Department of Computing Imperial College
Linux files: .plan

Your .plan is shown when somebody uses finger to gain information about you. The file can contain as much information as you like. It can theoretically contain escape codes for ascii animation files, however, this can cause severe disruption to some screens, so it should be avoided.

To make your .plan work, it must have world readable file permissions, and your home directory must have world executable permissions, Do this by typing;

	chmod 711 .
	chmod 644 .plan
As an example of a .plan, here is the output you can get if you finger Iain Stewart;

oak46:~> finger ids
Login name: ids                         In real life: Iain Stewart
Directory: /homes/ids                   Shell: /usr/local/bin/tcsh
Last login Fri Jul 15 17:34 on :0
No unread mail
Project: Turboencabulator-interositer interfacing mechanisms.                   
Outside interests: The end of the world as we know it.
Plan? PLAN??!! You must be raving mad pal!
Shoe Size: 6.
Current State of Mind: wondering what he's doing here.
Star Sign: Scorpio.
Country of Origin: The Twilight Zone.
Temperature in Portland, Oregon today: 79 and sunny.
I think I am the Son of God, therefore I am.
If God intended us to go to lectures, he wouldn't have given us
 double-sided photocopiers. ---IC Rag Mag 91/92
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the national debt.
Death to all fanatics!
Why are you reading this? Haven't you got work to do? 
Is your life SO EMPTY??
If you're not part of the solution, you must be part of the precipitate.
Get your tractors off our lawn.
If it can go wrong, it wSegmentation fault (core dumped)
If in doubt, brimble.
"Science is organized commonsense. Philosophy is organized piffle." ---Bertrand
  Russell (a philosopher, incidentally...)
Electricity is about $2 000 000 per gram: 20 000 times as expensive as heroin.
1.802617499785 x 10^12 furlongs per fortnight -- it's not just a good idea,
 it's the law!
There are three types of people in the world: those who can count, and those
 who can't.
75% of all statistics are made up.
Status is just a load of bool.
If at first you don't succeed - so much for sky-diving.
(Or: If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.)
Reading is the path to knowledge. Knowledge is power. Power corrupts.
 Corruption is a crime. Crime doesn't pay. So.....if you read too much,
 you'll go broke!
Let us prey.
"I think imagination, curiosity, open-mindedness and a liberal use of thin
  rubber sheeting or similar will carry the reader a long way." ---From an
  introductory book on general relativity.
This brain intentionally left blank.

    (c) Cheapo Productions 1994

In virtual reality no-one can hear you scream.

If you enjoyed reading the bottom end of this file, why not pipe it through more
 and see if you like the rest?

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