Department of Computing Imperial College London
Introduction to Linux

Linux is an open-source implementation of the long-lived UNIX operating system and the Ubuntu Hardy (8.04) version is the particular distribution of Linux installed on most of the workstations in the Department of Computing from summer 2008. Many of the workstations also run Microsoft's Windows Vista operating system and you can select either of these when starting up the machine; systems which run both will start up in Linux unless you specifically select Windows Vista.

Type in your login name, which you will have received in your starter pack, then press the enter/return key. Now type in your password and press the return key again. For security reasons, the password isn't displayed on the screen as you type it.

When you have given the banner program your login name and password, the screen will clear and after a few seconds your desktop will appear.

Using X-Windows

The X Window System is a versatile window environment designed to make computer usage easier and more productive. With X, you can run multiple applications simultaneously in windows. Every window can be thought of as a virtual screen and can contain sub-windows within it, to an arbitrary depth. Windows can overlap each other like stacks of papers on a desk and can be moved, resized, and re-stacked dynamically. It also allows independent remote connections so that processes can be run on other systems than the one the user is initially logged in to.

The window manager

A program called the window manager controls what you see on the screen; there are a number of different ones you can select from - this guide uses one called KDE as an example.

Using the mouse

You will notice that moving the mouse affects the position of a cursor in the window. The mouse provides your primary interaction with the graphics user interface. It controls most of the functions of the window system and you will use the mouse to point to and select desired options. When you slide the mouse on its mat, the mouse cursor on the display tracks the movement. When you press or hold the mouse buttons, the system responds with appropriate actions. The mouse has three buttons, known as left, middle and right (with the cable pointing away from your wrist).

Raising and minimising windows

Sooner or later you will have many overlapping windows on your screen. You can raise an obscured window to the front of the display to see its contents by clicking the left mouse button when the cursor is over the window.

After some time, your screen will normally contain several windows, and you may find it convenient to temporarily move some windows out of the way. You can do this by changing the window into an icon, which is a small symbol that represents a window but takes little space. You can iconify the window by clicking in the leftmost of the three small boxes at the left hand corner of the title bar. It is known as the minimise button. The contents of the window aren't visible when it is shown as an icon. The icon appears in the bar along the top of the screen and you can change the icon back into its full window representation by clicking on this. You can also use the pager (the squares numbered "One" to "Four" on the task bar) to view different areas of the desktop.

Moving a window

Position the mouse cursor in the bar at the top of the window, called the title bar, then press and hold the left mouse button. Drag the window to the new location. Release the mouse button when you are satisfied with the position of the window.

Resizing a window

To enlarge or shrink a window, place the mouse cursor over the small box at the extreme left hand side of the title bar of your window and click the left mouse button. A menu will appear which offers various window operations including resizing. Move the mouse until the cursor is over resize, click the left button and move the mouse to stretch or shrink the window. Click the left button again when the window is the size you want.

Logging out

When you are ready to finish your session, click the K button on the taskbar and choose the Logoutoption. After you have confirmed your decision to logout all windows will close, the screen will clear, and a few seconds later the login banner will re-appear, ready for the next user.

Conventions used in this Guide

Now that you have logged in to the computer and we have introduced the general look of the screen, it's probably best to describe the way the rest of this guide will be laid out.

Instructions which you give to the Linux operating system are known as commands. In this guide, all examples of command usage are indented; command names and other words which form part of the command appear exactly as they are to be typed. For example, describing how the xemacs editor can be invoked, the example will appear as either:

xemacs File1
or xemacs filename

Note that words representing generalised arguments to commands (eg. filename) appear in italics. Sometimes examples are given which show the screen output of a command -- in other words, what you might expect to see if you were to type a certain command at a terminal. These examples are represented thus:

vector17% ls -a
.cshrc File1
.login File2
The command to be typed literally appears in bold-face (ls -a); while the rest is the result you might expect on the screen if such a command was issued to a computer. The word vector17% is the default system prompt on the computer called vector17. The prompt tells the user that Linux is ready to receive another command.

Literal keys on the keyboard are enclosed within angled brackets as, for example:


meaning press the key marked RETURN (note that on some keyboards this key is simply marked ¿).

Similarly, sequences such as:


mean you should press the key marked Ctrl and the key c at the same time.

The examples we give usually refer to computers supported by the Computing Support Group (CSG) and may therefore not be available on laptops or home machines or non-maintained desktops.

Online help

Detailed documentation and guides for all Linux commands are available on the computer itself. You could start by looking at KDE Help from the K menu. This includes the system manual pages. Although notoriously terse in style, the manual pages are a very comprehensive guide to all commands. They can also be accessed by just typing the command you want to know about preceded by man at the command prompt within a Linux window. For example:

man lpr

will give you information on the standard printing command.

If you are not sure of the exact name of the command that you want information on, you can try a keyword search by giving the k flag to man. Eg:

man -k editor

Changing your password

One of the things you should do every so often is to change your password. You may wish to change your College password (kerberos domain IC.AC.UK), or established users may wish to change their old DoC-Linux password (kerberos domain DOC.IC.AC.UK).

The easiest command to change your password is kpasswd USERNAME@DOMAIN. So if a user called dcw wishes to change his College password, he may type:

vector17% kpasswd dcw@IC.AC.UK
Old password for user: (type in your current College password -- it will not appear
on the screen)
New Password for user: (type in your new password -- it will not appear
on the screen)
Verifying, please re-enter New Password for user: (type in your new
password again)
Password changed.
Whereas if the same user (dcw) wishes to change his DoC-specific Kerberos/ Linux password: kpasswd dcw@DOC.IC.AC.UK

Note that you are prompted for your old password first; then for your new password. Also to eliminate any possible typing errors you have to type in your new password twice. The weakest link in most computer security is user passwords. For this reason CSG have installed a password filter which will only accept passwords which have a mixture of these 4 character sets:

Remember the following points about passwords:


There are various editors installed on the Linux systems. You could use pico within a Console/Xterm shell window, or the KDE editor kate either by direct KDE file browsing, or from a Console (shell) window by typing kate FILENAME &.

This editor opens up a new window on your screen and by adding the '&' at the end of the line you can run this process in the backgound enabling you to continue using the shell in which you have typed the command. The name of the file is optional and you need not specify it.

Other editors installed include nedit, vim, gvim, nedit, emacs and xemacs. Look at the manual pages if you want to use these. Starting them is generally a similar process to the above.

Copying text

To copy some text from any window, put the cursor at the start of the piece of text you wish to copy, hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor to the end of the piece of text and release the button. To paste the text, move the cursor to where you want to put the text, and press the middle button.


For up to date information on printing facilities in the Department of Computing, please consult the
printers web page.

A print job can be sent to a printer by using this command:

lpr printername filename

Each printer in the department has a blue label on it indicating its name.

See also: manual page on lpr.


Please see the separate guide to email.

Files and networks and home directories

This section discusses the file structure within the whole of the Linux operating system, and within your "home directory", i.e. the file space on the system which contains all the files you create. Traditionally Linux files are organised into hierarchical directories. Files are grouped together in folders (called directories ) which are arranged in a tree like structure. At the base (root) of this structure are sub-directories such as bin (contains system binaries), tmp (for temporary files), and homes (home directories) to name just a few.

The diagram shows the classic Linux directory structure:

Root is always addressed as "/" and the division between each directory is also a "/". So the pathname to reach File1 in the directory fred is:

When you login to a computer running Linux and on which you are a registered user, you will always be placed in the directory where your files are located. This is your home directory. It is an area where you are able to create new files and subdirectories, move and remove old files, edit files, etc. Home directories are logically located under the subdirectory homes.

In most cases, your home directory will not be physically stored on a file system attached to the computer you are connecting to. In other words, the file system is being mounted across the network onto the computer to which you are connected. NFS (Network File System) makes sure that the filesystem containing your home directory is mounted and accessible by you at all times during your session. Similarly, other file systems are mounted across the network so that compilers, applications and data can be shared among all the users of the network.

File Management

Listing files

To list the contents of the current directory (the directory you are currently "in"), simply type:

All the files in your current directory will be listed in alphabetical order. There are a number of options (flags) that can be used with the ls command:

Seeing files

Various commands are available for reading the contents of a file.

The cat command is used to look at the contents of a file. You can see the contents of any file by typing:

	cat filename
It's called cat because if more than one filename is specified, all files are concatenated and displayed on your terminal screen. The command can only be used meaningfully with text files. With non-text files, the results obtained from cat are usually unreadable.

The more command can be used to display a file, one screenful at a time. It is similar to cat, but pauses each time it fills the screen. You can invoke more by typing:

	more filename
Press <SPACE> bar to view another screenful, <RETURN> to view another line and <q> to quit from more.

Here is a list of some of the most useful commands: b to scroll backward

q to quit

h to get a summary of all the available commands under more

The command less is more than more. It is similar to more except that it offers the commands listed above, plus extra options including: g to go to line N

Moving files

The cp command is used to copy files. It copies one or more files, including text and executable program files. For example, to make a backup of File1, type:

cp File1 File1.bak

where File1.bak is the name of the backup copy of the file. cp can be used to copy files between directories as well. The mv command moves files and directories around within the filesystem. A move differs from a copy operation in that the original name of the file disappears -- the file is effectively renamed. So mv can also then be used for renaming a file or a directory.

Removing files

To delete a file you use the rm command. This command deletes Files from a directory. For example, if you wanted to delete a file called File1 then you can do so by typing:

rm File1

To delete a file, you must have execute and write access permission to the parent directory of the file, but you do not need read or write access permission to the file itself. NB: unlike some other operating systems, once you remove a file in Linux you cannot recover it so be very careful with the rm command.

There are a number of options available which you can look up in the manual pages.


Every file or directory that is created on the system has an owner, who is usually the person who created that file or directory in the first place. The owner of a file or directory can then assign various protections, allowing or prohibiting access to that directory or file. There are three classes of users for every file and directory:

Associated with every file and directory are three types of permissions: Thus, by combining the three types of users and the three types of permissions, we can come up with a total of nine sets of permissions. The nine permissions are collectively known as the mode of the file or directory.

The mode of a file or directory can be changed with the chmod command.

For example, if you wanted to set the write permission to a file, you need to type:

chmod +w filename

Similarly, to set the group execute permission on a file:

chmod g+x filename

You can remove permissions from a file's mode by using - instead of +.

Important (Startup) Files in your home directory

Most users will have in their home directory files called .cshrc and .login (by convention, filenames starting with a dot are either administrative or startup files for shells, applications and compilers). The .login file will, among other things, assign appropriate values to important variables such as PATH (which directories to search for commands) and TERM (what kind of terminal you are using).

CHANGING THE DEFAULT SETUP IS NOT RECOMMENDED. For an easy life, leave these startup files alone. They have been carefully constructed to provide a standard environment which works. If you make changes, things may work for a while until something on the system is upgraded or moved. On CSG maintained systems you will in any case not be able to edit most startup files directly since they are simply links (symbolic links) to standard system files. The exception to this is the .cshrc file.

The .cshrc file

The .cshrc initialises the environment for the shell you run (the C-Shell) and is an exception because it is useful, for example, for users to be able to set their own aliases. For new users the .cshrc file contains only one command:

source /usr/local/etc/default.cshrc

This instructs Linux to execute the standard system-wide cshrc file located in the directory /usr/local/etc (you may wish to look at the comments at the beginning of this default file - just type: more /usr/local/etc/default.cshrc). Don't alter this line; you can however add instructions after it. Examples of the kind of additions you might wish to make to your .cshrc file can be found in the section The Shell in the "More information on Linux" part of this guide.

Disk space management


Disk space for file storage is not infinite and as a result disk quotas and limits are set for each group of users on the system.

quota -v

will check your quota and current disk usage. If you have exceeded the quota, you will have seven days to remove sufficient files to reduce your usage below the quota. If you exceed the limit, you will be unable to create more files and could lose e-mail. You may also have difficulty logging in - particularly under X-Windows since X creates a number of temporary files.

Compressing your files

The gzip command will compress data. It reduces the size of the named file using adaptive Lempel-Ziv coding. Compressed files can be restored to their original form using the gunzip command. To compress a file, simply type:

gzip filename

The compressed file will automatically be saved under the same filename with a suffix .gz attached to it. A compressed file can be viewed (without the need to uncompress) with:

zcat File1.gz

It is considered good practice to compress files which you do not regularly access.

Temporary file space

/vol/bitbucket is an area of disk where you can create extra workspace for your files without affecting your disk quota. It is therefore an ideal place to store your temporary files. However, a word of caution the files stored under /vol/bitbucket are erased regularly so it is advisable not to store important files in this area. Also note that any files kept here are not confidential - they can be read by anyone.

Core files

From time to time you might find a file called core in your filespace. This is a memory dump and they can be quite big. There are a number of reasons why they arise from simply killing a process to hitting an illegal instruction. Unless you are using them to debug programs, you should delete them and free up some of your disk quota.

Kerberos Authentication

Kerberos is a security system implemented on all CSG supported Linux computer systems. It provides a high level of security since passwords are not stored in any place or in any form that is accessible by persons who may wish to crack them.

Useful Commands

Listed here are some examples of commands you might find useful. Detailed descriptions of all these commands can be found in the man pages.

Simple file commands

ls List the files and directories in the working (current) directory

cat File1 File2 Display the contents of the file File1 concatenated with the contents of the file File2
mv File1 File3 Change the name of (move) file File1 to File3

cp File1 File3 Make a copy of File1 and call it File3
rm File4 Erase (remove) the file File4

less File1 Display the contents of File1 a page at a time, q to stop displaying
lpr File1 Print the contents of File1 on the default printer

Directory commands

pwd Print the name of the working directory
cd Exercise1 Change the working directory to Exercise1
mkdir Exercise2 Make a new directory and call it Exercise2
rmdir temp Delete the (empty) directory temp

Finding out (about other users)

finger Say who is logged in
finger -l tom@doc Get full details on all DoC users with string "tom" in their name or login
who Say (briefly) who is logged in

Finding out (general)

man finger gives you a detailed description of the command finger
man -k library tries to find any reference to library in the manual

Miscellaneous commands

passwd Change your password
ssh sync10 Login to remote host sync10
logout Disconnect from the computer

Part Two: more information on Linux and UNIX

© CSG / Oct 2008