Richard Evans
Honorary Principal Research Fellow at Imperial
Staff Research Scientist at DeepMind
Imperial home page
Recent papers
Recent talks
Making Sense of Raw Input. IJCAI. 2021.
Making Sense of Sensory Input. IJCAI. 2020.
Machine Apperception, KOI, 2019, Cambridge
Apperception, 2019, Oxford
Seek Whence, FLoC 2018, Oxford
Kantian Perspectives on Normativity, 2018, Southampton
ILP for Seek Whence, Keynote at S-REPLS 9, 2018, Sussex
Learning Explanatory Rules, FLoC 2018, Oxford
Differentiable ILP, ICML, 2018, Stockholm>
Learning Explanatory Rules, IJCAI, 2018, Stockholm>
Explain AI, 2018, Imperial
Learning Explanatory Rules, 2018, Turing Institute
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