Programme Title:  Computing BEng  Programme Code: G400
Year of Course Course Element Explanation of element components Breakdown of Hours on Element Total Hours spent on Element ECTS Allocation
1 Hardware & Architecture Paper C114 2hr Written Paper (Pass = 40%+ ) Contributing 130 Marks Two courses Hardware & Architecture each course consists of 18 hours of lectures 9 hours of tutorials, and 73 hours of private study including coursework.  200 8
1 Logic & Reasoning Paper C146 2hr Written Paper (Pass = 40%+ ) Contributing 130 Marks Two courses Hardware & Architecture each course consists of 18 hours of lectures 9 hours of tutorials, and 73 hours of private study including coursework. Ther are also 20 hours of small group tutorials.  220 9
1 Discrete Mathematics & Mathematical Methods Paper C147   2hr Written Paper (Pass =  40%+ ) Contributing 130 Marks Two courses Discrete Mathematics & Mathematical Methods. Discrete Mathematics consists of 18 hours of lectures 9 hours of tutorials and 73 hours of private study including coursework. Mathematical Methods consists of 22 hours of lectures 11 hours of tutorials and 73 hours of private study including courework. Mathematical Methods also consists of 10 hours of Personal Mathematical Tutoring and 34 hours of private study.  250 10
1 Databases Paper C130 1.5hr Written Paper (Pass = 40%+) Contributing 65 Marks One course Databases. Consists of 18 hours of lectures 9 hours of tutorials and 73 hours of private study 100 4
1 Coursework Tutorial Exercises (Pass = 40% on each piece of work) Contributing 100 Marks All above courses have coursework associated with them. This is included in the private study figures. Included in figures above Included in figures above
1 Programming (inc Topics Projects) Integrated Programming Lab Tests Contributing 240 Marks. Group Work Exercises and Presentation contributing 55 Marks Three courses Programming I,  Programming II and Programming III. Programming I consists of  22 hours of lectures 9 hours of tutorials.  Programming II consists of 24 hours of lectures 12 hours of tutorials. Programming III consists of 14 hours of lectures and 30 hours of labs. Elements related to these courses  consists of 130 hours of supervised laboratory 20 hours of  personal tutorials (PPT etc), Lab Workshops consisting of 20 hours of lectures with 380 hours of private study. Lab tests represent 17 hours of work. And Topics Projects represent 12 hours of lectures, 6 hours of tutorials 3 hours of presentations and 60 hours of privatre study. 759 29
1 Ethics in Computing I Essay based coursework. Contributes to coursework mark. Represents 4 hours of lectures and 10 hours of private study. 14 0
Total    Total Marks 850   1543 60