FSP Syntax reference


Identifiers starting with a lower case letter are used for action label names and range variables. Identifiers starting with an upper case letter are used for process names, range names, constant names and process parameter names.

upper_identifier ::= uppercase_letter { letter | digit }

lower_identifier ::= lowercase_letter { letter | digit }


Reserved words: const, property, range, if, then, else, forall, when

Predefined local process identifiers: ERROR, STOP


Constant Declaration

constant_declaration ::= const upper_identifier "=" integer_value

Example: const TRUE = 1

Range Declaration

range_declaration ::= range upper_identifier "=" lower_bound_expression ".." upper_bound_expression

Example: range BIT = 0..1, range BOOL = FALSE..TRUE


Index & Index range

index ::= "[" expression "]"

range ::= range_declaration_identifier | lower_bound_expression ".." upper_bound_expression

range_declaration_identifier ::= upper_identifier

index_range ::= "[" [ lower_identifier ":" ] range "]"

index_label ::= index | index_range

index_labels::= index_label { index_label }

Examples: [1], [i * 2], [1..2], [i:0..5]


Action Label

simple_action_label ::= lower_identifier | index_labels

action_label ::= simple_action_label { "." simple_action_label }

action_label_set ::= "{" action_label { "," action_label } "}"

Examples: tick, coord[1][2], buff.out, buff.in[x:0..1], {a,b,c,d}

A label of the form a[0..2] is exactly equivalent to the label set {a[0], a[1], a[2]}


Primitive Process

primitive_process :: = upper_identifier [ "(" parameter_list ")" ] "=" primitive_process_body

primitive_process_body ::= process_body { "," local_process_defn } [alphabet_extension] [relabels] [label_visibility]"."

local_process_name ::= upper_identifier [ index ] | STOP | ERROR

process_body ::= "(" choices ")" | local_process_name | conditional

choices ::= choice { "|" choice }

choice ::= [when boolean_expression ] action_label_part "->" process_body

action_label_part ::= action_label | action_label_set

conditional ::= if boolean_expression then process_body [ else process_body ]

local_process_defn::= upper_identifier ["@"][ index | index_range ] "=" process_body

parameter_list ::= parameter {"," parameter }

parameter ::= upper_identifier "=" integer_value


Label operations

alphabet_extension ::= "+" action_label_set

label_visibility::= hide_label | expose_label

hide_label ::= "\" action_label_set

relabels::="/" relabel_set

relabel_set ::= "{" relabel { "," relabel } "}"

relabel::= simple_relabel | forall index_range relabel_set

simple_relabel ::= action_label "/" action_label


Composite Process

composite_process ::=

"||" upper_identifier [ "(" parameter_list ")" ] "=" composite_body [relabels] [label_visibility] "."

composite_body ::= process_instance | parallel_list | composite_conditional | composite_replicator

composite_replicator ::= forall index_range composite_body

composite_conditional ::= if boolean_expression then composite_body [ else composite_body]

parallel_list ::= "(" composite_body { "||" composite_body } ")"

process_instance ::= [action_label_set "::"][action_label ":" ] upper_identifier
[ "(" actual_parameter_list ")" ] [relabels]

actual_parameter_list ::= expression { "," expression }


Property automata

property_automata ::= property primitive_process



specification ::= { constant_declaration | primitive_process | composite_process | property_automata }