1 -- 
    2 --      Patricia Fasel
    3 --      Los Alamos National Laboratory
    4 --      1990 August
    5 --
    6 module RoulSplit (roulet, split) where
    8 import GamtebType
    9 import Consts
   10 import Utils
   12 -- russian roulette on existence of the particle
   13 -- set new cell to 1 so next pass through tport is split, not roulet
   15 roulet :: Particle -> (Particle, [Stat], Bool)
   16 roulet (Part pos dir w e eIndx cell seed) =
   17         if (r1 < 0.5)
   18             then -- not killed in russian roulette
   19                 (Part pos dir (2*w) e eIndx 1 seed',
   20                 [(nr,1), (wrg,w)], False)
   21             else -- killed in russian roulette
   22                 (Part pos dir 0 e eIndx 1 seed',
   23                 [(nr,1), (nrk,1), (wrl,w)], True)
   24         where
   25             (r1, r2) = genRand seed
   26             (seed', r3) = genRand r2
   29 -- split a particle into two
   30 -- set new cells to 2 so next pass through tport is roulet, not split
   32 split :: Particle -> (Particle, Particle)
   33 split (Part pos dir w e eIndx cell seed) =
   34         (Part pos dir (0.5*w) e eIndx 2 seed1,
   35          Part pos dir (0.5*w) e eIndx 2 seed2)
   36         where
   37             (seed1, seed2) = genRand seed