The modules offered in each year are listed below.
Year One
Academic year 24-25
- 40001 Introduction to Computer Systems
- 40007 Introduction to Databases
- 40016 Calculus
- COMPM0101 Introduction to DoC Systems
Autumn and Spring
Autumn, Spring and Summer
Unknown Term
Autumn, Spring and Summer
- COMPM0193 Additional Tuition
- COMPM0701 Programming Competition Training
- COMPM0804 Student Support and Wellbeing
Year Two
Academic year 24-25
- 50001 Algorithm Design and Analysis
- 50002 Software Engineering Design
- 50003 Models of Computation
- 50004 Operating Systems
Autumn and Spring
- 50005 Networks and Communications
- 50006 Compilers
- 50007.2 Introduction to Prolog
- 50008 Probability and Statistics
Spring and Summer
Elective - Choose 1 ECTS (should be equivalent to 0 modules)
Autumn, Spring and Summer
Year Three
Academic year 24-25
Elective - Choose from 15 to 30 ECTS (should be equivalent to 3 to 6 modules) from the following list
- 60001 Advanced Computer Architecture
- 60007 The Theory and Practice of Concurrent Programming
- 60016 Operations Research
- 60023 Type Systems for Programming Languages
- 60029 Data Processing Systems
- 60032 Networked Systems
- 60033 Computing Research Collective
- 70015 Mathematics for Machine Learning
- 60003 Communicating Computer Science in Schools
- 60008 Custom Computing
- 60015 Network and Web Security
- 60017 System Performance Engineering
- 60021 3rd Year Software Engineering Group Project
Selective 1 - Choose from 10 to 20 ECTS (should be equivalent to 2 to 4 modules) from the following list
Compulsory - Choose from 5 to 7.5 ECTS (should be equivalent to 1 module) from the following list
- BUSI60037 Accounting Online
- BUSI60038 Business Economics
- BUSI60041 Entrepreneurship
- BUSI60042 Entrepreneurship Online
- BUSI60044 Managerial Economics Online
- BUSI60045 Managing Innovation
- CIVE60010 The Science of Crowds
- DESE60006 Designing Interventions for Behavioural Change
- PUBH60001 Creating Evidence-Based Solutions to Environmental Pollution and Health
Autumn and Spring
- CLCC00005 French Level 4
- CLCC00007 French Level 6
- CLCC00009 German Level 2
- CLCC00010 German Level 3
- CLCC00011 German Level 4
- CLCC00019 Japanese Level 2
- CLCC00020 Japanese Level 3
- CLCC00021 Japanese Level 4
- CLCC00024 Spanish Level 2
- CLCC00025 Spanish Level 3
- CLCC00031 Russian Level 3
- CLCC00035 Mandarin Level 3
- CLCC00041 Arabic Level 3
- CLCC60001 Advanced Creative Writing
- CLCC60002 Change Makers Independent Project
- CLCC60003 Conflict, Crime & Justice in the Global Era
- CLCC60004 Contemporary Philosophy & Artificial Intelligence: Probing Meaning, Ethics, & the Frontiers of Knowledge
- CLCC60006 Humanities Project (Years 3 & 4)
- CLCC60010 Philosophy of Mind
- CLCC60011 Psychology of Performance
- CLCC60014 History of Science, Technology & Industry
- CLCC60016 Science, Policy & Power
- CLCC60027 Music Technology (Year 3 & 4)
- CLCC60029 Contemporary Themes in Global Politics: Populism, Identity & Inequality
- CLCC60030 Collective Intelligence: the Philosophy and Psychology of Thinking in Groups & Crowds
- CLCC60032 Management and Decision-Making: Making Smart Decisions
- CLCC60043 Global Economics
- CLCC60051 Practical Art: 3D Observational Drawing
- COMPM0353 I-Explore (5 ECTS)
- COMPM0354 I-Explore (7.5 ECTS)
- 60024 Researching Academic Integrity in an Artificial Intelligence Driven World
- 60028 Demystifying Machine Learning: Theory and Applications
- BUSI60022 Leading Teams & Organisations
- BUSI60036 Digital Innovation in Context: Stakeholders, communities and consequences
- BUSI60039 Business Strategy
- BUSI60040 Corporate Finance Online
- BUSI60043 Finance and Financial Management
- BUSI60046 Project Management
- CENG60016 Technologies to Combat Climate Change
- CIVE60009 Building resilient structures: the science and technology of earthquake engineering
- DESE61005 Multidisciplinary Group Project
- EDUC60001 The Science of Learning
- EDUC60002 Virtual Reality: from Concept to Creation
- MATE60014 Thinking Through Materials: Can Science, History and Art/Design Illuminate Each Other?
- OUTR60001 How to Outreach: multidisciplinary science in schools and for schools
- PHYS60019 Origins
Elective - Choose from 0 to 7.5 ECTS (should be equivalent to 0 to 1 modules) from the following list
Autumn and Spring
Autumn, Spring and Summer
Year Four
Academic year 24-25
Autumn, Spring and Summer
Selective 1 - Choose from 10 to 35 ECTS (should be equivalent to 2 to 7 modules) from the following list
- 70015 Mathematics for Machine Learning
- 70028 Reinforcement Learning
- 70100 Computational Neurodynamics
- 70001 Advanced Computer Graphics
- 70010 Deep Learning
- 70014 Machine Learning for Imaging
- 70067 Robot Learning
Elective - Choose from 0 to 25 ECTS (should be equivalent to 0 to 5 modules) from the following list
- 70005 Complexity
- 70017 Principles of Distributed Ledgers
- 70018 Privacy Engineering
- 70020 Program Analysis
- 70021 Quantum Computing
- 70022 Scalable Systems and Data
- 70023 Scalable Software Verification
- 70025 Software Engineering for Industry
- 70068 Scheduling and Resource Allocation
- 70086 Advanced Computer Architecture
- 70103 Statistical Information Theory
- 70004 Advanced Computer Security
- 70007 Computational Optimisation
- 70016 Natural Language Processing
- 70031 Modal Logic for Strategic Reasoning
- 70070 Custom Computing
- 70098 Introduction to Concrete Complexity
- 70105 Deep Graph-Based Learning
- 70112 Non-Euclidean Methods in Machine Learning
Elective - Choose from 0 to 12.5 ECTS (should be equivalent to 0 to 2 modules) from the following list
Autumn and Spring
- COMPM0451 External Module I (5 ECTS)
- COMPM0452 External Module I (7.5 ECTS)
- COMPM0453 External Module II (5 ECTS)