Department of Computing Imperial College
Linux files: .klogin

This file is used by the Kerberos authentication system, it contains a list of trusted users who can login into your account and lives in your home directory.

The format of this file is:

Kerberos allows people named in this file to login remotely without having to specify a password. They are then not allowed to login to other machines without first being authenticated (i.e. they must enter your password).

In general, Kerberos provides a secure method for transfer of passwords, and authentication.

For your .klogin file to work correctly, it must be world readable, and your home directory must be world executable. You can set such permissions as follows:

	chmod 711 .	
	chmod 644 .klogin

Use and abuse of resources

Please note that accounts in DoC are provide for the sole educational use of the named user, who is entirely responsible for all activities attributed to that account. It is a disciplinary offence to allow unauthorised personnel access to your account.

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