1 --                            -*- Mode: Haskell -*- 
    2 -- Copyright 1994 by Peter Thiemann
    3 -- GrammarTransform.hs --- some transformations on parse trees
    4 -- Author          : Peter Thiemann
    5 -- Created On      : Thu Oct 21 16:44:17 1993
    6 -- Last Modified By: Peter Thiemann
    7 -- Last Modified On: Mon Dec 27 17:41:16 1993
    8 -- Update Count    : 14
    9 -- Status          : Unknown, Use with caution!
   10 -- 
   11 -- $Locker:  $
   12 -- $Log: GrammarTransform.hs,v $
   13 -- Revision 1.2  1997/03/14 08:08:06  simonpj
   14 -- Major update to more-or-less 2.02
   15 --
   16 -- Revision 1.1  1996/01/08 20:02:35  partain
   17 -- Initial revision
   18 --
   19 -- Revision 1.1  1994/03/15  15:34:53  thiemann
   20 -- Initial revision
   21 --
   22 -- 
   24 module GrammarTransform (simplify) where
   26 import AbstractSyntax
   28 simplify :: [Production] -> [Production]
   29 simplify = map simplify' . simp3
   31 -- simp1 gets the body of a ProdFactor as an argument
   32 -- and provides the transformations
   33 --      beta { X } X gamma   --->      beta (X)+ gamma
   34 --      beta X { X } gamma   --->      beta (X)+ gamma
   35 --      beta { X Y } X gamma --->    beta (X)/ (Y) gamma
   36 --      beta X { Y X } gamma --->    beta (X)/ (Y) gamma
   38 simp1 [] = []
   39 simp1 [p] = [p]
   40 simp1 (ProdRepeat p:p':prods)
   41         | p `eqProduction` p' = ProdRepeat1 p: simp1 prods
   42 simp1 (p:ProdRepeat p':prods)
   43         | p `eqProduction` p' = ProdRepeat1 p: simp1 prods
   44 simp1 (ProdRepeat (ProdFactor [p1, p2]):p:prods)
   45         | p1 `eqProduction` p = ProdRepeatWithAtom p p2: simp1 prods
   46 simp1 (p:ProdRepeat (ProdFactor [p1, p2]):prods)
   47         | p `eqProduction` p2 = ProdRepeatWithAtom p p1: simp1 prods
   48 simp1 (p:prods) = p: simp1 prods
   50 -- simp2 gets the body of a ProdTerm as an argument
   51 -- and provides the transformations
   52 --     X gamma | X delta  ---> X (gamma | delta)
   53 --     X gamma | X        ---> X [ gamma ]
   55 simp2 (ProdFactor (p:rest): ProdFactor (p':rest'): more)
   56         | p `eqProduction` p' = case (rest, rest') of
   57                 ([], []) -> simp2 (ProdFactor [p]: more)
   58                 ([], _)  -> simp2 (ProdFactor [p, ProdOption (ProdFactor rest')]: more)
   59                 (_,  []) -> simp2 (ProdFactor [p, ProdOption (ProdFactor rest)]: more)
   60                 (_,  _)  -> simp2 (ProdFactor [p, ProdTerm (simp2 [ProdFactor rest, ProdFactor rest'])]: more)
   61         | otherwise = ProdFactor (p:rest): simp2 (ProdFactor (p':rest'):more)
   62 simp2 [p] = [p]
   63 simp2 [] = []
   65 -- simp3 gets a list of ProdProductions and looks for left and right recursive productions
   66 -- it executes the transformations
   67 --      A -> A gamma_1 | ... | A gamma_k | delta
   68 --      --->
   69 --      A -> delta { gamma_1 | ... | gamma_k }
   70 -- and
   71 --      A -> gamma_1 A | ... | gamma_k A | delta
   72 --      --->
   73 --      A -> { gamma_1 | ... | gamma_k } delta
   75 leftParty nt (ProdTerm ps) = foldr f ([], []) ps
   76   where f (ProdFactor (ProdNonterminal nt':rest)) (yes, no)
   77           | nt == nt' = (ProdFactor rest:yes, no)
   78         f p (yes, no) = (yes, p:no)
   80 simp3'l prod@(ProdProduction nt nts p@(ProdTerm _))
   81   = case leftParty nt p of
   82         (lefties@(_:_), others@(_:_)) ->
   83                 ProdProduction nt nts
   84                   (ProdFactor [ProdTerm others, ProdRepeat (ProdTerm lefties)])
   85         _ -> prod
   86 simp3'l prod = prod
   88 rightParty nt (ProdTerm ps) = foldr f ([], []) ps
   89   where f (ProdFactor ps) (yes, no)
   90           | length ps > 1 && rightmost nt ps = (ProdFactor (init ps):yes, no)
   91         f p (yes, no) = (yes, p:no)
   93 rightmost nt [ProdNonterminal nt'] = nt == nt'
   94 rightmost nt [p] = False
   95 rightmost nt (p:ps) = rightmost nt ps
   97 simp3'r prod@(ProdProduction nt nts p@(ProdTerm _))
   98   = case rightParty nt p of
   99         (righties@(_:_), others@(_:_)) ->
  100                 ProdProduction nt nts
  101                   (ProdFactor [ProdRepeat (ProdTerm righties), ProdTerm others])
  102         _ -> prod
  103 simp3'r prod = prod
  105 simp3 = map (simp3'r . simp3'l)
  107 -- compute the set of all nonterminals in a Production
  108 freents :: Production -> [String]
  109 freents (ProdTerm prods)           = concat (map freents prods)
  110 freents (ProdFactor prods)         = concat (map freents prods)
  111 freents (ProdNonterminal s)        = [s]
  112 freents (ProdTerminal s)           = []
  113 freents (ProdOption p)             = freents p
  114 freents (ProdRepeat p)             = freents p
  115 freents (ProdRepeat1 p)            = freents p
  116 freents (ProdRepeatWithAtom p1 p2) = freents p1 ++ freents p2
  117 freents (ProdPlus)                 = []
  118 freents (ProdSlash p)              = freents p
  119 --
  121 simplify' (ProdProduction s1 s2 prod)   = ProdProduction s1 s2 (simplify' prod)
  122 simplify' (ProdTerm prods)           = ProdTerm ((simp2 . map simplify') prods)
  123 simplify' (ProdFactor prods)       = ProdFactor (simp1 (map simplify' prods))
  124 simplify' (ProdNonterminal s)     = ProdNonterminal s
  125 simplify' (ProdTerminal s)           = ProdTerminal s
  126 simplify' (ProdOption prod)         = ProdOption (simplify' prod)
  127 simplify' (ProdRepeat prod)         = ProdRepeat (simplify' prod)
  128 simplify' (ProdRepeat1 prod)       = ProdRepeat1 (simplify' prod)
  129 simplify' (ProdRepeatWithAtom prod1 prod2) = ProdRepeatWithAtom (simplify' prod1) (simplify' prod2)
  130 simplify' (ProdPlus)         = ProdPlus
  131 simplify' (ProdSlash prod)           = ProdSlash (simplify' prod)
  133 -- Goferisms:
  135 eqList [] [] = True
  136 eqList (x:xs) (y:ys) = eqProduction x y && eqList xs ys
  137 eqList _ _ = False
  139 eqProduction (ProdFile ps) (ProdFile ps') = eqList ps ps'
  140 eqProduction (ProdProduction str ostr p) (ProdProduction str' ostr' p') = str == str' && ostr == ostr' && eqProduction p p'
  141 eqProduction (ProdTerm ps) (ProdTerm ps') = eqList ps ps'
  142 eqProduction (ProdFactor ps) (ProdFactor ps') = eqList ps ps'
  143 eqProduction (ProdNonterminal str) (ProdNonterminal str') = str == str'
  144 eqProduction (ProdTerminal str) (ProdTerminal str') = str == str'
  145 eqProduction (ProdOption p) (ProdOption p') = eqProduction p p'
  146 eqProduction (ProdRepeat p) (ProdRepeat p') = eqProduction p p'
  147 eqProduction (ProdRepeatWithAtom p1 p2) (ProdRepeatWithAtom p1' p2') = eqProduction p1 p1' && eqProduction p2 p2'
  148 eqProduction (ProdRepeat1 p) (ProdRepeat1 p') = eqProduction p p'
  149 eqProduction (ProdPlus) (ProdPlus) = True
  150 eqProduction (ProdSlash p) (ProdSlash p') = eqProduction p p'
  151 eqProduction _ _ = False