Autumn 2010

MSc Computing Science (Weeks 2 - 11)

Week 2 start date: Monday 11 October, 2010

Date Published: 29 July 2010

1st Draft

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Integrated Programming Laboratory
LAB (2-11) / ids (2-11),wjk (2-11) / 202

Commemoration Day (No Teaching Week 3 - 20.10.10)
Wks (3-3) / /
Introduction to C++ Programming
LEC (2-2) / wjk (2-2) / 145
Introduction to C++ Programming
TUT (2-2) / wjk (2-2) / 311
Logic and AI Programming
LEC (3-11) / fs (3-11) / 308
Commemoration Day (No Teaching Week 3 - 20.10.10)
Wks (3-3) / /

Integrated Programming Laboratory
LAB (2-11) / ids (2-11),wjk (2-11) / 202

Computer Systems
LEC (3-9) / eedwards (3-9),kkleung (3-9) / 308
1100 Object Oriented Design & Programming.
LEC (3-11) / ajchung (3-11),wjk (3-11) / 144

Introduction to C++ Programming
LEC (2-2) / wjk (2-2) / 144
Introduction to C++ Programming
LEC (2-2) / wjk (2-2) / 144

Object Oriented Design & Programming.
LEC (3-11) / ajchung (3-11),wjk (3-11) / 144
Integrated Programming Laboratory
LAB (2-11) / ids (2-11),wjk (2-11) / 202

Commemoration Day (No Teaching Week 3 - 20.10.10)
Wks (3-3) / /

Computer Systems
TUT (3-9) / eedwards (3-9),kkleung (3-9) / 344
1200 Introduction to C++ Programming
LEC (2-2) / wjk (2-2) / 144

Computer Systems
LEC (3-11) / axgopala (3-11),svb (3-11) / 145
Introduction to C++ Programming
LEC (2-2) / wjk (2-2) / 144

Object Oriented Design & Programming.
TUT (3-11) / ajchung (3-11),wjk (3-11) / 144
Commemoration Day (No Teaching Week 3 - 20.10.10)
Wks (3-3) / /

Integrated Programming Laboratory
LAB (2-11) / ids (2-11),wjk (2-11) / 202
Applications of Computing in Industry
LEC (2-10) / amya (2-10),wjk (2-10) / 308
Computer Systems
LEC (3-9) / eedwards (3-9),kkleung (3-9) / 308

Commemoration Day (No Teaching Week 3 - 20.10.10)
Wks (3-3) / /
Applications of Computing in Industry
LEC (2-10) / amya (2-10),wjk (2-10) / 308

1400 Computer Systems
TUT (3-11) / svb (3-11) / 144
Computer Systems
LEC (3-11) / axgopala (3-11),svb (3-11) / 311

Introduction to C++ Programming
LEC (2-2) / wjk (2-2) / 311
1500 Introduction to C++ Programming
LEC (2-2) / wjk (2-2) / 144

Logic and AI Programming
LEC (3-11) / fs (3-11) / 144
Lab Workshop (MSc CS)
LAB (3-10) / ids (3-10),wjk (3-10) / 202,206

Introduction to C++ Programming
LEC (2-2) / wjk (2-2) / 308

1600 Integrated Programming Laboratory
LAB (2-2) / ids (2-2),wjk (2-2) / 202,206

Logic and AI Programming
TUT (3-11) / fs (3-11) / 311

Logic and AI Programming
LEC (3-11) / fs (3-11) / 308

1700 Integrated Programming Laboratory
LAB (2-2) / ids (2-2),wjk (2-2) / 202,206
Computer Systems
LEC (3-9) / eedwards (3-9),kkleung (3-9) / 311