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Department of  Computing

Job Description For The Co-ordinator Of Postgraduate Studies (CPGS)

1. To coordinate the various postgraduate teaching activities in the Department.

2. To convene a meeting at least once per term with staff responsible for postgraduate activities:
- Coordinators of MSc in Computing, MAC, Industrial MSc
- MSc Admissions tutor
- Organisers of ISOs, skills course, seminar course for research stream
- PhD admissions and PhD tutor
- Director of studies

3. To be coordinator for curriculum development across MSc and first year PhD programmes. This includes, for example, project management, introduction of an MRes stream into the MAC, changes of courses, skills course for PhD students, regulations for the Industrial MSc, etc.

4. To be one of the Department's representative for postgraduate matters with the College and sit on the C and G PG committee.

5. To sit on the Academic committee and bring up items relating to 3 and 4 above.

6. To coordinate and prepare the response to EPSRC calls for funding; to investigate other sources of funding (together with the Director of
research and Director of Studies).

7. To keep abreast of the Department's activities regarding PG students,including
- outside (industrial) sponsorship for PG students
- EPSRC funding for PG students




Main campus address:
Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, tel: +44 (0)20 7589 5111
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