Takoyaki :3

A popular Osakan street food

Benjamin Hou

3 minute read

Tako means octopus and yaki means grilled or fried. This popular Osakan dish has become a favourite between my flatmates and I during our 4th year of uni. Takoyaki isn’t incredibly hard to make, but some practice may be required. The biggest hurdle in making takoyaki is to know when and how to flip the ball amidst cooking. A takoyaki pan is a must have, it would be impossible to make otherwise.

Iced Matcha Latte

Making matcha latte at the office

Benjamin Hou

2 minute read

Finally feeling the heat here in London, forecasted a high of 28 deg today. This becomes more unbearable with over 50 high powered GPUs running jobs in the labs. For today’s coffee break, I’ve elected to make a more exotic drink as to the usual dispensed coffee.