Distributed LNT Compiler

DLC: Distributed LNT Compiler


Latest version: DLC_20170212.tar.gz


  • February 2017: new public version of DLC 20170212, with patches to handle latest updates in LNT. Tested to be compatible with CADP 2016-l.

  • April 2016: a new public version of DLC is made available.

  • November 10th, 2015 : the first public version of DLC is made available.


DLC is a compiler that generates a distributed implementation from a formal specification of a concurrent system. The formal specification given in input is expressed in the LNT language, which is equipped with the CADP toolbox that enables formal verification such as model-checking.

An LNT specification is made of a parallel composition of non-deterministic processes which interact by multiway rendezvous, a powerful interaction primitive inherited from process algebras. DLC produces a distributed implementation made of several executables that can be deployed on possibly distinct machines connected by a network. In order to handle multiway rendezvous between distant processes, the runtime is based on an optimized synchronization protocol that have been formally verified.

DLC overview

Installation and Usage

See the READ_ME.txt file in the DLC archive.


Hugues Evrard http://hevrard.org