Brief Biography

I graduated with a BA in Computer Science from Cambridge University in 1986. After some time working at Racal and ICL, I joined the Department of Computing at Imperial College as an RA in 1989, working on the Tempora Esprit Project. I obtained my PhD Implementing Graph Rewriting By Graph Rewriting in 1992, under the supervision of Chris Hankin. In 1994, I joined Department of Computing at King's College London as a lecturer, and returned to the Department of Computing at Imperial College in August 1999 as a lecturer. Since then I have been promoted to be a Senior Lecturer.

My research interests are in the general area of the design and implementation of advanced database systems and advanced information systems. Particular areas of work are database schema integration, temporal databases, default databases, rule and processing modelling, and knowledge bases. My work in this area forms part of the AutoMed, which is a JAVA API to support data integration which has been under development since 2001.

Contact Details

Email Address


+44 (0)20 7594 8202


+44 (0)20 7581 8024

Postal Address

Dr Peter McBrien
Dept of Computing
Imperial College
180 Queen's Gate
London SW7 2BZ


Room 428 Huxley Building

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