**Please keep this mail safe, you will need to refer to it from time to time** Dear Member of DoC, This mail is to inform you of your new Postgresql database password for the server db.doc.ic.ac.uk. server: db.doc.ic.ac.uk port: 5432 database: username account: username password: 12345abcde We recommend creating a file ~/.pg containing the following commands and then 'source ~/.pg' each time you login to execute these commands: setenv PGHOST db.doc.ic.ac.uk setenv PGPORT 5432 setenv PGDATABASE username setenv PGUSER username unsetenv PGPASSWORD Having set these environment variables, you should be able to connect to your database using the usual command: psql which will just work, prompting for the password each time. If you wish to store your password and have it used automatically by psql or any program which uses libpq, please do the following from any linux PC: touch ~/.pgpass chmod 600 ~/.pgpass echo "db.doc.ic.ac.uk:*:*:username:12345abcde" >> ~/.pgpass Note: the use of the enviroment variable PGPASSWORD is deprecated, please do not use it. Questions and Answers: Q: Why do I need a Postgresql database? A: Most students will need a Postgresql database at some time during their time here. Some staff and researchers may find the facility useful too. Q: Can I delete this mail? A: If you are a student, no. Please keep it safe until you need it. Q: Why did I get this mail: A: The server has either registered you for the first time or you or a Systems Programmer has requested that your password be reset. Q: Where can I get more information on Postgresql? A: http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/csg/databases/ and http://www.postgresql.org/ Q: I hate this password - can I change it? A: Yes - connect to the database server with psql and use: ALTER USER username WITH PASSWORD 'newpasswordhere'; You MUST NOT ever use your Win2K or unix (kerberos) password as your database password. Thank you. Postgresql Registration System on behalf of CSG.