1 {-
    2  -  Fulsom (The Solid Modeller, written in Haskell)
    3  -
    4  -  Copyright 1990,1991,1992,1993 Duncan Sinclair
    5  -
    6  - Permissiom to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any 
    7  - purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
    8  - copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies, and
    9  - that my name not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to this
   10  - software without specific, written prior permission.  I makes no
   11  - representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose.
   12  - It is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
   13  - 
   14  - Duncan Sinclair 1993.
   15  - 
   16  - CSG evaluation engine.
   17  -
   18  -}
   20 module Csg(calc) where
   22 import Matrix
   23 import Types
   24 import Interval
   26 #if __HASKELL1__ < 5
   27 #define realToFrac fromRealFrac
   28 #endif
   30 -- no is returned when there is "no" change to the csg.
   31 no = error ("Evaluated dead csg.")
   33 calc :: Csg -> Calc
   35 calc (Func f) rgb xyz = f rgb xyz
   37 calc (Matrix a mat) rgb xyz
   38     = (ans,newc,newr,prune)
   39      where
   40       newc         = if prune then (if b then newc' else newc'') else (no)
   41       (newc',b)    = if prune then (reduceM newc'' mat) else (no)
   42       xyz'         = mat4x1 mat xyz
   43       (ans,newc'',newr,prune) = calc a rgb xyz'
   45 calc (Object X) rgb (x,y,z) = (x,no,rgb,False)
   46 calc (Object Y) rgb (x,y,z) = (y,no,rgb,False)
   47 calc (Object Z) rgb (x,y,z) = (z,no,rgb,False)
   49 calc (Object (Plane a b c d)) rgb xyz
   50     = (ans,(no),rgb,False)
   51      where
   52       ans = dorow (a,b,c,d) xyz
   54 calc (Object (Sphere a b c r)) rgb xyz
   55     = (ans,newc,rgb,True)
   56       where
   57        (ans,_,_,_) = calc newc rgb xyz
   58        newc = Func f
   59        f rgb zyx = (sphere zyx,no,rgb,False)
   60        sphere :: (R3 BI) -> BI
   61        sphere (x,y,z) = sqr (x-a') + sqr (y-b') + sqr (z-c') - sqr r'
   62        a' = realToFrac a ; b' = realToFrac b ; c' = realToFrac c
   63        r' = realToFrac r
   65 calc (Object (Cube a b c r)) rgb xyz
   66     = (ans,newc',rgb,bool)
   67       where
   68        newc'' = if bool then newc else newc'
   69        (ans,newc,_,bool) = calc newc' rgb xyz
   70        newc' = Inter xx (Inter yy zz)
   71        xx = Inter x1 x2
   72        yy = Inter y1 y2
   73        zz = Inter z1 z2
   74        x1 = Object (Plane ( 1) 0 0 (-(a+r)))
   75        y1 = Object (Plane 0 ( 1) 0 (-(b+r)))
   76        z1 = Object (Plane 0 0 ( 1) (-(c+r)))
   77        x2 = Object (Plane (-1) 0 0 ( (a-r)))
   78        y2 = Object (Plane 0 (-1) 0 ( (b-r)))
   79        z2 = Object (Plane 0 0 (-1) ( (c-r)))
   81 calc (Union a b) rgb xyz
   82     = (min an1 an2,newc,newr,bool)
   83      where
   84       (an1,c1,rgb1,b1) = calc a rgb xyz
   85       (an2,c2,rgb2,b2) = calc b rgb xyz
   86       bool = b1 || b2
   87       ca = if b1 then c1 else a
   88       cb = if b2 then c2 else b
   89       newr | an1 < an2       = rgb1
   90            | an1 > an2       = rgb2
   91            | otherwise       = rgb
   92       newc | an1 < an2       = ca
   93            | an1 > an2       = cb
   94            | not bool        = (no)
   95            | otherwise       = Union ca cb
   97 calc (Inter a b) rgb xyz
   98     = (max an1 an2,newc,newr,bool)
   99      where
  100       (an1,c1,rgb1,b1) = calc a rgb xyz
  101       (an2,c2,rgb2,b2) = calc b rgb xyz
  102       bool = b1 || b2
  103       ca = if b1 then c1 else a
  104       cb = if b2 then c2 else b
  105       newr | an1 > an2       = rgb1
  106            | an1 < an2       = rgb2
  107            | otherwise       = rgb
  108       newc | an1 > an2       = ca
  109            | an1 < an2       = cb
  110            | not bool        = (no)
  111            | otherwise       = Inter ca cb
  113 calc (Comp a) rgb xyz
  114     = (ans,newc'',newr,True)
  115      where
  116       (ans,newc,newr,b) = calc newc' rgb xyz
  117       newc'' = if b then newc else newc'
  118       newc' = Matrix a mat
  119       mat = (m1,m2,m3)
  120       m1  = (-1, 0, 0, 0)
  121       m2  = ( 0,-1, 0, 0)
  122       m3  = ( 0, 0,-1, 0)
  124 calc (Colour c a) rgb xyz
  125     = (ans,newc,c,bool)
  126      where
  127       newc = if bool then (Colour c newc') else (no)
  128       (ans,newc',_,bool) = calc a c xyz
  130 calc (Sub a b) rgb xyz
  131     = (ans,newc'',newr,True)
  132      where
  133       newc' = (a `Inter` (Comp b))
  134       newc'' = if bool then newc else newc'
  135       (ans,newc,newr,bool) = calc newc' rgb xyz
  137 calc (Geom a (Trans h w d)) rgb xyz
  138     = (ans,newc'',newr,True)
  139      where
  140       (ans,newc,newr,b) = calc newc' rgb xyz
  141       newc'' = if b then newc else newc'
  142       newc' = Matrix a mat
  143       mat = (m1,m2,m3)
  144       m1  = ( 1, 0, 0, h)
  145       m2  = ( 0, 1, 0, w)
  146       m3  = ( 0, 0, 1, d)
  148 calc (Geom a (Scale h w d)) rgb xyz
  149     = (ans,newc'',newr,True)
  150      where
  151       (ans,newc,newr,b) = calc newc' rgb xyz
  152       newc'' = if b then newc else newc'
  153       newc' = Matrix a mat
  154       mat = (m1,m2,m3)
  155       m1  = ( h, 0, 0, 0)
  156       m2  = ( 0, w, 0, 0)
  157       m3  = ( 0, 0, d, 0)
  159 calc (Geom a (RotX rad)) rgb xyz
  160     = (ans,newc'',newr,True)
  161      where
  162       (ans,newc,newr,b) = calc newc' rgb xyz
  163       newc'' = if b then newc else newc'
  164       newc' = Matrix a mat
  165       mat = (m1,m2,m3)
  166       c = cos rad
  167       s = sin rad
  168       m1  = ( 1, 0, 0, 0)
  169       m2  = ( 0, c,-s, 0)
  170       m3  = ( 0, s, c, 0)
  172 calc (Geom a (RotY rad)) rgb xyz
  173     = (ans,newc'',newr,True)
  174      where
  175       (ans,newc,newr,b) = calc newc' rgb xyz
  176       newc'' = if b then newc else newc'
  177       newc' = Matrix a mat
  178       mat = (m1,m2,m3)
  179       c = cos rad
  180       s = sin rad
  181       m1  = ( c, 0, s, 0)
  182       m2  = ( 0, 1, 0, 0)
  183       m3  = (-s, 0, c, 0)
  185 calc (Geom a (RotZ rad)) rgb xyz
  186     = (ans,newc'',newr,True)
  187      where
  188       (ans,newc,newr,b) = calc newc' rgb xyz
  189       newc'' = if b then newc else newc'
  190       newc' = Matrix a mat
  191       mat = (m1,m2,m3)
  192       c = cos rad
  193       s = sin rad
  194       m1  = ( c, s, 0, 0)
  195       m2  = (-s, c, 0, 0)
  196       m3  = ( 0, 0, 1, 0)
  199 -- conflate matrices together and into planes planes...
  200 reduceM (Object X)               mata
  201       =  case (mat1x4 (1,0,0,0) mata) of
  202           (x,y,z,w) -> (Object (Plane x y z w),True)
  203 reduceM (Object Y)               mata
  204       =  case (mat1x4 (0,1,0,0) mata) of
  205           (x,y,z,w) -> (Object (Plane x y z w),True)
  206 reduceM (Object Z)               mata
  207       =  case (mat1x4 (0,0,1,0) mata) of
  208           (x,y,z,w) -> (Object (Plane x y z w),True)
  209 reduceM (Object (Plane a b c d)) mata
  210       =  case (mat1x4 (a,b,c,d) mata) of
  211           (x,y,z,w) -> (Object (Plane x y z w),True)
  212 reduceM (Matrix b matb)          mata
  213       =  case (mat4x4 mata matb)      of
  214           matc -> (Matrix b matc,True)
  215 reduceM _                        _    = (no,False)