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Department of  Computing

Job Description For The Fourth Year Co-ordinator

To take care of the day to day running of an academic year for Computing, ISE and JMC students by:

1. Giving a talk to the students about their year in the first week

2. Ensuring that the three groups elect representatives.

3. Maintaining the year notice board on the web.

4. Keeping in regular contact (weekly or every two weeks) with the reps
to solve problems as they arise.

5. Attending academic committee so that your students' needs can be put into perspective with other students.

6. Providing the examinations officer with coursework marks as requested.


Specific to 4th year

1. Ensure that the industrial placement (first week of term) talks run smoothly and that each presentation has at least two members of doc
staff listening and marking.

2. To chase relevant members of staff for "outsourcing" reports and to collect "industrial placement" marks.



Main campus address:
Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, tel: +44 (0)20 7589 5111
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