inOutY', gobj) = content
  348               content = makePicture rx' ry' (direction) prod
  349               width = width' + 4*borderDistX
  350               height = height' + borderDistY
  351               rx' = 2*borderDistX
  352               ry' = 0
  353               inOutY = inOutY'
  354               glue = [
  355                 mkLine 0 inOutY rx' 0,
  356                 mkLine (rx'+width') inOutY rx' 0,
  357                 mkTurn borderDistX inOutY borderDistX borderDistY NE,
  358                 mkTurn borderDistX (height-borderDistY) borderDistX borderDistY SE,
  359                 mkTurn (width-rx') inOutY borderDistX borderDistY WN,
  360                 mkTurn (width-rx') (height-borderDistY) borderDistX borderDistY SW,
  361                 mkLine borderDistX (inOutY+borderDistY) 0 (height'-inOutY'-borderDistY),
  362                 mkLine (width-borderDistX) (inOutY+borderDistY) 0 (height'-inOutY'-borderDistY),
  363                 mkLine rx' height width' 0,
  364                 mkArrow (rx'+width' `div` 2) height (-direction)]
  366   makePicture rx ry direction (ProdRepeatWithAtom prod1 prod2) =
  367         (rx, ry, width, height, inOutY, AComposite (content1:content2:glue))
  368         where (_, _, width1, height1, inOutY1, _) = content1
  369               (_, _, width2, height2, inOutY2, _) = content2
  370               content1 = makePicture rx1 ry1 direction prod1
  371               content2 = makePicture rx2 ry2 (-direction) prod2
  372               maxwidth = max width1 width2
  373               width = maxwidth + 4*borderDistX
  374               height = height1 + height2 + borderDistY
  375               adjx1 = (maxwidth - width1) `div` 2
  376               rx1 = 2*borderDistX + adjx1
  377               ry1 = 0
  378               adjx2 = (maxwidth - width2) `div` 2
  379               rx2 = 2*borderDistX + adjx2
  380               ry2 = height1 + borderDistY
  381               inOutY = inOutY1
  382               glue = variableglue ++ fixedglue
  383               fixedglue = [
  384                 mkLine 0 inOutY rx1 0,
  385                 mkLine (rx1 + width1) inOutY rx1 0,
  386                 mkLine (2*borderDistX) (ry2+inOutY2) adjx2 0,
  387                 mkLine (2*borderDistX + adjx2 + width2) (ry2+inOutY2) adjx2 0,
  388                 mkTurn borderDistX inOutY borderDistX borderDistY NE,
  389                 mkTurn borderDistX (ry2+inOutY2-borderDistY) borderDistX borderDistY SE,
  390                 mkTurn (rx1+width1+adjx1) inOutY borderDistX borderDistY WN,
  391                 mkTurn (rx1+width1+adjx1) (ry2+inOutY2-borderDistY) borderDistX borderDistY SW,
  392                 mkLine borderDistX (inOutY+borderDistY) 0 (height1-inOutY1 + inOutY2 - borderDistY),
  393                 mkLine (rx1+width1+adjx1+borderDistX) (inOutY+borderDistY) 0 (height1-inOutY1 + inOutY2 - borderDistY)]
  394               variableglue
  395                 | direction > 0 = [mkArrow (2*borderDistX + adjx2 + width2) (ry2+inOutY2) (-direction)]
  396                 | otherwise     = [mkArrow (2*borderDistX + adjx2) (ry2+inOutY2) (-direction)]