East-West Challenge: Results of Competition 3 Legend: _______ Entry is a codeword used by us for scoring purposes Coverage is a pair of numbers E/W denoting number of East/West trains covered by the theories for each of the 5 subtasks Size is the complexity score of the theories submitted, as calculated by Ashwin Srinivasan's Prolog program (complex.pl) Contestant is the name of the contestant Notes: ______ 1. Winner decided on the basis of lowest total complexity score for the five subtasks. 2. In the note "UPDATE ON INDUCTIVE LEARNING COMPETITIONS" issued by us on August 3 1994, we described necessary changes to the file 100trains.pl used to score this competition. All entries received before August 3 were scored using the older version of of 100trains.pl. We believe that this change may not have been noticed by John Roycroft. His entry royc appears to be consistent with the original set of 100 trains. While our rules preclude him from winning Competition 3, we nevertheless include his score in the tabulations below. Winner: _______ Bernhard Pfahringer (Entry pfahr) Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence Schottengasse 3 A-1010 Vienna, Austria bernhard@ai.univie.ac.at Comments: _________ Clearly a competition for the purists, the lack of a material reward does not appeared to have deterred the 6 entrants. Unfor- tunately, of these, only 3 entries complied with the rules of the competition. As in Competition 1, Bernhard Pfahringer's inex- haustible program has delivered the goods. To him and his machine assistant then, the Glory, and the associated title of Train Spotter Extraordinaire. Details: ________ Entry Coverage Size Contestant _____ ________ ____ __________ pfahr 5/0 15 Bernhard Pfahringer 5/0 16 5/0 15 5/0 14 5/0 13 -- 74 dm2 5/0 26 Donald Michie 0/5 15 (Westbound rule) 5/0 29 0/5 22 (Westbound rule) 0/5 22 (Westbound rule) __ 114 royc 5/0 24 John Roycroft 0/5 21 (Westbound rule) 5/0 29 0/5 17 (Westbound rule) 5/0 31 -- 122 mli 5/0 18 Mark Maloof 5/0 56 5/0 23 5/0 31 5/0 30 -- 158 --------------Below this are inconsistent------------ aqdt 5/0 16 Ibrahim F Imam 5/1 17 has_load(Car,N) wrongly interp as exactly N? 5/0 19 0/5 17 Westbound rule 5/0 16 __ 85 turney 5/0 18 Peter D Turney 0/2 15 assumes generative infront/3 0/5 16 Westbound rule 5/0 17 0/5 16 Westbound rule __ 82 Prolog encoding of winning entry (pfahr) ________________________________________ % Subtask 1: % Size = 15 eastbound([A|B]) :- ( rectangle(A), closed(A) ; short(A), not(eastbound(B)) ). % Subtask 2: % Size = 16 eastbound(A) :- ( not(has_load1(A,triangle)) ; has_load1(A, rectangle), has_car(A, B), u_shaped(B) ). % Subtask 3: % Size = 15 eastbound([_|A]) :- ( not(has_load1(A,rectangle)) ; has_car(A, B), bucket(B) ). % Subtask 4: % Size = 14 eastbound([A|B]) :- short(A), not(double(A)), not(has_load1(B,hexagon)). % Subtask 5: % Size = 13 eastbound([A|B]) :- rectangle(A), ( len1(B, 2) ; eastbound(B) ).